Do theists know deep down that there no afterlife?

Well, both sides are wrong; it is the middle way that encourages me.

What middle way? It is true that there is an afterlife, heaven, hell, reincarnation, gods, demons, ghosts, spirits, etc.....the way of destroying impulses is the only way for me....
What middle way? It is true that there is an afterlife, heaven, hell, reincarnation, gods, demons, ghosts, spirits, etc.....the way of destroying impulses is the only way for me....

The middle way is not believe until you have experienced for youself. If you don´t believe, you are blocking possibilities; if you believe, you are caging the real thing with your current perception. If you know that you don´t know, then that opens the path for uncertain situations...

If you haven´t experienced and yet you claim to know the truth, then you are just a parrot.
The middle way is not believe until you have experienced for youself. If you don´t believe, you are blocking possibilities; if you believe, you are caging the real thing with your current perception. If you know that you don´t know, then that opens the path for uncertain situations...

If you haven´t experienced and yet you claim to know the truth, then you are just a parrot.

How will you know when you've experienced it all ?
There is an extremely high likelyhood that there is no afterlife, based on our current scientific understanding of the physical world, including brain physiology.

Why do you mystics keep misunderstanding the assertions of non-believers? Some of us may say we're 99.999% certain that there's no afterlife. But a thoughtful atheist will not say absolutely there is no afterlife. Not like you mystics who say with 100% assurance that there is.
The middle way is not believe until you have experienced for youself. If you don´t believe, you are blocking possibilities; if you believe, you are caging the real thing with your current perception. If you know that you don´t know, then that opens the path for uncertain situations...

If you haven´t experienced and yet you claim to know the truth, then you are just a parrot.

Well I have experienced for myself...which I why I speak so confidently...other theists do not speak confidently, they are filled with doubt because they lack personal experience....

From my experience the best thing to do is destroy these impulses, insecurities, destructive thoughts, that is what causes happiness, freedom, enjoyment, fulfillment, etc...
There is an extremely high likelyhood that there is no afterlife, based on our current scientific understanding of the physical world, including brain physiology.

Why do you mystics keep misunderstanding the assertions of non-believers? Some of us may say we're 99.999% certain that there's no afterlife. But a thoughtful atheist will not say absolutely there is no afterlife. Not like you mystics who say with 100% assurance that there is.

What is your evidence that it is highly unlikely? Is it the fact that science cannot explain the hard problem of consciousness or the many problems neurologists face when explaining how consciousness arises from matter?
If you haven´t experienced and yet you claim to know the truth, then you are just a parrot.
And also, why do you mystics always reduce the requirements for knowing something down to direct perception or direct experience?

By that "logic" you guys can't know very much at all.
And also, why do you mystics always reduce the requirements for knowing something down to direct perception or direct experience?

By that "logic" you guys can't know very much at all.

I guess when you die and enter into the hellish-reality, the hellish world then you'll know what they mean by direct experience...

Though you may not go to hell...but some other reality
What is your evidence that it is highly unlikely? Is it the fact that science cannot explain the hard problem of consciousness or the many problems neurologists face when explaining how consciousness arises from matter?
Evidence that it is highly unlikely??? Ha! Hahahahaha!

Let me catch my breath...

It's a LACK of evidence FOR the proposition that makes it unlikely my illogical friend.

And not yet having a detailed understanding of the subjective experience of consciousness means zero. Nobody cares. There are a ton of things we don't yet understand in detail. That in no way implies some universal entity is behind it.
I guess when you die and enter into the hellish-reality, the hellish world then you'll know what they mean by direct experience...

Though you may not go to hell...but some other reality
Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?
Well I have experienced for myself

You've experienced the afterlife? How many times have you died?

Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?

No he isn't, that's why he started his statement with "I guess..", that's all the theist has.
...the fact that science cannot explain the hard problem of consciousness or the many problems neurologists face when explaining how consciousness arises from matter?

And another thing...

Don't you find it a bit lazy and ignorant to just say "well, it's a hard problem... must be gods doing..."?

No wonder civilization stagnates under the general delusion of theism.
What is your evidence that it is highly unlikely? Is it the fact that science cannot explain the hard problem of consciousness or the many problems neurologists face when explaining how consciousness arises from matter?

Hardly relevant or comparable: the explanation is not yet forthcoming, the phenomenon itself is easily observed.
Evidence that it is highly unlikely??? Ha! Hahahahaha!

Let me catch my breath...

It's a LACK of evidence FOR the proposition that makes it unlikely my illogical friend.
Ah...the typical atheistic argument from does NOT make it unlikely..and also the "lack of evidence" you speak of is caused by there being no way to measure if an afterlife exists or not, and also the fact nothing can even be considered as evidence of an afterlife to an atheist...

superluminal said:
And not yet having a detailed understanding of the subjective experience of consciousness means zero. Nobody cares. There are a ton of things we don't yet understand in detail. That in no way implies some universal entity is behind it.
Yes it does, it indicates that consciousness may not be caused by matter, if consciousness is exists independently from the brain then consciousness can continue after death, and there can be an afterlife...

Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?
Yep, 100% certain...

You've experienced the afterlife? How many times have you died?
Well literally thousands...most people have hundred of thousands of lifetimes..

SnakeLord said:
No he isn't, that's why he started his statement with "I guess..", that's all the theist has.
I'm sure of aren't..
Hardly relevant or comparable: the explanation is not yet forthcoming, the phenomenon itself is easily observed.
Why is it incomparable? I get it atheists don't have to provide evidence of their claims, but theists do...great illogical reasoning

And another thing...

Don't you find it a bit lazy and ignorant to just say "well, it's a hard problem... must be gods doing..."?

No wonder civilization stagnates under the general delusion of theism.
No I find it ignorant and lazy to say "well it just can't be, it just can't be that consciousness can continue after death, it just can't be"
Why is it incomparable? I get it atheists don't have to provide evidence of their claims, but theists do...great illogical reasoning
Your obstinate refusal to actually think continues to amaze me:
The evidence is that we all are conscious.
The explanation of why we are conscious has not yet been solved.
Well literally thousands...most people have hundred of thousands of lifetimes..

If that were true wouldn't that argue against your entire case of an afterlife? (Given that one just keeps being born over and over)?

However, the fact of the matter is that Lenny the leprechaun decides who lives and who dies. He does this via a daily lottery using conkers and acorns.

I'm sure of aren't..

Then don't use statements such as: "I guess..", it doesn't make you look like you're sure of much. But anyway, of what value is certainty when it's wrong?