Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

If they run away screaming and calling the police don't say I didn't warn you.
Not just atheists are wary of Muslim extremists these days.
First of all, Muslims dont believe in a man in the sky, as far as I know, as God. So the stories were about "ya, Muslims believe some magician in the sky created them and gave them the world" or "Muhammad is their god". In an extremely negative tone. And always questioning the sexuality of religious people, their alleged innate desire to kill atheists, their incapability to think rationally because they are religious, their alleged narcissism etc. Overall, it was just making pure fun of religious people and their beliefs or presenting them in such a way that the child would always say "Religious people are stupid" or "Religion is stupid"
If they run away screaming and calling the police don't say I didn't warn you.
Not just atheists are wary of Muslim extremists these days.

Ah, is that what I should expect? Strange, its never presented a problem with my theist friends or their children.
Ah, is that what I should expect? Strange, its never presented a problem with my theist friends or their children.

I was joking. :) But it might be true in the US. I hear popular society is scared shitless from anyone proclaiming they're Muslim. Just rumours though. :D
So, if you told to such a person, if he knew, what it means to be a Muslim, he'd maybe expect you to suicide blow yourself up right here.

I personally know one Muslim in my country, he's learning in my faculty at the university, to official statistics there are just under a thousand Muslims living here, all from former Soviet republics.

So, if you asked that question in this country, nobody would really know because there is no contact with Muslims, just what's on the news about Iraq and Palestine.
And they may be one of those second amendmentors, and shoot me in preemptive self defence. :eek:

I see what you mean.
A friend of my dad does see an advantage to being Muslim in this post 9/11 world though. Apparently he can sit wherever he wants in the tube nowadays without people getting near him so he has all the space he wants :p
A friend of my dad does see an advantage to being Muslim in this post 9/11 world though. Apparently he can sit wherever he wants in the tube nowadays without people getting near him so he has all the space he wants :p

Ah yes, my brother shaved his beard because apparently he looks like a terrorist, notwithstanding his Ph D in genetics. :rolleyes:
pre-9-11 nobody (apart from muslims of course) gave a damn about islam.

If SAM tried saying she was a muslim pre-9-11 it would be an issue of indifference and the subject would be ignored. I think it is due to the intensity of questioning that makes an upholder thrive, since the only thing more excruciating than trying to explain something to someone who is inimical is someone who is indifferent.
And they may be one of those second amendmentors, and shoot me in preemptive self defence. :eek:

I see what you mean.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Better ask in some social occasion within a conversation or something. I wouldn't like reading about you in the news.
Not that your brother should be considered a terrorist if he grows a beard, but well educated people have often been terrorists.

How many people are harassed for being well educated do you think?

Vs those harassed for looking a certain way?

Yeah, that's what I meant. Better ask in some social occasion within a conversation or something. I wouldn't like reading about you in the news.

Just in case, it would probably say:

Islamic Terrorist attack averted!

Why you should have guns at home!

Not that your brother should be considered a terrorist if he grows a beard, but well educated people have often been terrorists.
kind of like when I was a toddler and figured that the chances of getting sucked down the plug hole in the bath tub couldn't be higher than 15% and was a cause of fear ......
pre-9-11 nobody (apart from muslims of course) gave a damn about islam.

If SAM tried saying she was a muslim pre-9-11 it would be an issue of indifference and the subject would be ignored. I think it is due to the intensity of questioning that makes an upholder thrive, since the only thing more excruciating than trying to explain something to someone who is inimical is someone who is indifferent.

I always talk to Mormons when they come and talk to me on the street sometimes. They're actually missionaries from the US that have come here, learned our language and are preaching to people on the streets. Quite a feat.

At all times we have politely parted our ways agreeing that we all have our own beliefs. :) I haven't tried to disprove Mormonism to them, although I have a sportsman urge, because if I somehow shook their belief in the Mormon faith, they would be very miserable and far away from their home. And I don't wish anyone to feel miserable.
As someone who was raised in a "atheist" family, I was encourage to believe in any god I wanted, and we did Christmas and Hanukkah, Passover and Easter (mainly because of the Jewish Catholic Ancestry), I consider my self agnostic, egalitarian, negative utilitarianism, transhumanism and singularitarian. Now I can't speak for every athiest family though.
I consider my self agnostic, egalitarian, negative utilitarianism, transhumanism and singularitarian.
//scratches head. Quite complicated.
To be frank, I haven't bothered that with myself.
I always talk to Mormons when they come and talk to me on the street sometimes. They're actually missionaries from the US that have come here, learned our language and are preaching to people on the streets. Quite a feat.

At all times we have politely parted our ways agreeing that we all have our own beliefs. :) I haven't tried to disprove Mormonism to them, although I have a sportsman urge, because if I somehow shook their belief in the Mormon faith, they would be very miserable and far away from their home. And I don't wish anyone to feel miserable.

Thats very considerate of you. Its not the same everywhere though. With people like Bush on the one hand and Dawkins on the other preaching fear and hate and intolerance, its not a world in which people can walk around unmolested.
Do atheists give their children exposure to theism?

It's almost impossible not to.

Suppose you live in the United States, for example. Then, 96% of the people your children meet will be theists.

And you'll see TV stories about Christmas and Easter and other religious holidays. You'll see the Pope. You'll see movies and television about Jesus and Moses and Noah.

Really, do you think children live in some kind of vacuum?
With people like Bush on the one hand and Dawkins on the other preaching fear and hate and intolerance, its not a world in which people can walk around unmolested.

Dawkins doesn't preach hate and intolerance.
It's almost impossible not to.

Suppose you live in the United States, for example. Then, 96% of the people your children meet will be theists.

And you'll see TV stories about Christmas and Easter and other religious holidays. You'll see the Pope. You'll see movies and television about Jesus and Moses and Noah.

Really, do you think children live in some kind of vacuum?

According to this thread, most of them do. :p