Do atheists object to Halloween?

Do murder rates go up during Halloween? I hope so. Hopefully, it's the righteous offing the demon hord.
Murder in the name of the righteuous is not murder. It's doing God's will. You should know that atheist.
Sooooo...let me get this are condoning the murder of those who believe differently than you? How are you supposed to lead them to Christ if they're dead?
I don't want to be in Hell. Why, good muslims believe they get 72 virgins for blowing themselves and many other up. Didn't you read the Koran?
I don't want to be in Hell. Why, good muslims believe they get 72 virgins for blowing themselves and many other up. Didn't you read the Koran?

The "virgins" are only Catholic Nuns and they aren't to happy either.
They'll see Christ, as they plummet to a fire eternal damnation in the black abyss.
Ok...why has official popped a fuse upstairs or something...or this is just a Halloween joke.