Do you believe in an afterlife or next life?

Do you believe in an afterlife or next life?

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Thank you, yasmin, for the warning about people and I appreciate your consideration of my feelings. Being thick-skinned is truly an amazing skill, it is what I believe, one of the skills in life that "separates the men from the boys", along with, knowing what you like and dislike, knowing and doing (not half-assed) what you want to do in life, and pretty much living the way you want to live :)

Take care and cheers Mate! :cool:
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We may not insist on your fantasies being delusions, you simply may be insane, instead. That would also explain a lot.

Some might not insist insanity and/or delusion have no place in their lives as the things they can see and perceive demand attention and take up most if not all of their time. There is also a great deal of enjoyment that can be gleaned from reality as opposed to the nothingness of delusion.

Clearly, you have way too much time on your hands. Are you unemployed and living in your parents basement?

Thank you Q! you 've just made my point.:)
Afterlife? If I thought I had to go through a whole 'nother life, I'd kill myself right now.

Thank you, yasmin, for the warning about people and I appreciate your consideration of my feelings. Being thick-skinned is truly an amazing skill, it is what I believe, one of the skills in life that "separates the men from the boys", along with, knowing what you like and dislike, knowing and doing (not half-assed) what you want to do in life, and pretty much living the way you want to live :)

Take care and cheers Mate! :cool:

You are welcome. Now, I have to tell you that you only develop a thick skin by expossing yourself to the elements. There is no other way.

I just try to listen and see the points people are trying to make. Some people do not have very good communication skills and hurt or offend others while trying to make a point. And I do not think to attack others is necessary their main intention, they just do not know yet how to say things.

But until one is ready, if others sound too aggressive, I just stay away from them because one would end up learning their bad ways, which are conductive to nothing good for you.
I hope there is something after death. For me, the idea of ceasing to exist when I die is terrifying.

I agree!
Not that I am terrified to die at all, as a matter of fact I just want to have a chance to have a different life, perhaps next time around!!?
Okay, I think I see what your saying. But my theory makes the admittedly large assumption that space and time are independent of our spirits/souls, and that there is something, possible other dimensions, or another realm of sort independent of and existing simultaneously with this physical world, which your above explanation is referring to.

So everything you said above I think is correct, but it excludes the idea of another spiritual realm beyond it. This is where our beliefs start to differ.

I believe that time, just like the color red, is a perception created by the mind. I guess space probably is too.

So I think the illusion is not necessarily the self, but the world that the self is in, namely this lower dimension, 3D/time world.

I agree with your ideas, now let me ask you. Have you seen those TV series where they go after spirits with the infrared cameras and the EVP recorders, etc?? What do you think of them? Just BS or if they have some truth, do you think that those energies might be "trapped" in this dimension?
Have you seen those TV series where they go after spirits with the infrared cameras and the EVP recorders, etc?? What do you think of them? Just BS or if they have some truth, do you think that those energies might be "trapped" in this dimension?
LOL - just entertainment - fiction for the sci-fi channel.

You were dreaming and/or feverish. Such vivid dreams are typical for many who have been or are ill or have had anaesthetics. Most don't remember such dreams when they become conscious.