Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

Most atheists I know don't try and put anything in their children's heads. They want them to make up their own minds when old enough.

Ideally ones children would be just like them. Depending on how controlling the parent is this can pose major problems for all involved.
You have to offer options before someone can choose.

So do you think each parent has the duty to introduce his child to all the religions and philosophies of the world?
I think the child has himself to discover what world view suits him best.

When I was a kid parents bought me an illustrated encyclopedia of most of the world mythologies, it was quite cool, and was a good comparison for a child. My favourite stories in it were from the Norse and Celtic mythology. It never occurred to me to worship Thor or Odin though. :D
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Do you even know all the mythologies and philosophies?
Do you think it's child abuse if some child in India isn't introduced to Slavic paganism or Aztec blood rituals?
No. We give them the straight dope... :)

Perhaps atheists would be happier with a system where a child would be exposed to different belief systems by fostering them around, to ensure an equal distribution of choices. That would greatly decrease the likelihood of them absorbing only one set of religious beliefs, values, language, culture etc.

Definitely preferable to where parents decide for themselves what decisions they want to make for their own children.
Theists see atheism as delusional too. It works both ways.

Threads like this and posts like this why I usually don't participate in religious threads, except when I am having fun...

Since you obviously don't see the difference, any further discussion is moot... :(

Definitely preferable to where parents decide for themselves what decisions they want to make for their own children.

This coming from a Muslim is specially hm, enlightening? By the way, I wouldn't have a problem if my children were religious, assuming that when they reach 20 I would sit down with them and straighten them out... :)

P.S.: I would prefer Mormon children with all that non-drinking, non-smoking, no-sex and drugs attitude, assuming they are true Mormons...
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Do you even know all the mythologies and philosophies?
Do you think it's child abuse if some child in India isn't introduced to Slavic paganism or Aztec blood rituals?

I'm a delusional theist with 5000 years worth of indoctrination, you'll have to ask some intellectual athiest's opinion on this profound matter.
I'm a delusional theist with 5000 years worth of indoctrination, you'll have to ask some intellectual athiest's opinion on this profound matter.

So you're asking atheist parents to know all the world mythologies and philosophies and introduce them to their children, while theists are free to indoctrinate only their one true faith in their children and don't have to know any other mythology?

How many Muslims are abusing their children by denying them the knowledge of Baltic paganism, Maori rituals and Japanese animism?
How many Muslims are abusing their children by denying them the knowledge of Baltic paganism, Maori rituals and Japanese animism?

Clearly all of them, since all theistic parents are child abusers.
So you're asking atheist parents to know all the world mythologies and philosophies and introduce them to their children, while theists are free to indoctrinate only their one true faith in their children and don't have to know any other mythology?

They have to teach us delsuional theists how its done.
Perhaps atheists would be happier with a system where a child would be exposed to different belief systems by fostering them around, to ensure an equal distribution of choices. That would greatly decrease the likelihood of them absorbing only one set of religious beliefs, values, language, culture etc.

Why not first determine whether or not blind faith belief systems are of any value before parading them in front of children?

Definitely preferable to where parents decide for themselves what decisions they want to make for their own children.

It would be preferable to not offer faith based belief systems to children at all. What we are doing is offering our children choices in imaginary sky daddies and asking them to choose between them, antithetical to everything else we teach them.
Why not first determine whether or not blind faith belief systems are of any value before parading them in front of children?

Should we ban Santa Claus, Christmas, the Easter bunny etc for the abusive effects on children?

What about fairy tales? Would it not be more edifying to read the Origin of the Species at bedtime?

Or they could change all the fairy tales to reflect more empirical views and convert all happy endings to college degrees?

It would be preferable to not offer faith based belief systems to children at all. What we are doing is offering our children choices in imaginary sky daddies and asking them to choose between them, antithetical to everything else we teach them.

Maybe they should just ban everything that has no empirical basis or contains any elements of fantasy. Books, movies, cartoons, the like.
A fairy tale or a festival is not the same thing as full blown religion, it's entertainment, not something which is designed for crowd control.
A fairy tale or a festival is not the same thing as full blown religion, it's entertainment, not something which is designed for crowd control.

You've clearly been brainwashed by faith based unscientific fantasy. :bugeye:

Think of the children!!!

Hmm I forgot about virtual reality and science fiction. Clear fantasies those.
Its unfalsifiable and hence categorised as a belief

Simply show one instance of a god existing and the issue is cleared up. Done.

Surely, given the millions to choose from, you can show one?
You've clearly been brainwashed by fantasy. :bugeye:

Am I? Just watch a Catholic festival mass for example, everyone is asking forgiveness and puring ash on their heads. Everyone is being sorry for the original sin and the church is the only one which can forgive sins, in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.
Those people are made slaves of that Church system, they are not free to think or act out of their nature, a nature is given to them, designed and approved by the Pope and all his little minions.\

Same goes for Islam, Judaism and most other organized religions.
Maybe they should just ban everything that has no empirical basis or contains any elements of fantasy. Books, movies, cartoons, the like.


While there are many things about which I vehemently disagree with you,
I welcome your action toward militant atheists, like this thread here.

I am not sure that your messages come across to them as they were intended, though.
I am afraid those militant atheists mostly see them as the ravings of a religious fundamentalist, and not as a call to the militant atheists to actually believe and do as they claim.

Good luck!
Should we ban Santa Claus, Christmas, the Easter bunny etc for the abusive effects on children?

What about fairy tales? Would it not be more edifying to read the Origin of the Species at bedtime?

Or they could change all the fairy tales to reflect more empirical views and convert all happy endings to college degrees?

Typical idiotic response from you, sam. Please demonstrate for us all the children who grew up believing and worshiping Santa, Christmas, the Easter Bunny and any fairy tale you wish to refer, and you're statement might have some validity.