Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

yes, but I mean from your subjective view point

I'm sorry, but that doesn't work

what is good for some is not good for others

think about indoctrinating people to believe that it's good for them to blow themselves up in a bus stop full of bypassers, because that'll make them go to heaven

is that good?
Oh no thats horrible

Its horrible to indoctrinate someone with this idea, which is why most religions condemn that type of behavior and have moral laws

It's horrible to you because of your own subjective ideas. To those priests it is not horrible, it's good.
Now what ?
I'm sorry, but that doesn't work

what is good for some is not good for others

think about indoctrinating people to believe that it's good for them to blow themselves up in a bus stop full of bypassers, because that'll make them go to heaven

is that good?

Not from my subjective viewpoint
I'm sorry, but that doesn't work

what is good for some is not good for others

think about indoctrinating people to believe that it's good for them to blow themselves up in a bus stop full of bypassers, because that'll make them go to heaven

is that good?

Is that why the LTTE does it? They are Marxists and they are teh ones who started it.
It's horrible to you because of your own subjective ideas. To those priests it is not horrible, it's good.
Now what ?

Right.......................but those priests are deluded into believing fantasy over reality

What is good by my definition is that which is beneficial

Clearly doing that to a kid is not beneficial by any OBJECTIVE means...
Right.......................but those priests are deluded into believing fantasy over reality

What is good by my definition is that which is beneficial

Clearly doing that to a kid is not beneficial by any OBJECTIVE means...

that's why indoctrination is bad

we're not discussing religion, we're discussing indoctrination

They have seventeen year olds doing it and they are atheists. What kind of indoctrination are they using?

They have seventeen year olds doing it and they are atheists. What kind of indoctrination are they using?


have you, also, read the thread?

did you see that bit where I said it's not a matter of religion, it is a matter of conviction?
No, you only showed a few RADICAL forms of indoctrination thats bad

I'm talking about indonctrinating someone not to steal, lie, cheat, kill, etc...

Would you consider that bad?

i think that teaching morals is very desirable
indoctrination though, is bad
have you, also, read the thread?

did you see that bit where I said it's not a matter of religion, it is a matter of conviction?

is it a matter of going of heaven though?

What is the conviction they have?

In the current intifada, the time spent in instructing volunteers has apparently become much shorter than in the past. Tabet Mardawi, a dispatcher for Hamas, says that there is never a lack of volunteers now. "We do not have to talk to them about virgins waiting in paradise."[6] Talking of the promise of paradise, a skeptical young man in Gaza said to Amira Hass, "If it were true, why is it that the experts and the leaders of the Islamic movements are not all running out to be killed themselves and are not sending their own children on these missions?"
how do you propose to teach morals without indoctrination?

children are not stupid
you can teach them by making them understand that things that they don't want for themselves shouldn't be done to others
and more important, you teach them by giving your own example

not by brainwashing them