Do theists know deep down that there no afterlife?

Do you think that god has arms, legs, nose ect?

How else could the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world have rightfully/correctly represented us (humanity) before God?

Consider that Christ is God...Christ is the Creator...They said let us make man in our Image...also, when you consider the Incarnation-->(Therefore, when Christ came into the world, He said: "Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You prepared for Me ) and its implications for the rest of humanity according to verses like this:

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

I would say yes, God "has arms, legs, nose ect."
Theists do indeed know deep down that there is no "afterlife". This is the reason for the massive conscious effort to bury the fact so deep in mythology, superstition and mumbo-jumbo that even they believe the myths. Makes them comfortable until the death-bed panic when they realize that oblivion is a few final heartbeats away.

Have a nice night.
Well truthfully some theists do doubt that there is an afterlife, but it doesn't matter if you doubt it or not,

Nice rebuttal.
Keep trying.
You've got "argument from ignorance" on the brain and can't let go, but you are wrong.
The balance of probability is that there is no god: most atheists on here have already stated that if there were one shred of evidence they'd change their mind.
Until that evidence (if) comes along, probability says it's not worth consideration.
But you're being illogical, you acknowledge that it IS an argument from ignorance and repeatedly keep using the argument from ignorance...why is this?

The reason there's no evidence is because nothing can even be considered as evidence...any evidence is automatically a "god of the gaps" to an atheists...atheists use this strategy to ensure that there cannot be any evidence of God...

Oli said:
Again you have difficulties thinking.
Atheists do not believe that evidence causes things to become true.
Yes they do, though they won't admit it, thats why you said the reason you don't believe is because there's no evidence (an argument from ignorance)

Oli said:
How wrong you are: so blinded by your own faith that you can't comprehend at all how people can survive with no faith at all.
No...this isn't an argument at all.."oh you're just wrong, case closed, I'm an atheist" ahahaha great argument...

Oli said:
The evidence was there all along: we just hadn't thought to look for it.
Straw man. Again. how is it a strawman? The medium to measure if electromagnetism existed wasn't there all along, though electromagnetism existed all along...just as with God, karma, heaven, hell, you seem to agree...

Oli said:
Yeah right - we just have to build the right instruments :rolleyes:
What effects do god/ karma/ heaven/ hell have that can be measured (or even to give an indication that they exist and we should "build the instruments"?)
Yes exactly...what do you mean what effects? The fact that something is difficult to measure isn't an indication that it doesn't this logic black holes shouldn't exist, electromagnetism, zero-point energy, etc...shouldn't exist, etc...

Oli said:
I repeat - people have been searching for evidence of these things for millenia - and nothing's turned up.
How long would you look for a coin you believed was in the back of your settee before concluding that on balance of probability it's not there?
Your logic is faulty, first of all the time duration doesn't matter, if it takes hundreds of years to determine whether the copenhagen interpretation or the many-worlds interpretation is true that doesn't mean they were false before, simply because it took hundreds of years. The reason why nothings showing up is because its unverifiable, just like the many-worlds interpretation and the copenhagen interpretation, so again your logic is faulty...if it was measurable and nothing turned up then it would be an indication and ONLY then would your "balance of probability" apply...

So you agree that the theist position isn't logical?
Yes, both atheism and theism isn't logical according to logic and reasoning, though atheists can't admit it (they have to preserve the atheistic faith)...theists can easily admit that they have faith atheists cannot (they want to appear rational, even though they're not)

In all seriousness, that is a great point, VitalOne.
Thanks...atheists however cannot admit that they really believe something is false until proven true (an argument from ignorance) and not that something is true with or without evidence....
But you're being illogical, you acknowledge that it IS an argument from ignorance and repeatedly keep using the argument from ignorance...why is this?
Nope: it's not argument from ignorance, except yours: it's probability.

The reason there's no evidence is because nothing can even be considered as evidence...any evidence is automatically a "god of the gaps" to an atheists...atheists use this strategy to ensure that there cannot be any evidence of God...
Faulty thinking: atheists are not interested in "ensuring there is no evidence for god". God is a null question.

Yes they do, though they won't admit it, thats why you said the reason you don't believe is because there's no evidence (an argument from ignorance)
Again you consistently fail to see the point: it's probability.
After all this time with no evidence the probability is that there's no evidence because there's no god.
It's nothing to do with "I don't believe because I can't see evidence".

