Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

In that case, you seem to be giving the neurochemical and neuropsychological point of view the upper hand.
Well, what else is there? Are you suggesting that there may be an actual outside influence that intensive "practice" taps into? A god, maybe?

I'll put it this way -
Why do you think it is important to believe in God?
Why do you think it is important whether and on the grounds of what others believe in God?
In an ideal scenario, why would you, personally, believe in God - what would God have to be like in order for you to believe in him, and what is it that you think God could give you which you cannot obtain any other way?

I'll put it this way -
Why do you think it is important to believe in God?
Why do you think it is important whether and on the grounds of what others believe in God?
In an ideal scenario, why would you, personally, believe in God - what would God have to be like in order for you to believe in him, and what is it that you think God could give you which you cannot obtain any other way?
I think I understand what you are saying and why.

My question though is (and has always been) what bearing do my personal reasons and perceptions, no matter how well "trained", have on the objective existence of god?

The highly trained and accomplished monk perceives god and declares it so.

Brushing all of the mysticism and traditional reverence for such a thing aside, So what? Just a simple "So what?"
I think I understand what you are saying and why.

My question though is (and has always been) what bearing do my personal reasons and perceptions, no matter how well "trained", have on the objective existence of god?

The highly trained and accomplished monk perceives god and declares it so.

Brushing all of the mysticism and traditional reverence for such a thing aside, So what? Just a simple "So what?"

Well, you have your reason(s) to devote so much time and energy to discussions about God.

Perhaps that reason (or reasons) has something to do with God, perhaps not.
It might be a good thing to figure out what those reasons are, and then see from there what you can do to address them most efficiently.

I do realize this is easier said than done.
Well, you have your reason(s) to devote so much time and energy to discussions about God.

Perhaps that reason (or reasons) has something to do with God, perhaps not.
It might be a good thing to figure out what those reasons are, and then see from there what you can do to address them most efficiently.

I do realize this is easier said than done.
I know my reasons. They have nothing to do with god per se. They have more to do with an exploration of why people choose to fill certain areas of their lives with mysticism.

And on par, I devote very little time and energy to it.
Do atheists give their children exposure to theism?

Offer them the choice to believe in God?

Any athiests with theist children here?

The answer to this question is pretty obvious, some atheists, some atheists don't, you can't label all atheists and say they all take this action
whereas all theists do

and many children who grow to become a little more critical than their parents suffer serious family conflicts to stand for their thinking
whereas all theists do

and many children who grow to become a little more critical than their parents suffer serious family conflicts to stand for their thinking

No, not necessarily, I know many theists who didn't raise their children as theists

Why do you enjoy labeling people?

Atheists are always trying to declare the supremacy of atheism
I know my reasons. They have nothing to do with god per se. They have more to do with an exploration of why people choose to fill certain areas of their lives with mysticism.

How come you are interested in why people choose to fill certain areas of their lives with mysticism?
Do you think you can offer better solutions to the questions and dilemmas that some people resolve by "mysticism"? If yes, what are those solutions that you offer?

And on par, I devote very little time and energy to it.

How much is that, in hours per day?
How come you are interested in why people choose to fill certain areas of their lives with mysticism?
Do you think you can offer better solutions to the questions and dilemmas that some people resolve by "mysticism"? If yes, what are those solutions that you offer?

The reason people resort to religion or mysticism is because they cant handle ambiguity.
you're not paying attention

I said where there is no conviction, there is no indoctrination

that bable of yours about what is atheism and what's agnosticism was irrelevant

it doesnt matter what you are, you indoctrinate your children when you are absolutely sure that something is true
you're not paying attention

I said where there is no conviction, there is no indoctrination

that bable of yours about what is atheism and what's agnosticism was irrelevant

it doesnt matter what you are, you indoctrinate your children when you are absolutely sure that something is true

No I was paying attention

You said "unless its Strong atheism" so I commented saying and also de facto atheism

We seem to agree that its not all of this group or another group
You mean like the priests that abuse little kids ? Abusing kids is good to them so it's fine if they start indoctrinating people with this idea ?

Oh no thats horrible

Its horrible to indoctrinate someone with this idea, which is why most religions condemn that type of behavior and have moral laws