Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

I think any form of "indoctrination" is a form of child abuse, be it "indoctrination" in religion or atheism.

As an atheist myself, I plan to educate my children about religion and God. Not from an atheist perspective, but from a perspective that will allow them to choose for themselves. If my children believe there is something more out there (ie God), I would not love and adore them any less, nor would I attempt to discourage them or try to ridicule or force them into not believing.

You cannot teach a child to believe in God, just as you cannot teach a child to believe there is no God. A child has to come to that decision on their own. Parents, be they atheist or theist, should not attempt to interfere with the child's decision process, nor should they try to force the child to believe either way.
I agree :p
All abuse not related to religion of course. Or do you think atheist parents are incapable of incest, physical abuse, torture, degradation, rape etc?

This is not 'areligious practice', which you'll find occurs both within and outside of religious families, is condoned and commanded in various religious texts and so on, (indeed beating naughty sons, (to death), was quite the yahweh commandment). To quote Spider:

"Abuse not related to religion doesn't count as abuse as a result of atheistic practices. If this isn't intellectually dishonest, it's at least intellectually sloppy"

Not to mention that you find abuse absolutely rife in the more religious nations. To cite an example we can look at India with around 92% religiosity and, according to BBC News, apparently 2 out of every 3 children being abused. 53% reported one or more forms of sexual abuse.

From there you changed the subject to suicide for some bizarre reason.

You also failed to answer the second part of my question which I was actually more interested in seeing a response to. If you get the time, thanks.
I think indoctrinating your child into a belief system that scientific evidence shows leads to loss of will to live, decreased socialisation, poor interpersonal relations, poor impulse control, greater tendency to violence and attempted suicide, constitutes abuse.
Religious ideas like thinking God made the world for us to use leads to abuse of the Earth. Religious people tend to drive bigger cars, use up resources, and go for broke in many areas of life because they think God has it all under control. They are killing the ecosystem, which is the biggest act of suicide of all. There is an even bigger act of mass death in the plan, and it's called armegeddon.
This is not 'areligious practice', which you'll find occurs both within and outside of religious families, is condoned and commanded in various religious texts and so on, (indeed beating naughty sons, (to death), was quite the yahweh commandment). To quote Spider:

"Abuse not related to religion doesn't count as abuse as a result of atheistic practices. If this isn't intellectually dishonest, it's at least intellectually sloppy"

Not to mention that you find abuse absolutely rife in the more religious nations. To cite an example we can look at India with around 92% religiosity and, according to BBC News, apparently 2 out of every 3 children being abused. 53% reported one or more forms of sexual abuse.

Do you think its related to religion?

In a shocking revelation, a government commissioned survey has found that more than 53% of children in India are subjected to sexual abuse, but most don’t report the assaults to anyone.

The survey, released on Monday and which covered different forms of child abuse — physical, sexual and emotional — as well as female child neglect, found that two out of every three children have been physically abused.

More than 50% had been sexually abused in ways that ranged from severe — such as rape or fondling — to milder forms of molestation that included forcible kissing.

From there you changed the subject to suicide for some bizarre reason.

You don't think it relevant that athiests are more prone to suicide? I'd say that constitutes abuse. :shrug:
You also failed to answer the second part of my question which I was actually more interested in seeing a response to. If you get the time, thanks.

2) At what level does it become a case of 'child abuse' iyo? Would you say it is only when one physically 'damages' that child, (circumcision etc)? What about sending children to faith schools, (segregating them from people with other beliefs etc)? What about when a parent decides what his child will, (or will not), believe in? I'm curious to see where you think the line lies.

I'd say its abusive when it damages the child and affects their physical, emotional, mental and social health.
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Religious ideas like thinking God made the world for us to use leads to abuse of the Earth. Religious people tend to drive bigger cars, use up resources, and go for broke in many areas of life because they think God has it all under control. They are killing the ecosystem, which is the biggest act of suicide of all. There is an even bigger act of mass death in the plan, and it's called armegeddon.

So your saying apocalyptical theist teach their kids that it's alright to live like its the last days, because it is? Just **** everything, pray to Jesus and be raptured? Some times I wish it was true: I got these really noise mormen "rabits" next door with their 11 kids, if they could be raptured I could finally get some sleep on sunday mornings.
So, forget all the bad things that religion does, look at the good things? Louis Farrakhan's organization campaigns against gang violence, encourages higher education... Mother Teresa helped poor children, Hitler made the trains run on time... The USSR pioneered space travel...
So, forget all the bad things that religion does, look at the good things? Louis Farrakhan's organization campaigns against gang violence, encourages higher education... Mother Teresa helped poor children, Hitler made the trains run on time... The USSR pioneered space travel...

Wait a minute has SAM show a studies showing atheist have higher rates of suicide? I mean come on!: your telling me all those homosexuals that are horribly depressed because of the preference conflicts with their religion, don't skew the demographics in atheist's favor?
Do you think its related to religion?