No...this isn't an argument at all.."oh you're just wrong, case closed, I'm an atheist" ahahaha great argument...
Stunning twist of my reasoning.
And wrong. how is it a strawman? The medium to measure if electromagnetism existed wasn't there all along, though electromagnetism existed all along...just as with God, karma, heaven, hell, you seem to agree...
Nope: Em etc existed, but hadn't been expounded as an idea.
Once it was then the evidence was located.
As opposed to god who has been put forth as a concept for how many millennia with no evidence whatsoever.

Yes exactly...what do you mean what effects? The fact that something is difficult to measure isn't an indication that it doesn't this logic black holes shouldn't exist, electromagnetism, zero-point energy, etc...shouldn't exist, etc...
Nonsense: all of those are detectable AFTER the idea came forward.
What effects does god have so that we can start doing a proper look for him?

Your logic is faulty, first of all the time duration doesn't matter, if it takes hundreds of years to determine whether the copenhagen interpretation or the many-worlds interpretation is true that doesn't mean they were false before, simply because it took hundreds of years. The reason why nothings showing up is because its unverifiable, just like the many-worlds interpretation and the copenhagen interpretation, so again your logic is faulty...if it was measurable and nothing turned up then it would be an indication and ONLY then would your "balance of probability" apply...
After all this time with no evidence at all in favour the balance of probability is that there's no evidence because there's nothing to create evidence.
Copenhagen and many worlds are hypotheses, which work and explain observed effects (wrong though they may turn out to be).
What observed effects are there that require god?

(they have to preserve the atheistic faith)
There is no faith involved.

Thanks...atheists however cannot admit that they really believe something is false until proven true (an argument from ignorance) and not that something is true with or without evidence....
The ignorance that's involved in this argument is entirely yours.
One could use the same premise to say "deep down atheists know there is an after-life"

C'mon, everyone over the age of 3 knows it's a ridiculous fantasy. Sit yourself down in front of a mirror and say "when I die i'm going to go and live again in a place with no bad things or bad people and I'll live happily ever after.."

If you've passed puberty and think that's reality, you need a good hard slap.
C'mon, everyone over the age of 3 knows it's a ridiculous fantasy. Sit yourself down in front of a mirror and say "when I die i'm going to go and live again in a place with no bad things or bad people and I'll live happily ever after.."

If you've passed puberty and think that's reality, you need a good hard slap.

dear Snake lord
i hope you are well and thank yiou for your analysis, i dont think it is quite as simpel as that.

That's great. Did you look in a mirror and say it to yourself like requested?

Anyway, if it's more complicated than that then give me the ancient shepherd lowdown on the subject and we'll take it from there.
That's great. Did you look in a mirror and say it to yourself like requested?

Anyway, if it's more complicated than that then give me the ancient shepherd lowdown on the subject and we'll take it from there.

hey snakelord

thank you but do you ahve to be so brash
I'm to the point. However, if you'd like me to talk about the weather and ask how your day has been then fine..

So Zak, how has your day been? What's the weather been like? Hope everything's good where you are..

Now.. did you look in the mirror like requested? What's more complicated and how?
Nope: it's not argument from ignorance, except yours: it's probability.
Yes it is, its EXACTLY an argument from ignorance...go look it up and stop dodging out of it...

Oh wait, maybe you're right "its not an argument from ignorance even though it matches the exact definition of an argument from ignorance, it just isn't, case closed"

Oli said:
Faulty thinking: atheists are not interested in "ensuring there is no evidence for god". God is a null question.
Ok then tell me what evidence would indicate that God exists, karma exists, heaven/hell exists? EXACTLY

Oli said:
Again you consistently fail to see the point: it's probability.
After all this time with no evidence the probability is that there's no evidence because there's no god.
It's nothing to do with "I don't believe because I can't see evidence".
What probablity? "Oh its been thousands of years, and even though there's no evidence that would indicate that God exists, no way to measure if God exists, since its unverifiable, we thus conclude God doesn't exist" ahaha great illogical thinking used in order to preserve the atheistic faith-based belief system...

Using your logic since it took hundreds of years to discover that the Earth revolved around the Sun then it meant that the Earth shouldn't've revolved around the Sun ROFL...great logic

Oli said:
Stunning twist of my reasoning.
And wrong.
I didn't twist anything...

Oli said:
Nope: Em etc existed, but hadn't been expounded as an idea.
Once it was then the evidence was located.
As opposed to god who has been put forth as a concept for how many millennia with no evidence whatsoever.
Actually no, you need a lesson in history, it hadn't been until 1820 that an experiment that indicated electromagnetism may exist was put conducted...

Also there's lots of evidence, just no evidence of God that atheists would accept, they constantly ask but deny and reject any evidence (this is because they don't want to even consider that God may exist)

Oli said:
Nonsense: all of those are detectable AFTER the idea came forward.
What effects does god have so that we can start doing a proper look for him?
Exactly, they were detectable in the future, but before they were detectable did they exist? Exactly...checkmate!!!!!!!

