Do theists know deep down that there no afterlife?

I have no desire either way on those counts.
You're making unwarranted assumptions.

Wrong: since there is no evidence then the logical conclusion is that it's a null question, until (if ever) evidence shows up.
There's no point believing in something that can't be shown to actually exist so the lack of belief is not faith based, or desire based, it's merely that the subject isn't worth any further consideration.

Exactly, so the logical conclusion is to neither believe nor disbelieve, just say that its "unknown whether God, karma, heaven, hell, etc...exists" but atheists do not maintain this view rather they say that "there is no God, no heaven, no hell, no karma, etc..." thereby making atheism just another faith-based belief system ENTIRELY 100% based upon belief without evidence (faith)
Exactly, so the logical conclusion is to neither believe nor disbelieve, just say that its "unknown whether God, karma, heaven, hell, etc...exists" but atheists do not maintain this view rather they say that "there is no God, no heaven, no hell, no karma, etc..." thereby making atheism just another faith-based belief system ENTIRELY 100% based upon belief without evidence (faith)

Wrong again: after so long with no evidence forthcoming it's more logical to assume that the lack of evidence is due to lack of existence.
I said the first one died and the survivor remarried.

And if every girl you ever wanted didn't want you who gets the choice? :)

You think?

That is a paradox, I don't know, but remember it would be the person's ideal heaven, so whatever that person wants

Good point, but perhaps they'd be two entities? The true soul of the girl, and an exact copy which would be in my paradise

Yes, because being nothingness is boring and hell
VitalOne, if I were to stand in front of you with a gun, would you have a problem with me killing you? Would you try to stop me?
So there isn't A heaven, there's multiple heavens?

Nothingness is to be welcomed.

There is THE heaven that YOU want, YOUR paradise.

If, someone else wants to be in YOUR heaven, they should be able to, so if everone wanted to be with each other, they'd do just that

nothingness is hell. Heaven is paradise,

What do you prefer, heaven or nothingess?
Wrong again: after so long with no evidence forthcoming it's more logical to assume that the lack of evidence is due to lack of existence.

No, you're wrong again, thats something called an argument from ignorance...which is what atheism is based off, pure untouched say that something is false until proven true is an argument from ignorance...absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence

The logical conclusion is to make no claims until it becomes measurable as to what is true...for instance using your logic everyone should've said that electromagnetism, blackholes, etc..didn't exist because in the past there was not even the slightest, smallest, most infinitesmal amount of evidence indicating that they existed...however this was not an indication that they did not exist or were unlikely to exist...
VitalOne, if I were to stand in front of you with a gun, would you have a problem with me killing you? Would you try to stop me?

Well I probably would have a problem with you killing me, I would try to avoid being killed as it is the natural impulse of human beings, its an unconscious survival instinct...
No, you're wrong again, thats something called an argument from ignorance...which is what atheism is based off, pure untouched say that something is false until proven true is an argument from ignorance...absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence
Nope: again - if there is no evidence (especially after so long) then the logical conclusion is that the lack of evidence is due to lack of existence.
Balance of probability, not ignorance.

The logical conclusion is to make no claims until it becomes measurable as to what is true...for instance using your logic everyone should've said that electromagnetism, blackholes, etc..didn't exist because in the past there was not even the slightest, smallest, most infinitesmal amount of evidence indicating that they existed...however this was not an indication that they did not exist or were unlikely to exist...
The particular difference in the cases is that god's existence has been claimed and not shown, whereas electromagnetism etc. were found almost as soon as the ideas were mooted.
Straw man.
How long (and how many people looking) has the search for evidence of god been?
Nope: again - if there is no evidence (especially after so long) then the logical conclusion is that the lack of evidence is due to lack of existence.
Balance of probability, not ignorance.
No it isn't, go learn something about logic...

Lack of evidence isn't an indication of non-existence...only someone who believes evidence causes something to become true would say so (which is what atheists believe)...lack of evidence when evidence should be present is an indication of non-existence......

