Do atheists have a God complex?

Do you wish other people shared your beliefs?

  • Yes and I am an atheist

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • No and I am an atheist

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Yes and I am a theist

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • No and I am a theist

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Some other opinion (explain in post)

    Votes: 12 41.4%

  • Total voters

that would require definition of the word one required to be worthy to get respect?..

do you only believe in that which you can prove?(prove to me politicians don't lie, aren't corrupt, or actually care about me and my own....)

and the debate about absent evidence or contrary evidence still rages...

The person should almost always be respected. What should not be respected is the idea that all ideas should be respected no matter how ridiculous they are. Note that I didn't say prove, I said belief (as in deeply held firm faith) in the absense of evidence.
No, I know I'm right, because to 'know' would require some testable aspect of what it is you know, and there is none.

so you must 'feel' you are right and not 'know' you are right.......(see it works both

my responsibility is only to share what i know to be true,
it is up to you to determine if it is true for yourself..
it is neither of our responsibility to convince the other that they are wrong..
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The person should almost always be respected.

that would be ideal..unfortunatley (reality check) to disrespect a persons ideals (for most ppl) means disrespecting the person..

What should not be respected is the idea that all ideas should be respected no matter how ridiculous they are.

respect doesn't mean you agree with them or that they are 'right'..

Note that I didn't say prove, I said belief (as in deeply held firm faith) in the absense of evidence.

the meaning of the word evidence, does not contain the words belief or faith..
when you ask for evidence you are asking for proof..
that would be ideal..unfortunatley (reality check) to disrespect a persons ideals (for most ppl) means disrespecting the person..
That's what I'm complaining about. If I thought all blacks were viscious animals, you are under no obligation to respect that. For some strange reason religion gets a free pass.

the meaning of the word evidence, does not contain the words belief or faith..
Because faith is the opposite of evidence.

when you ask for evidence you are asking for proof..
Not exactly, evidence can be something less than absolute proof.
there are many who would argue your point..thats why i think god has been getting a bad rap,so to speak, cause religion has screwed it up..

actually according to websters dictionary;
religion, a system of faith and worship.
it does not mention god, which reminds me that there are religions in the world that do not have god in them..some consider football to be their religion

Quoting the first part, religion is the worship of something, anything, not necessarily a god. Although, some do make the argument that atheism is a religion. I personally would disagree, theism is not a religion, it is the belief in god, whereas atheism is where you do not believe in a god. So in that sense, atheism is not a religion.
Quoting the first part, religion is the worship of something, anything, not necessarily a god. Although, some do make the argument that atheism is a religion. I personally would disagree, theism is not a religion, it is the belief in god, whereas atheism is where you do not believe in a god. So in that sense, atheism is not a religion.

which is why i believe with any talk of god, it must be understood that what god wants and what religion wants are often two seperate things and often contradictory...
whatever man has created for the good..another man will corrupt it..
religion was created by man and man has corrupted it..
i'll give in on that one..right after i posted i remembered evidence in court leads to a belief that something is true...

No, it's not belief in the absolute truth of it, the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt".
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No, it's not believe in the absolute truth of it, the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt".

yes..but man has an inate ability to create 'reasonable doubt' to apply to anything of which he doesn't believe.. in which case the only absolutes are the ones that can be measured..
"Worshiper" may be debatable, but certainly atheism to some degree or other is a form of satanism, at least symbolically, if nothing else.

Yes. Why not add some more stupidity to a patently stupid thread?

Well done, Jan.
some consider football to be their religion

So what? It isn't a religion, it's a sport.

where is your point to counter this claim?
so many assumptions in that one line...
not one of which has any validity..

Are you blind? I already explained to you that people have converted to other religions and to no religion. Your pastor is wrong, get over it.

besides..i am not trying to convert any of you or try to convince you that there is a god..i am only trying to share what i know to be true..

No your aren't, because if it was true, we would all know. You are sharing what you've been indoctrinated to believe.

if you dont want to believe me..thats your perogitive..i can respect that...i just ask that you respect me dont have to agree with not asking you to..

I don't respect cults or their beliefs. They have been the cause of centuries of grief, oppression, racism and hatred. No one is asking you to follow a cult with this history, yet you do.

speaking of which..what is the title of this thread??
why is it when someone mentions god the athiest gets their guns out and start blazing..

Do you actually know the history of your cult? Would you follow it if you knew it was responsible for millions of deaths? Think about it.
so you must 'feel' you are right and not 'know' you are right.......(see it works both

You claim to know God, it's up to YOU to prove that claim, not me to prove a negative.

my responsibility is only to share what i know to be true,

There you go again. You simply feel it to be true. It's a feeling. Nothing more. Get over it.

it is neither of our responsibility to convince the other that they are wrong..