Oli said:
After all this time with no evidence at all in favour the balance of probability is that there's no evidence because there's nothing to create evidence.
Copenhagen and many worlds are hypotheses, which work and explain observed effects (wrong though they may turn out to be).
What observed effects are there that require god?
What balance of probablity? "Oh well it just seems like God doesn't exist, its been thousands of years, case closed" thats not probablity, your balance of probablity can only realistically apply if the subject at hand is measurable...

Oli said:
There is no faith involved.
Yes there is, its 100% "belief without evidence"

Oli said:
The ignorance that's involved in this argument is entirely yours.
No it isn't, I suggest you look up what it is, or maybe I should for you:

"Argument from ignorance

The two most common forms of the argument from ignorance, both fallacious, can be reduced to the following form:

* Something is currently unexplained or insufficiently understood or explained, so it is not (or must not be) true.
* Because there appears to be a lack of evidence for one hypothesis, another chosen hypothesis is therefore considered proven.

An adage regarding this fallacy from the philosophy of science is that "absence of evidence is not proof of absence": Not having evidence for something is not proof that something is not or cannot be true. Similarly, merely not having evidence for a particular proposition is not proof that an alternative proposition is instead the case. This is not the same as arguing against something that can, by its nature, never be proven." -
C'mon, everyone over the age of 3 knows it's a ridiculous fantasy. Sit yourself down in front of a mirror and say "when I die i'm going to go and live again in a place with no bad things or bad people and I'll live happily ever after.."

If you've passed puberty and think that's reality, you need a good hard slap.

Argument from personal increduilty, man these atheists really enjoy illogical and irrational thinking...
Argument from personal increduilty, man these atheists really enjoy illogical and irrational thinking...

Argument from incredulity perhaps - it has nothing to do with atheism, (it's a lack of belief in heavenly realms, not gods), nor does it have anything to do with irrational thinking or illogical thinking but indeed the opposite. There is a reason 3 year olds believe in Santa while 43 year olds don't..

Man theists are so damn stupid... (seriously, would you not say that deserves an infraction? If so, why do you do it in every single post you make?) [It's a personal attack - not something you should be doing in debates]

Concentrate on the argument, not the person. Thanks.

Also there's lots of evidence, just no evidence of God that atheists would accept, they constantly ask but deny and reject any evidence (this is because they don't want to even consider that God may exist)

Such as?

Btw, most atheists would happily consider that a god exists if there was evidence to show that a god existed. You're wrong..
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Argument from incredulity perhaps - it has nothing to do with atheism, (it's a lack of belief in heavenly realms, not gods), nor does it have anything to do with irrational thinking or illogical thinking but indeed the opposite. There is a reason 3 year olds believe in Santa while 43 year olds don't..

Man theists are so damn stupid... (seriously, would you not say that deserves an infraction? If so, why do you do it in every single post you make?)

Concentrate on the argument, not the person. Thanks.

Its funny, what you said does absolutely nothing to show that isn't an argument from personal increduilty (an illogical, irrational argument), it rather re-confirms it...
Its funny, what you said does absolutely nothing to show that isn't an argument from personal increduilty (an illogical, irrational argument)

Are you telling me that your lack of belief in Santa is therefore illogical and irrational? Just curious..
Yes it is, its EXACTLY an argument from ignorance...go look it up and stop dodging out of it...
Actually I looked it up when you first mentioned it many months ago: have you looked up "balance of probabilities"?

Ok then tell me what evidence would indicate that God exists, karma exists, heaven/hell exists? EXACTLY
Exactly what qualities does he have?

Using your logic since it took hundreds of years to discover that the Earth revolved around the Sun then it meant that the Earth shouldn't've revolved around the Sun ROFL...great logic
Wrong again: at no time have I stated that things become true only when proven.

Also there's lots of evidence
And that evidence would be?

Exactly, they were detectable in the future, but before they were detectable did they exist? Exactly...checkmate!!!!!!!
Arrant nonsense.

your balance of probablity can only realistically apply if the subject at hand is measurable...
Utter bollocks.
If it's not measurable, and hasn't ever been measurable then the probability is that there's nothing TO measure.
That's what "balance of probability" means.

Yes there is, its 100% "belief without evidence"
There is no belief. It's an absence of belief.