I guess the Sun revolved around the Earth UNTIL someone discovered it didn't...this is the atheist's logic...

I wonder when these foolish atheists will just admit that atheism is 100% ENTIRELY based off faith or belief without evidence...
Oli said:
The particular difference in the cases is that god's existence has been claimed and not shown, whereas electromagnetism etc. were found almost as soon as the ideas were mooted.
Straw man.
How long (and how many people looking) has the search for evidence of god been?
Right, and before the ideas were "mooted" they didn't exist right!!!? Or how about AFTER the ideas were "mooted" but there still was no evidence that they existed? They didn't exist right?

There is no difference in these cases AT ALL...the existence of God, karma, heaven, hell, currently immeasurable just as how electromagnetism was unmeasurable in the past...
No it isn't, go learn something about logic...
Nice rebuttal.
Keep trying.
You've got "argument from ignorance" on the brain and can't let go, but you are wrong.
The balance of probability is that there is no god: most atheists on here have already stated that if there were one shred of evidence they'd change their mind.
Until that evidence (if) comes along, probability says it's not worth consideration.

Lack of evidence isn't an indication of non-existence...only someone who believes evidence causes something to become true would say so (which is what atheists believe)...lack of evidence when evidence should be present is an indication of non-existence......
Again you have difficulties thinking.
Atheists do not believe that evidence causes things to become true.

I guess the Sun revolved around the Earth UNTIL someone discovered it didn't...this is the atheist's logic...
Nope it's your incredibly faulty take on what you think atheists think.

I wonder when these foolish atheists will just admit that atheism is 100% ENTIRELY based off faith or belief without evidence...
How wrong you are: so blinded by your own faith that you can't comprehend at all how people can survive with no faith at all.

Right, and before the ideas were "mooted" they didn't exist right!!!? Or how about AFTER the ideas were "mooted" but there still was no evidence that they existed? They didn't exist right?
The evidence was there all along: we just hadn't thought to look for it.
Straw man. Again.

There is no difference in these cases AT ALL...the existence of God, karma, heaven, hell, currently immeasurable just as how electromagnetism was unmeasurable in the past...
Yeah right - we just have to build the right instruments :rolleyes:
What effects do god/ karma/ heaven/ hell have that can be measured (or even to give an indication that they exist and we should "build the instruments"?)
I repeat - people have been searching for evidence of these things for millenia - and nothing's turned up.
How long would you look for a coin you believed was in the back of your settee before concluding that on balance of probability it's not there?
Theists do indeed know deep down that there is no "afterlife". This is the reason for the massive conscious effort to bury the fact so deep in mythology, superstition and mumbo-jumbo that even they believe the myths. Makes them comfortable until the death-bed panic when they realize that oblivion is a few final heartbeats away.

Have a nice night.
Atheists know deep down that there is a God.
Of course. Why do you think we behave the way we do?

God clearly has made the universe in such a fashion that His presence is completely masked to simple humans. This is, of course, a test. Anyone that just "believes" given the appalling lack of evidence for Him will be deemed unworthy of heaven. Only those that have used His divine gift of intelligence and correctly assesed the obvious state of affairs (i.e. that He does not in fact exist) will be rewarded in the afterlife.

The rest of you? Hell it is.
Why do you think we behave the way we do?

Because you are made in God's Image, albeit separated from Him...ergo, you, according to this same Image, set yourselves up as 'god'...either denying the existence of the true God along with His Authority over you, or, if you do not deny His existence, you reinvent some sort of 'composite'...a hodgepodge of attributes garnered from your own distorted/flawed Image you still bear and/or your experience of fallible authority figures...the end result being a god who resembles not the True God as He really is, but 'you' such, this god is petty, judgemental, merciless, capricious, miserable, and ultimately, unlovable--just like you are.

Is it any wonder you claim to be an atheist?