I think it's related to many issues: poverty, the parents own upbringing, people in general, and yes in many cases religion itself.. If you spend some time reading up on serial killers you'll find it quite consistent that their parents, (typically mother), was devoutly religious and beat the child etc because of that religiosity and uwavering belief in wrathful style gods. It's become a quite apparent stereotype of fundie religious nuts where any girl that wears a skirt is a whore, masturbation is a sin and demands the child be beaten or cut or stoned and so on.

You don't think it relevant that athiests are more prone to suicide? I'd say that constitutes abuse

You would need to look at the why. At a time when a person is extremely vulnerable, (teenage years), viewing this universe as an uncaring, unsympathetic one can be deeply depressing. A feeling of disillusionment, lost in a world hard to keep up with. Parents they don't like, 'friends' that don't understand them - nobody to really turn to. god is a good comfort blanket, and it's 'free' too.

You'll notice that religious establishments prey specifically on the vulnerable. One of my old sentiments is that the lottery winner goes to the Bahamas, the man whose wife cheated goes to church and it certainly appears consistent, (indeed it's why you find the poorer, more diseased etc nations have much higher religiosity).

Suicide or attempted suicide is not in itself an indication of 'abuse'.

I'd say its abusive when it damages the child and affects their physical, emotional, mental and social health.

I suppose it's a question of whether you find anyone brought up focused on a specific faith and that faith alone is socially healthy. It's a rare case that you'll find a religious jew hanging around with religious christians and vice versa - I dare say that such upbringing segregates people, ultimately because of what their parents believed in and shoved upon them without ever asking if they wanted them to. To cite a case witnessed in Ireland, the catholics can't even get along with the protestants and they both share the same source.

Question is, do you think it would be better if a child was left to mingle and find out about a whole range of religious beliefs without parent imprinting? I say yes, what say you?
Who cares if you tell your children lies, as long as it makes them happy? Getting their hopes up with stories of Santa Clause and then pulling the rug out from under them couldn't have any lasting effect on their psyche, could it? Of course, you could replace that lie with the one about heaven, it's the same thing, designed to create good behavior.
You don't think it relevant that athiests are more prone to suicide? I'd say that constitutes abuse.

I think what constitutes abuse is suicide bombers in jihad.
[]I think it's related to many issues: poverty, the parents own upbringing, people in general, and yes in many cases religion itself.. If you spend some time reading up on serial killers you'll find it quite consistent that their parents, (typically mother), was devoutly religious and beat the child etc because of that religiosity and uwavering belief in wrathful style gods. It's become a quite apparent stereotype of fundie religious nuts where any girl that wears a skirt is a whore, masturbation is a sin and demands the child be beaten or cut or stoned and so on.

Is Indian religion like that?

You would need to look at the why. At a time when a person is extremely vulnerable, (teenage years), viewing this universe as an uncaring, unsympathetic one can be deeply depressing. A feeling of disillusionment, lost in a world hard to keep up with. Parents they don't like, 'friends' that don't understand them - nobody to really turn to. god is a good comfort blanket, and it's 'free' too.

Atheists don't have supportive family and friends?
Why the poor impulse control, greater aggression and substance abuse history?
If you look at the results of the study:
No differences in the level of subjective and objective depression, hopelessness, or stressful life events were found

Poor coping mechanisms?
You'll notice that religious establishments prey specifically on the vulnerable. One of my old sentiments is that the lottery winner goes to the Bahamas, the man whose wife cheated goes to church and it certainly appears consistent, (indeed it's why you find the poorer, more diseased etc nations have much higher religiosity).

While the richer ones have structural adjustments and arms manufacturers? That prey on the umm, vulnerable?

Suicide or attempted suicide is not in itself an indication of 'abuse'.

So you're saying that is a particular religious group had a higher suicide rate, you'd just shrug it off?

I suppose it's a question of whether you find anyone brought up focused on a specific faith and that faith alone is socially healthy. It's a rare case that you'll find a religious jew hanging around with religious christians and vice versa - I dare say that such upbringing segregates people, ultimately because of what their parents believed in and shoved upon them without ever asking if they wanted them to. To cite a case witnessed in Ireland, the catholics can't even get along with the protestants and they both share the same source.

Sorta like Englishmen who immigrate to Spain and hang out with the ...?

Question is, do you think it would be better if a child was left to mingle and find out about a whole range of religious beliefs without parent imprinting? I say yes, what say you?

Is it possible?
Is Indian religion like that?

Any 'religion' can be like that. It comes down to personal intepretation and how fundie a believer you are. For instance caste killing. Religion can always be a motivation for killing and abuse, (indeed you even linked to a case several pages back). Yes, before I hear your protests, anyone can kill or abuse etc etc - the issue is merely that you used the term 'areligious abuse' with something not specifically areligious.

Atheists don't have supportive family and friends?

Ignorant question unworthy of response.