No it isn't, I suggest you look up what it is, or maybe I should for you
Quote it all you like: you're a permanently stuck record.
It doesn't apply since the balance of probability is that there is no god.
You're incapable of seeing further than your own delusions - you have a belief and cannot understand or comprehend how others can function without one, so you assign it for them and then berate them for the "belief" you've ascribed to them.
Are you telling me that your lack of belief in Santa is therefore illogical and irrational? Just curious..
No, I'm telling you that saying "it just sounds like a fantasy" is illogical...obviously

Actually I looked it up when you first mentioned it many months ago: have you looked up "balance of probabilities"?
ROFL...Yeah the balance of probablities only applies in criminal court cases, you know where someone is automatically "innocent until proven guilty" or something is "false until proven true"...ahaha what a flawed argument..

Oli said:
Exactly what qualities does he have?
The qualities of God have already been defined thousands of times...other than God..what evidence would indicate that heaven/hell, or karma exists?

Oli said:
Wrong again: at no time have I stated that things become true only when proven.
Yes you did, you implied it "I'll only believe if there's evidence" indicating that you only believe what the evidence shows, meaning you believe evidence causes something to become true (what an idiot) and without evidence (when no evidence should be present) something is false (what a fool)...great illogical irrational thinking

Oli said:
And that evidence would be?
Well there's the anthropic principle, the many-minds interpretation, ID, logical deduction, etc...

Oli said:
Arrant nonsense.
No its not nonsense...its simple your argument is "if something is untestable then its false" which is what is nonsense.."arrant nonsense"

Oli said:
Utter bollocks.
If it's not measurable, and hasn't ever been measurable then the probability is that there's nothing TO measure.
That's what "balance of probability" means.
That doesn't make sense in reality, only in court cases (you know where you're innocent until proven guilty)..what faulty reasoning...

So when EMF was proposed and there was no way to measure if it existed even after many hundreds of years that indicated that it didn't exist? No it didn't indicate anything...obviously

Oli said:
There is no belief. It's an absence of belief.
But absence of belief is a belief in itself unless its neither belief nor disbelief...

Oli said:
Quote it all you like: you're a permanently stuck record.
It doesn't apply since the balance of probability is that there is no god.
You're incapable of seeing further than your own delusions - you have a belief and cannot understand or comprehend how others can function without one, so you assign it for them and then berate them for the "belief" you've ascribed to them.
The only thing that doesn't apply is the balance of probability...the argument from ignorance does apply and you know it, stop lying to yourself and go look it up
No, I'm telling you that saying "it just sounds like a fantasy" is illogical...obviously

So wait, if I say "Leprechauns exist and they have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow" and you say "it sounds like a fantasy", that you're being illogical? :bugeye:
ROFL...Yeah the balance of probablities only applies in criminal court cases, you know where someone is automatically "innocent until proven guilty" or something is "false until proven true"...ahaha what a flawed argument..
But you like to make up your own facts to argue against things don't you?

The qualities of God have already been defined thousands of times...other than God..what evidence would indicate that heaven/hell, or karma exists?
Created the universe?
What qualities?

Yes you did, you implied it "I'll only believe if there's evidence" indicating that you only believe what the evidence shows, meaning you believe evidence causes something to become true (what an idiot) and without evidence (when no evidence should be present) something is false (what a fool)...great illogical irrational thinking
Wow, I state something as many times as possible and you misinterpret in your own twisted way every time...
It means what I said: not that evidence makes things true.

Well there's the anthropic principle, the many-minds interpretation, ID, logical deduction, etc...
They're all hypotheses...

No its not nonsense...its simple your argument is "if something is untestable then its false" which is what is nonsense.."arrant nonsense"
Where did I say that? In those words?

That doesn't make sense in reality, only in court cases (you know where you're innocent until proven guilty)..what faulty reasoning...
Either English is not your first language or you've been so duplicyous with yourself for so long that you can't take my words at face value.

So when EMF was proposed and there was no way to measure if it existed even after many hundreds of years that indicated that it didn't exist? No it didn't indicate anything...obviously
Which is roughly what I said: but also, since there was no particular concept then the explanation wasn't looked for, and the question of its existence wasn't asked.
Unlike that of god.

But absence of belief is a belief in itself unless its neither belief nor disbelief...
Absence of belief is NOT HAVING a belief.
Lack of apple is not having an apple - you know, no apple involved.

The only thing that doesn't apply is the balance of probability...the argument from ignorance does apply and you know it, stop lying to yourself and go look it up
FFS I've looked it up, you've quoted it....
Stop lying to yourself.
I'm done.
Atheists know deep down that there is a God.
M*W: As a christian, I fooled myself and lived in denial that there was a god for many years, but now, no. Atheism makes it very clear and reasonable that there is no higher power nor life beyond the grave.