Do you believe in an afterlife or next life?

Do you believe in an afterlife or next life?

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The title is not "Do you hope for an afterlife or next life?", is it ?

No, right. Just do you think or believe in one.

If you mean that we are going to be all gathered in some kind of place where we all have eternity together and have great times together then no, nothing like that exists to me as well as billions of other humans.

Nope. Not what I mean. Not the Christian or Muslim heaven necessarily, but just some kind of existence of US moving on. I guess logically if you believe "I" or "we" can go to an afterlife then you must also believe in an individual soul or spirit type thing.

I hope there is something after death. For me, the idea of ceasing to exist when I die is terrifying.

Same here.

I died once for over 3 minutes and saw nothing when I was dead during that time. So you are going to tell someone who has already died that they do not know, that is absurd! :p

Interesting. thank you for this.

Not in a strict "after you die, you spend eternity in place x" sense, no. But I do believe in reincarnation, and that the spirit is reborn an infinite number of times. To me, death is just another stage of that infinite life; there is no "after".

Ya, I think this is plausible as well. Although, Hapsburg, I'm very curious as to whether you believe that we all have an individual soul/spirit which moves on (possibly with some sense of memory?) to an afterlife, especially after we've made our souls/spirits good enough to be freed from reincarnation. Where do we go then? Do you believe we can free ourselves from reincarnation process? If so, when "we" accomplish this, do we remain individuals or do we become part of one whole (Brahman? or something like that).

I know there is a big division in the Hindu schools and possibly Buddhist schools as to whether we retain indivudality or not.

But if you think about it, it makes sense even with normal reincarnation that we are separate individuals or souls, right? It seems to me like we work on making our souls/spirits better (more pure with no attachments?) throughout our lives and the state of our individual soul/spirit's at the moment of death determines where our "individual" soul/spirits will be reincanrted to, right?
Common guys, where's the optimism. You really think we just disapear when we die? Nothing? Let's get some Yes's in there.

You don't have to believe in the third grade Bible nursery rythme storys to believe in an afterlife. I like the theory that we move on to higher dimensions cause they must exist, right?
What's a spirit?

What's a thought? I think a spirit is something non-physical which is sentient and can act and which has "intention", whether in this world in the form a physical body or in another dimension where physcial bodies aren't needed to act. A world of thoughts maybe?

I guess maybe if I had to define spirit in one word, it would be "intention."
Common guys, where's the optimism. You really think we just disapear when we die? Nothing? Let's get some Yes's in there.

You don't have to believe in the third grade Bible nursery rythme storys to believe in an afterlife. I like the theory that we move on to higher dimensions cause they must exist, right?

"We", the personal ego, or sense of being, is an illusion created by the brain. "We" never really existed except as a state, a particular arrangement of matter. The matter doesn't go away, but that state is disrupted, never to appear again in that exact form. The form is echoed in other people who share a great deal of our pattern through the mechanism of culture. The body does live on as other bodies when we reproduce and can be thought of as a continuum.
I guess maybe if I had to define spirit in one word, it would be "intention."

that word defines the actions 'life'

in a sense; rather than reduced to equilibriate; it continues in time

tap a pond; no matter the size that combined energy will still equal the action imposing it. Sure as time passes the bits that can be collected will be smaller but the total mass affected will be larger.

Note the wave is entangling more mass to the action over time. (propagating via mass)

think of the human spirit as that life, causing the wave. You created the action, you live in the accouting of.
What's a thought? I think a spirit is something non-physical which is sentient and can act and which has "intention", whether in this world in the form a physical body or in another dimension where physcial bodies aren't needed to act. A world of thoughts maybe?
I guess maybe if I had to define spirit in one word, it would be "intention."
Thoughts can be detected and, to some extent, measured.
The spirit can't.
Non-physical and sentient?
Any evidence?
Another dimension?
Any evidence?
"We", the personal ego, or sense of being, is an illusion created by the brain. "We" never really existed except as a state, a particular arrangement of matter. The matter doesn't go away, but that state is disrupted, never to appear again in that exact form. The form is echoed in other people who share a great deal of our pattern through the mechanism of culture. The body does live on as other bodies when we reproduce and can be thought of as a continuum.

I respectfully disagree. I think people's near death experiences and other very odd things out there strongly suggest a spirit, or something independent from physical bodies.

I think the spirit is sentient, conscious, and has intention and thought. It could be an enity which is based out of a higher dimension and which is now acting through a human body in this dimension. The intention is still individual though to me.

When I think about the question, "What is a thought?", it's hard for me to imagine a thought as an arrangement of matter.
that word defines the actions 'life'

in a sense; rather than reduced to equilibriate; it continues in time

tap a pond; no matter the size that combined energy will still equal the action imposing it. Sure as time passes the bits that can be collected will be smaller but the total mass affected will be larger.

Note the wave is entangling more mass to the action over time. (propagating via mass)

think of the human spirit as that life, causing the wave. You created the action, you live in the accouting of.

Okay, I think I see what your saying. But my theory makes the admittedly large assumption that space and time are independent of our spirits/souls, and that there is something, possible other dimensions, or another realm of sort independent of and existing simultaneously with this physical world, which your above explanation is referring to.

So everything you said above I think is correct, but it excludes the idea of another spiritual realm beyond it. This is where our beliefs start to differ.

I believe that time, just like the color red, is a perception created by the mind. I guess space probably is too.

So I think the illusion is not necessarily the self, but the world that the self is in, namely this lower dimension, 3D/time world.