Do atheists object to Halloween?

Hey Shi, we're going to need a virgin for the sacrifice to the prince of darkness got darksidzz's number?
I have a really great time celebrating Christmas and Easter. They still have a shred of religion about them, but it's pretty easy to ignore and just get on with the eating and drinking and partying. Halloween lost its last shred of religion in the 19th century--at least in America. There's nothing to it except eating and drinking and partying. So why should we not enjoy it?

It's been said that in America, the two most widely recognized icons of Christianity are Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I get a big kick out of that so the celebrations don't bother me at all.
Its over Why? stop it now. You insults are nearly insane and we don't need another hater of knowledge on a forum based around that very same idea.

On a final note, Halloween is a wildly celebrated holiday that has roots in religion but that aspect as left it completely, I don't enjoy Halloween as much as others but I do find much to respect in it, specifically the way us humans master our fears and turn it to entertainment, it really shows us how far our minds have evolved.
Brad out...
It seems that Halloween has a pagan origin. Do non-believers object to the celebration?
Depends on the atheist.
Atheism does not equal anti-religion. It simply is a theological stance which does not affirm a belief in a god or gods.

For example, I'm an atheist. However, I am also a neopagan, and my religion celebrates Halloween, or Samhain, in respect for the ancient Celtic palaeopaganism which contributed so much to mainstream neopaganism.

Generally, however, most atheists reject organised religion, and are more often Humanists. They practice Halloween because of its tradition as a civic, secular holiday.
Hey, here is a quiz about me, try to guess if I like Halloween or not!:

1. I generally don't like children.
2. I like candy.
3. At Halloween strange children come to my house begging for candy.

Thus Syzygys ..... Halloween.

What's your answer? :)

P.S.: Oh yes, and Halloween is just the Christianized version of a pagan holiday....
It seems that Halloween has a pagan origin. Do non-believers object to the celebration?

Only people who hate the joy of children, fun costumes, and candy object to Halloween.

Look at San Fransisco's Castro Street - possibly the gayest neighborhood in the world, full of elitist atheist effete homosexuals, and yet they celebrate Halloween as if it were the birthday of gay-Jesus. (well except this year but that's because the city were a bunch of jerks and canceled the celebration and cut off train service to the area)