Do you believe in an afterlife or next life?

Do you believe in an afterlife or next life?

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Do you believe we have some kind of soul/spirit independent of our bodies which moves on to some kind of afterlife or next life when we die?

Note: By saying yes, you must logically also believe that there is some kind of individual soul/spirit enitity separate from our physical bodies which is able to move on. This includes Buddhist and Hindu reincarnation.

Definition of terms in poll questions for clarity:

afterlife or next life - This could be literally ANYTHING. This is not limitied by any means to the Christian, Muslim, or Hindu conceptions of "heaven" or "afterlife." It could be simply wandering as a ghost, recincarnated into an animal, moving on to another dimension, etc.

Believe - Not "hope." Simply do you "think" or "believe" in an afterlife, and hence in an individual soul/spirit.

Personally I do, yet I'm not religious and I find that a lot my other non-religious friends also believe in an afterlife. This is why I'm curious.
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If you mean that we are going to be all gathered in some kind of place where we all have eternity together and have great times together then no, nothing like that exists to me as well as billions of other humans.
I had a surgery that lasted around two hours . I felt a real peace while I was sedated . I think that after life is just the same : no feelings, no rewards, no punishment and of course no booze and no ladies.....;);).
If you mean that we are going to be all gathered in some kind of place where we all have eternity together and have great times together then no, nothing like that exists to me as well as billions of other humans.

but you dont know that for sure.
Do you believe we have some kind of soul/spirit independent of our bodies which moves on to some kind of afterlife or next life when we die?

Personally I do, yet I'm not religious and I find that a lot my other non-religious friends also believe in an afterlife. This is why I'm curious.

I hope there is something after death. For me, the idea of ceasing to exist when I die is terrifying.
Do you believe we have some kind of soul/spirit independent of our bodies which moves on to some kind of afterlife or next life when we die?

splash the ocean; that wave will be ongoing well after you are dead

Personally I do, yet I'm not religious and I find that a lot my other non-religious friends also believe in an afterlife. This is why I'm curious.

Darwin is no longer talkin to anyone. Lights are out but his work is still being observed and is a brick in the pyramid of knowledge forever.

You are a rock that can roll by choice; go make waves that are good (support life to continue)

No matter watering a tree, feeding the birds, teaching a kid the same; you give you live.

Not much else but reality left to verify it.

but common sense has you already experiencing it.

to remove the ideas of some spirit with memories just remember your favorite alzheimers patient; memories are affixed to the body.

your afterlife is your splash (what you leave that lives)

the selfish impose their "loss to the common" and will fade over time

see how good and bad resolve in nature when defining any kind of after life?
I died once for over 3 minutes and saw nothing when I was dead during that time. So you are going to tell someone who has already died that they do not know, that is absurd! :p

Um. So basically, you are living proof that you can be alive after you are dead. Or are you claiming that you are not the same person you were before you were dead?
Um. So basically, you are living proof that you can be alive after you are dead. Or are you claiming that you are not the same person you were before you were dead?

I was dead but I still was myself and when they revived me I changed into who I am now, another me!;)
I was dead but I still was myself and when they revived me I changed into who I am now, another me!;)
So you never died. Someone else did. So you have no idea what 'happened'. You have no memory of it. And as we know we can forget things that we've experienced. In your case you are claiming it was someone else. So you have no expertise in this topic.
So you never died. Someone else did. So you have no idea what 'happened'. You have no memory of it. And as we know we can forget things that we've experienced. In your case you are claiming it was someone else. So you have no expertise in this topic.

Actually when I died I was still myself , only I was DEAD! Then the doctors revived me and I had no remembrance of any white lights, a person calling to me or any other type of paranormal activity happen to me. Since I do not remember anything then how about all of those people who claim the were dead and saw a white light or other paranormal thing when they died? Or they felt they were in the presence of some being that was very loving to them. I guess we should also not think they were someone else as well according to you. :shrug:
Actually when I died I was still myself , only I was DEAD!
You are defining you in a way different from the scientists would. You are a living creature. If you were dead, you were not you.
Then the doctors revived me and I had no remembrance of any white lights, a person calling to me or any other type of paranormal activity happen to me.
Which means very little. You could have forgotten, for example. Scientists can see, for example, that people are having dreams, that they are in REM sleep, but often people wake up and have no memory of it. Let alone the possibility that you were in a state that was not completely dead or dead in the ways other people were when they had experiences you did not have.
Since I do not remember anything then how about all of those people who claim the were dead and saw a white light or other paranormal thing when they died?
Not everyone has the same experience. That we know pretty much 100% about a wide variety of not paranormal experiences. See my dream example above.

Or they felt they were in the presence of some being that was very loving to them. I guess we should also not think they were someone else as well according to you. :shrug:
No. I was pointing out the implications of what YOU SAID. You said you were dead and here you are alive. This would mean, if you are correct that you were dead, that death does not necessarily end the self.

As far as your experience you only know what you experienced, or did not. In fact we can't even be sure about that. People who are in car accidents can wake up and not have memory of the last few seconds or even more of what happened pre-impact. And these people are not in states where they would be declared dead. In fact what they cannot remember often happened while they were still conscious, let alone not alive. So you really do not know what you experienced during that time.

You are also treating your experience of being declared dead AS IF it is the same as the state other people were in. But the fact is that there are probably a wide range of states a body can be in when vital functions are down. I have no idea if they were doing EEG on you when you were in that state, but it is more likely they only knew your heart stopped and your breathing. We probably do not know what your brain activity was like or not. Nor do we know if it was similar to what others were in their near death experiences.

Your experience does not give even you any evidence against what other people are saying they experienced, let alone us.
Not in a strict "after you die, you spend eternity in place x" sense, no. But I do believe in reincarnation, and that the spirit is reborn an infinite number of times. To me, death is just another stage of that infinite life; there is no "after".