Why the poor impulse control, greater aggression and substance abuse history? If you look at the results of the study

While we could suggest that the majority, (teens), will rebel at some stage against their parents, establishments and whatnot, they would undoubtedly be less inclined to do so if they had the fear that a big eye in the sky was watching them and would burn them post haste if they dared do it. Of course it merely requires some form of religious justification and you'll find the religious are no different than anyone else. Indeed a large majority of rasta's smoke ganja as 'religious medication'.

Poor coping mechanisms?

No parachute.

While the richer ones have structural adjustments and arms manufacturers? That prey on the umm, vulnerable?

Certainly. Do note that "the richer ones" does include religious establishments. Dare I mention the Vatican?

So you're saying that is a particular religious group had a higher suicide rate, you'd just shrug it off?

It depends if they're drinking 7up or 'flavor aid' or not. In short one would need to look at whether they are killing themselves because of their religious beliefs or not. I've yet to really hear or someone killing themselves because they believed in atheism :bugeye:

Sorta like Englishmen who immigrate to Spain and hang out with the ...?

Certainly. Shall I take your statement as agreement? It's hard to tell because it's not really an answer to anything.

Is it possible?

Most certainly.
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Any 'religion' can be like that. It comes down to personal intepretation and how fundie a believer you are. For instance caste killing. Religion can always be a motivation for killing and abuse, (indeed you even linked to a case several pages back). Yes, before I hear your protests, anyone can kill or abuse etc etc - the issue is merely that you used the term 'areligious abuse' with something not specifically areligious.

Its hard to tell exactly what constitutes areligious. People calling themselves atheists, writing a 5-Step plan to wipe out God and enabling a group called militant athiests are apparently following a religion.
Ignorant question unworthy of response.

Thats what you said. They commit suicide because they lack support. Do you think theists get unqualified support from their parents, friends, community?

While we could suggest that the majority, (teens), will rebel at some stage against their parents, establishments and whatnot, they would undoubtedly be less inclined to do so if they had the fear that a big eye in the sky was watching them and would burn them post haste if they dared do it. Of course it merely requires some form of religious justification and you'll find the religious are no different than anyone else. Indeed a large majority of rasta's smoke ganja as 'religious medication'.

That still does not explain the poor impulse control, aggression and younger age for attempted suicide.

Certainly. Do note that "the richer ones" does include religious establishments. Dare I mention the Vatican?

Or the G8?
It depends if they're drinking 7up or 'flavor aid' or not. In short one would need to look at whether they are killing themselves because of their religious beliefs or not. I've yet to really hear or someone killing themselves because they believed in atheism :bugeye:

So we should ignore the fact that younger suicidees are athiest because they did not say so.

Certainly. Shall I take your statement as agreement? It's hard to tell because it's not really an answer to anything.

I tend to hang around with people at work regardless of religion, so I'm not the right person to ask. At home, I hang around with friends and neighbors also regardless of religion.

I wondered how true this is in athiests. How many friends do you have across the spectrum?

Plus, just see the interactions on this forum. So few atheists here are friendly to thiests as thiests.
Of course, that's horsepucky. Clearly, families withhold the truth about suicides due to Islam. As if you didn't know. :rolleyes:

But I thought Muslims who committed suicide got 72 virgins in heaven?
Originally Posted by Bells
I think any form of "indoctrination" is a form of child abuse, be it "indoctrination" in religion or atheism.
hmmm you certainly have strange definition of "Abuse",,religion maybe,
but atheism,hardly!

You cannot teach a child to believe in God, just as you cannot teach a child to believe there is no God.
oh really
how do you suppose all those believers got brainwashed in the first place?

do you think a kid brought up atheist with the knowledge of evolutionary facts
and modern science would suddenly give up reason and start worshiping some Imaginary Deity?

not a fng chance,
and all the preachers know it,thats why they are fighting tooth and nail against Science and atheism and even Evolution and want to replace it with Cretinism,
all in order to keep people STUPID so they can Control and exploit them better.
A child has to come to that decision on their own. Parents, be they atheist or theist, should not attempt to interfere with the child's decision process, nor should they try to force the child to believe either way.
then I guess you better watch your kids every second of the day,24/7
and be ready to answer every question they may have right then and there, since with so much religious proselytizing everywhere you turn,
their young impressionable minds have very good chance to get infected with what I like to call"the Virus of loony beliefs" especialy when they are told shyt like:

here,you could start explaining to your kids which god is real and why
that shouldnt take long
Originally Posted by S.A.M.
I think indoctrinating your child into a belief system that scientific evidence shows leads to loss of will to live, decreased socialisation, poor interpersonal relations, poor impulse control, greater tendency to violence and attempted suicide, constitutes abuse.
yeah you may be onto something,are you referring to those Muslim suicide bombers? ;)
on the other hand
if you knew Death is the End,would you be so anxious to commit suicide?

or would it make you appreciate this Only life so much more?

me thinks if everyone KNEW we only live Once,there would be no more wars and fighting and more love and peace