Do atheists object to Halloween?

Why on earth would a non-believer object to a religious fest ? Unless the fest includes burning witches of course :bugeye:

I could name a few things that would cause me to object a religous festival

Ignorance, Superstition, Violence.

Also like most holidays, they may be based of a holiday founded by religion, but there modern day counter part is usually not associated with that said religion by most anymore.
This is a common misunderstanding. God doesn't give a rats ass what you do to unbelievers, except convert them. If you don't because they wont listen, you can do whatever you want to them. Peace and love is reserved for believers.


I feel like communicating through smilies, The one true god.
But they should object. If there are no demons, ghosts and other scary things, then isn't Halloween just a big farce?

This is like arguing atheists shouldn't go see horror movies. 99.9 percent of the people who go out on Halloween don't do it as a religous celebration.
Bravo, atheist! Why aren't you out there tearing bags of candy out of the hands of those little monsters? Would save us all a lot of money for supplying handouts.
Bravo, atheist! Why aren't you out there tearing bags of candy out of the hands of those little monsters? Would save us all a lot of money for supplying handouts.

We will let you do that for us when you start burning the children dressed as witches.
I could name a few things that would cause me to object a religous festival

Ignorance, Superstition, Violence.

Also like most holidays, they may be based of a holiday founded by religion, but there modern day counter part is usually not associated with that said religion by most anymore.

By mentioning the witches I wanted to make clear that I won't object to any religious fest unless it involves illegal activities. Everybody has the right to practice their religion as long as they don't break any laws in the process.
I can't speak for all atheists of course but i think any sane person would agree.
Aren't you atheists politically connected enought to do away with Halloween?

We dont want to get rid of any holiday, if you want to celebrate it go for it. Just because we hold a different belief doesnt mean that we are intolerant of others beliefs. Not everyone is like you Why?
Ya, lets also abandon all intelligent thought, and live our lives tailored to an cross, murmuring payers to save us from the angry man in the sky that supposably loves us all.
But, you spend all that money on candy on those munchkin witches! Can I have some of your money too?
I think Why? is in some sort of religious crisis right now brought on by the Halloween festivities.. lol
Evil is an ever present crisis, brother and sisters. We must be vigilent and stamp out the demonic hords!