Do atheists object to Halloween?


Murder in the name of the righteuous is not murder. It's doing God's will.
That is the reasoning suicide bombers use.

You should know that atheist.
I think most atheists do understand that and why that reject the evil that religions sponsor.
Perhaps, a better demise for you would be a stake through the heart? But, given that you don't have one, that won't work.
I'm through with Cosmictravlers demon loving hate mongering posts! Let's finish him off now! No one invite him to any Halloween parties!
I'm through with Cosmictravlers demon loving hate mongering posts! Let's finish him off now! No one invite him to any Halloween parties!

They don't invite me, I only have sliced dried apples whenever I go out.
I'm through with Cosmictravlers demon loving hate mongering posts! Let's finish him off now! No one invite him to any Halloween parties!

I want him to come to mine! We can worship demons and promote hate together!
why would anyone hate free candy day???
CANDY!!! Not dried apples. You might as well hand out fruitcake...ya fruitcake!
He gives out dried fruit, because he is a dried fruit. No offense - other gays on this site.

It seems that Halloween has a pagan origin. Do non-believers object to the celebration?
I observe that most reasonable people see Halloween as an excuse to enjoy the fantasy that it represents. In the same way that I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy that often portray magic and spiritual things. One who is grounded in reason has little difficulty distinguishing between reality and fantasy.

Those who object to Halloween tend to be the religious who believe that the dark and spooky things of Hallowen are real posibilities.
Make sure you sit in the middle of the pentagram, so your demon God lord can envelope you in a fire of hate, while he watches the flesh burn from you skull and drip into his belching sulfurous mouth!
I am totally there! I'll swing by Why's church on the way and clean out the day care center.
Make sure you sit in the middle of the pentagram, so your demon God lord can envelope you in a fire of hate, while he watches the flesh burn from you skull and drip into his belching sulfurous mouth!

Ahhh that would be just wonderful