Do you believe in any god, yes or no ?

Do you believe in any god ?

  • Yes, I am a theist.

    Votes: 22 36.7%
  • No, I am an atheist.

    Votes: 33 55.0%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 5 8.3%

  • Total voters
God is the creator .
I voted " I do not know ".
Yes I do not know .
what bothers me so much is how something starting from nothing ( zero ) can create anything at all , let alone all this huge universe and beyond .
I believe no one knows for sure the original of life and the original of this universe . I do not believe in the evolution theory and the big bang theory as well . Theories are only theories and not proven beyond any reasonable doubt . Even for those who believe in a God or creator the question remains very unanswered for good : If God created us then who created God ?. Then who created the one who created God....etc ? . You see there is no answer to all that according to any science , any proof , any logic whatsoever at all .
Was there a zero time line ?. So what was before this very zero time ?. Obviously there are no answers at all .

I believe in God, Allah (swt). I believe time and space are a creation of God and that God is beyond time and space, thus God was never born nor will He ever end. God exists outside of creation, and no one knows the form of God for He is beyond human understanding, at least in our present material form.
1. I believe a god exists.
2. I believe a god does not exist.
3. I do not know whether a god exists or not.

Number (3), often confused as a middle ground between theism and atheism, is a part of (1) and (2). Does anyone know? (theists typically assert that they have faith/belief in god - they don't know, and atheists likewise will assert that they don't know but will simply change on how they state their disbelief [this will vary between strong/weak stance]).

No. I acknowledge that the topic is unknowable
Norsefire, you are an Agnostic Atheist.

In more precise terms, you are a strong agnostic and weak atheist...

You claim God to be inherently unknowable (a strong agnostic stance on the epistemology of God).

You also do not have the belief that God exists (you are atheist) but you do not go so far as to believe that God does not exist (so you are a weak atheist).

Hope this has clarified it for you for further discussions.

Norsefire, you are an Agnostic Atheist.

In more precise terms, you are a strong agnostic and weak atheist...

You claim God to be inherently unknowable (a strong agnostic stance on the epistemology of God).

You also do not have the belief that God exists (you are atheist) but you do not go so far as to believe that God does not exist (so you are a weak atheist).

Hope this has clarified it for you for further discussions.


So he should have voted "No, I am an atheist".. :shrug:
I believe in God, Allah (swt). I believe time and space are a creation of God and that God is beyond time and space, thus God was never born nor will He ever end. God exists outside of creation, and no one knows the form of God for He is beyond human understanding, at least in our present material form.

If he is beyond our understanding how do you know he exists ?
The question is absurd though I enjoy the poll.
Truth is enmos, the only valid explainion for god is Pantheism.
Also, there is no such thing as disbelief.

So the question is absurd because everyone believes in a god ?
So, to you, the question is akin to asking "Do you believe you breath air" ?
Do you believe in (any) god ?

Belief is irrelevant to the question.

Do you find it necessary to believe in rocks?

Do you believe in Qreg? Do you not believe in Qreg? Are you undecided on the question of Qreg?

At the moment there is zero evidence to support the notion that any of the currently proposed "gods" are anything other than the fantasies of their "believers."

Until that changes there is no need to bother with the question except as an amusing academic exercise in fallicious thinking.

To bother being an atheist is to give the question more merit than it really disserves. Consider...are you an a-unicornist? Are you an a-tooth fairyist? Atheism is just more special pleading by the theists. They try to pretend their fantasies are so unique you need a special classification to say its stupid.