Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

Then if I ever want my child to be president of the US I should raise them as Christians, right? Isn't it a proven fact that the vast majority have not been believers?

And if you want proof that God exists (as my Mom says) just look around you.
Then if I ever want my child to be president of the US I should raise them as Christians, right? Isn't it a proven fact that the vast majority have not been believers?

And if you want proof that God exists (as my Mom says) just look around you.

Or you can tell them to join a church later in life (just not a church with a very controversial pastor)

I did look around me, and from what I can see their is no god, at least not a caring-loving god.
Or you can tell them to join a church later in life (just not a church with a very controversial pastor)

I did look around me, and from what I can see their is no god, at least not a caring-loving god.

I don't think there are caring-loving people. There are mean-selfish people doing things in the name of god.
And if you want proof that God exists (as my Mom says) just look around you

1) Really try and refrain from using the word 'proof' - it is ultimately quite meaningless.

2) 'Evidence' does not come in the form of.. "hey, look at that flower, doesn't it look pretty.. god exists". It's naive at best. If someone says such thing then it stands that cancer, mosquitoes, and herpes are evidence against a gods existence. Luckily for us all that is not evidence and it most certainly isn't "proof".
So: truth hurts, kids are mean, or you were around when these stories were being told ?

I was there. My point being that this children were being fed lies about religion and when they werent being fed lies, they were told about religion in such an unfair way which can find comparison in the "Evolution = rock gives birth to plane" argument
LOL, so killing is caring and loving? If he went to Iraq, who should he kill?

Well it is oxymoron, but god being omnipotent could have just made a universe without pain and suffering, even so He does say he would strike down the evil, that really something you have to ask god about.
1) Really try and refrain from using the word 'proof' - it is ultimately quite meaningless.

2) 'Evidence' does not come in the form of.. "hey, look at that flower, doesn't it look pretty.. god exists". It's naive at best. If someone says such thing then it stands that cancer, mosquitoes, and herpes are evidence against a gods existence. Luckily for us all that is not evidence and it most certainly isn't "proof".

Seeing as you're prepared to say what is not evidence, can you say what you would regard as evidence?

Why can't a flower be evidence of God?

I believe in gods and I indoctrinate children into blood rituals and sacrifice.

Like when I bought a canary in a shop, then took it to a playground, ripped its head off in front of the children while chanting Ugaritic hymns. Then I told the children that it was a ritual to take a soul out of hell by giving the undergods the soul of an innocent bird instead.

Then I had to leave because some parents showed up shouting vile things at me.
I believe in gods and I indoctrinate children into blood rituals and sacrifice.

Like when I bought a canary in a shop, then took it to a playground, ripped its head off in front of the children while chanting Ugaritic hymns. Then I told the children that it was a ritual to take a soul out of hell by giving the undergods the soul of an innocent bird instead.

Then I had to leave because some parents showed up shouting vile things at me.

Cthulhu fhtagn!!!
Cthulhu fhtagn! Hail, Fetus son of R'lyeh!

And to you fellow denizen of R'lyeh, we must convert the heathens into believers like us! Upon the awakening of the lord he shall feed upon the souls of the believers first, our suffering will be shortest!
You speak true as a dream, true son of R'lyeh! The world will shriek madness and terror upon the awakening of our master!