Ah, but I know you are wrong. God is logically impossible.
It seems like this to me, I often feel like they are trying to cram their ideas down my throat.

Ideas like reality, for example?

They often get very insulting at times when you disagree with them, as if they re frustrated at their lack of ability to manipulate other people into thinking like they do.

So, when you disagree with reality in favor of your fantasies, you are confused others might get frustrated with your fantasies?

More and more I pity the atheists, atheism seems almost like some sort of epidemic of the mind that has spread about, a sickness so to say.

Reality is a sickness?

If there weren't so many that repeatedly kept trying to use the word religion as if it were a bad one, calling anyone who believes in god a crackpot, and pretending like they are in the majority (yes, I have encountered this bolony many times now), then my thoughts would differ. The biggest problem with the hardcore atheist is their lack of respect for the believers, the faith given, and so in retaliation to their offensive behavior those with faith give them slack.

Gee, that might be a result of any number of things, like the bloodshed, death, oppression, bigotry and hatred YOUR RELIGION has promoted and actioned over the millennium. We are supposed to respect that?

Also, these things become their greatest weakness when pointed out with care, as long as one remembers that most people favor freedom of thought, and not the atheistic "think like me or you are stupid" ideas many of them parade.

That is exactly how your cult works, think like the cult member or you are a heretic, satanist, whatever...

Why am I so harsh...I hit back!

Yes, as a theist, you would.
I would like if people believed what I believe, but I have no urge to force others to believe it.
besides..i am not trying to convert any of you or try to convince you that there is a god..i am only trying to share what i know to be true..

No your aren't, because if it was true, we would all know. You are sharing what you've been indoctrinated to believe.

lol...if everyone shared the same truths..there would be no need for these discussions as we all would agree with each other..

and ive been trying to figure out a way to throw that word in here(indoctrinated) unfortunatly(for your arguement) it doesnt apply to this case, as i said i dont believe as others do.(im not a 'do as your told' everytime you pidgeon hole ME into the typical theist stereotype you keep showing how (insert word here) you keep trying to make me something i am not, does that help you to justify your complete lack of respect?


You claim to know God, it's up to YOU to prove that claim, not me to prove a negative.

i claim to believe in him...i also claim i cant prove him to you,specially since you aren't seeking to understand him, you are seeking to kill him..and to that end would turn any arguement for him into a weapon for your own purpose..

Ah, but I know you are wrong. God is logically impossible.

god is not logic...and im done with this arguement..
i claim to believe in him...i also claim i cant prove him to you

The above makes this...
since you aren't seeking to understand him, you are seeking to kill him.


Squirrel: If belief is not proof then how can you say atheists are doing this and that against Him unless you know He is real.

I think you are very close to saying good riddance to theistic belief and if so, then what is holding you back?
Squirrel: If belief is not proof then how can you say atheists are doing this and that against Him unless you know He is real.

I think you are very close to saying good riddance to theistic belief and if so, then what is holding you back?

personally i think the atheist arguements are against all those theist who are trying to dictate how one should think/feel/believe not necesarily against god the only thing we truly know about god is communicated through those saying god is supposed to be a good thing, if ppl are making him out to be a bad thing then maybe we should rethink what god is supposed to be about..

and maybe its more of saying good riddance to detrimental theistic belief (that which creates aninomity (sp?) to god)

its not god who is telling everybody how worthless they are, its ppl who are doing that..(this applies to both sides of the god issue)

lol...if everyone shared the same truths..there would be no need for these discussions as we all would agree with each other..

Exactly, so could you kindly explain why we don't all agree there is one god, the god that you believe?

(im not a 'do as your told' theist.

Yes, you are.

so everytime you pidgeon hole ME into the typical theist stereotype you keep showing how (insert word here) you keep trying to make me something i am not, does that help you to justify your complete lack of respect?

But, you are the typical theist with typical cult beliefs and the typical ignorant arguments.

Get over it.
the title of this thread is 'do atheist have a god complex?'

it is obvious to me reading and as a theist, that alot of the atheist that have posted,do..they cannot seperate the human nature of humanity with any concept of a god..they always argue against christianity/religion as if god was responsible for the actions of his followers, to me that couldnt be farther from the truth, it would be the same as letting the excuse 'the devil made me do it' be admissable in court..

so to answer the question of 'do atheist have a god complex' i would have to vote an emphatic YES! simply cause any mention of god sends them into a 'god doesn't exist' attitude of which there is no reasoning..( yes there are theist that do the same..)