Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

Typical idiotic response from you, sam. Please demonstrate for us all the children who grew up believing and worshiping Santa, Christmas, the Easter Bunny and any fairy tale you wish to refer, and you're statement might have some validity.

Ah so its only abuse when they are not sharing your beliefs? Do you think there are atheist parents who abuse their children?
Sam is walking two slippery slopes at a time, and falling like a rock from both of them.
Sam is walking two slippery slopes at a time, and falling like a rock from both of them.

Which is why I was wondering how the athiests did it. You know, not abused their children by only exposing them to their own beliefs. And especially their own beliefs about other beliefs.
Are Muslim children typically taught the principles behind atheism and critical thinking, are they taught Baltic paganism, Japanese animism and Sioux totemism?
Are Muslim parents exposing their children to other than their own beliefs by giving them impartial information?
A fairy tale or a festival is not the same thing as full blown religion, it's entertainment, not something which is designed for crowd control.

Many religious activities are just that: entertainment. Socially acceptable forms of entertainment.
Faires, festivals, local customs - forms of entertainment, but the main theme is religious, though.
Many religious activities are just that: entertainment. Socially acceptable forms of entertainment.
Faires, festivals, local customs - forms of entertainment, but the main theme is religious, though.

You find church services entertaining? I find them extremely boring, and most times insultingly arrogant.
Are Muslim children typically taught the principles behind atheism and critical thinking, are they taught Baltic paganism, Japanese animism and Sioux totemism?
Are Muslim parents exposing their children to other than their own beliefs by giving them impartial information?

No Muslim parents are child abusers, they only teach their children their own values including prejudice and suspicion of other belief systems including atheism. I already said that. Now I want to know how athiests avoid this massive abuse of childhood.
Would that not be abuse? You'd be indoctrinating them in your beliefs about my beliefs.

No, it's an information from a Muslim about Muslims. Not my beliefs, but your information as stated by you right here.
I'd quote you word for word.
Would that not be abuse? You'd be indoctrinating them in your beliefs about my beliefs.

Sam either does not know the meaning of the words...

- indoctrination
- atheism
- communism

... or is being intellectually dishonest.
No, it's an information from a Muslim about Muslims. Not my beliefs, but your information as stated by you right here.

Yup, my beliefs. See?

And you believe my beliefs?

So if you tell your children what you believe, thats indoctrination.

Sam either does not know the meaning of the words...

- indoctrination
- atheism
- communism

... or is being intellectually dishonest.

You still haven't told me your position on Santa.

Do you go around telling children there is no Santa?
Yup, my beliefs. See?

And you believe my beliefs?

So if you tell your children what you believe, thats indoctrination.

Not beliefs, information.

I think she's being intellectually dishonest in this discussion and won't participate in it any further. I can only waste my time so much.
Here I agree with Sam. This is indeed indoctrination. I can't speak to every case, obviously, but my family - and I love them none the less for it - tried with me; my father was intensely anti-religious and my brother at least partially so. I was bombarded with atheistic messages for years and years; I didn't take to it unkindly, merely expressing a joint and complete agnosticism of caution on all fronts. (It was only when I converted that the situation exploded into more over unpleasantness. :D) So...yes, I would say that athiest parents do indeed indoctrinate their children. Why would one expect otherwise? The converse argument is used against the continued prevalence of theism, and one can hardly imagine atheism without the nearly obligatory involvement of argumentative pressure on theism; which is to say, attack on theism, which is part and parcel of atheism, it must be admitted by all parties.
No Muslim parents are child abusers, they only teach their children their own values including prejudice and suspicion of other belief systems including atheism. I already said that. Now I want to know how athiests avoid this massive abuse of childhood.

Don't tell them stories to scare them about non-existent demons and spirits that watch you everywhere.
Or the big daddy in the sky which won't let you into paradise if you are not submissive to your father.
SAM, you can educate your children about whatever you like. To some parents an understanding about religion(s) might be deemed important, to others it's not at all important.
I know that my child will learn about religion and mythology at school, so I won't force my own views about religion on them, rather let them form their own views over time (as my parents did me). I certainly won't deny my child access to religious material, why would I?

I said before that I went to a C of E school and we did prayer, sung hyms, had infrequent visits from the local vicar, etc. Despite all that I'm an atheist, go figure.
Exactly, so you never tell your children what you believe. Correct?

Another intellectually dishonest response.

I can tell my children what I believe, that is NOT indoctrination. But, if I demand they accept those beliefs as their own beliefs uncritically, that is indoctrination. Get a fucking brain, sam.