Do you believe in any god, yes or no ?

Do you believe in any god ?

  • Yes, I am a theist.

    Votes: 22 36.7%
  • No, I am an atheist.

    Votes: 33 55.0%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 5 8.3%

  • Total voters
In the psychology of answering the question; you, in essence, must either pick atheist or theist... simply because it does not give a position to probability (agnosticism); not giving it a position and labeling it as indecisive plays against the psyche of the masses. In essence; no one wants to be the person who is 'not knowledgeable, decisive, knowing' of the question.

Basically you will, most likely, get biased answers, untruthful answers, or a persuaded answer.

It is a biased system.
In the psychology of answering the question; you, in essence, must either pick atheist or theist... simply because it does not give a position to probability (agnosticism); not giving it a position and labeling it as indecisive plays against the psyche of the masses. In essence; no one wants to be the person who is 'not knowledgeable, decisive, knowing' of the question.

Basically you will, most likely, get biased answers, untruthful answers, or a persuaded answer.

It is a biased system.

That is what agnostics claim their position is, is it not ?

Besides, what other positions are there but "yes", "no" and "don't know" ? :shrug:
I take more of an agnostic stance than anything else. However; it is not yes, no, or maybe. I do not look up at the stars and say ah! maybe God exists; instead I look up and say it is probable. I factor in all aspects of the human psyche, then factor in our current state of intelligence, then I assume that existence is infinite. While there may be structure to it; based on repetitious formations we as a collective intelligence do not yet know.

So until then, there is a structure to agnosticism that is not as vague as maybe.

Maybe is not a descriptive term.

It is not about making up your mind; to declare such would be foolish in the sense that; to have an absolute answer is improbable.

Plus you avoided the points I made about it being a biased poll, one meant to persuade rather than seek truth.

Your telling me that the logic I presented was not sound? And that it is not a probable factor in the answers given to the questions?
I take more of an agnostic stance than anything else. However; it is not yes, no, or maybe. I do not look up at the stars and say ah! maybe God exists; instead I look up and say it is probable. I factor in all aspects of the human psyche, then factor in our current state of intelligence, then I assume that existence is infinite. While there may be structure to it; based on repetitious formations we as a collective intelligence do not yet know.

So until then, there is a structure to agnosticism that is not as vague as maybe.

Maybe is not a descriptive term.

It is not about making up your mind; to declare such would be foolish in the sense that; to have an absolute answer is improbable.
I really think the question is very simple..
I don't see the problem.. :shrug:

Plus you avoided the points I made about it being a biased poll, one meant to persuade rather than seek truth.
That's because I have no clue what you're talking about.. how is it biased :confused:

Your telling me that the logic I presented was not sound? And that it is not a probable factor in the answers given to the questions?
No, I didn't get it.. I honestly don't see your point.

Besides, what other positions are there but "yes", "no" and "don't know" ?
No, there are essentially only two possible answers to the question "Do you believe in a god?".

Yes or No.

I you cannot answer YES then clearly your belief is absent which is the No option. There is nothing in-between.

The third option comes from a quite different question -

Do you believe a god exists or do you believe a god does not exist?

Here the possible answers are -

1. I believe a god exists.
2. I believe a god does not exist.
3. I do not know whether a god exists or not.

Note that disbelief, or absence of belief, is not the same as a belief of non-existence. Which unfortunately is the usual mis-informed assumption that a disbelief means a belief of non-existence.
I take more of an agnostic stance than anything else. However; it is not yes, no, or maybe. I do not look up at the stars and say ah! maybe God exists; instead I look up and say it is probable. I factor in all aspects of the human psyche, then factor in our current state of intelligence, then I assume that existence is infinite. While there may be structure to it; based on repetitious formations we as a collective intelligence do not yet know.

So until then, there is a structure to agnosticism that is not as vague as maybe.

Maybe is not a descriptive term.

It is not about making up your mind; to declare such would be foolish in the sense that; to have an absolute answer is improbable

Plus you avoided the points I made about it being a biased poll, one meant to persuade rather than seek truth.

Your telling me that the logic I presented was not sound? And that it is not a probable factor in the answers given to the questions?

Answer this question with a yes or a no ! Do you enjoy being a smartarse ? You were not asked how you go about determining what to believe.

In plain English ,a la Sir Earnest Gowers, your talk of factoring in this that and the other is nothing more than a load of bollocks, as is most of your post.
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Define "God".

God is the creator .
I voted " I do not know ".
Yes I do not know .
what bothers me so much is how something starting from nothing ( zero ) can create anything at all , let alone all this huge universe and beyond .
I believe no one knows for sure the original of life and the original of this universe . I do not believe in the evolution theory and the big bang theory as well . Theories are only theories and not proven beyond any reasonable doubt . Even for those who believe in a God or creator the question remains very unanswered for good : If God created us then who created God ?. Then who created the one who created God....etc ? . You see there is no answer to all that according to any science , any proof , any logic whatsoever at all .
Was there a zero time line ?. So what was before this very zero time ?. Obviously there are no answers at all .