Do atheists have a God complex?

Do you wish other people shared your beliefs?

  • Yes and I am an atheist

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • No and I am an atheist

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Yes and I am a theist

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • No and I am a theist

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Some other opinion (explain in post)

    Votes: 12 41.4%

  • Total voters
You definitely are what you write. You don't like one man's attempt to control others yet you go to a priest so he can set you straight then have him convince you that no one can convince anyone else. TIME OUT!!!!

you assume i went to him so he can set me straight...i communicated with him about how i was argueing about god..and he shared with me a story involving another person just to communicate the personal aspect of god..the set me straight is my words not meant to be taken so literally..
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Religion is the belief in god, also.

there are many who would argue your point..thats why i think god has been getting a bad rap,so to speak, cause religion has screwed it up..

actually according to websters dictionary;
religion, a system of faith and worship.
it does not mention god, which reminds me that there are religions in the world that do not have god in them..some consider football to be their religion

Too bad, your pastor is dead wrong. Clearly, he has no idea what he's talking about and is obviously lying to you.

where is your point to counter this claim?
so many assumptions in that one line...
not one of which has any validity..

besides..i am not trying to convert any of you or try to convince you that there is a god..i am only trying to share what i know to be true..if you dont want to believe me..thats your perogitive..i can respect that...i just ask that you respect me dont have to agree with not asking you to..

speaking of which..what is the title of this thread??
why is it when someone mentions god the athiest gets their guns out and start blazing..
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What a hypocrite you are!
Then why post threads that try to preach your subjective views all over this forum? The above example was a testimony to that.
Look Bizza, it's called a religious forum. People posit positions that differ greatly with your life-long belief. Get over it.

For some reason most believers think atheism = satan worshiper.

"Worshiper" may be debatable, but certainly atheism to some degree or other
is a form of satanism, at least symbolically, if nothing else.

Is this present in all atheists to some extent? Do all atheists wish people believed like them?
I cant speak for all atheists but personally yes. However I wouldn't force them into it, but allow them to come to thier own conclusions. And I guess it should work the other way.
Not the usual atheist bashing thread. But I am curious. It would seem that most ardent and "militant" atheists have a God complex and want control over what other people should believe.

Is this present in all atheists to some extent? Do all atheists wish people believed like them?

It seems like this to me, I often feel like they are trying to cram their ideas down my throat. They often get very insulting at times when you disagree with them, as if they re frustrated at their lack of ability to manipulate other people into thinking like they do.

More and more I pity the atheists, atheism seems almost like some sort of epidemic of the mind that has spread about, a sickness so to say. If there weren't so many that repeatedly kept trying to use the word religion as if it were a bad one, calling anyone who believes in god a crackpot, and pretending like they are in the majority (yes, I have encountered this bolony many times now), then my thoughts would differ. The biggest problem with the hardcore atheist is their lack of respect for the believers, the faith given, and so in retaliation to their offensive behavior those with faith give them slack.

Also, these things become their greatest weakness when pointed out with care, as long as one remembers that most people favor freedom of thought, and not the atheistic "think like me or you are stupid" ideas many of them parade. Why am I so harsh...well if someone offends me I will reflect their behavior back at them, just because I have faith does not mean I will endure their insults!

I'm not Gandhi, I hit back!
I cant speak for all atheists but personally yes. However I wouldn't force them into it, but allow them to come to thier own conclusions. And I guess it should work the other way.

Is your belief correct, why you would want all to believe like you?
Has it occured to you that theists do come to their own conclusions?

Faith in religion is not the same as faith in God - it is faith in man. Specifically the person who created and the people who interpreted and manipulated the religion.

While God may or may not be man-made, religion certainly is.
Is your belief correct, why you would want all to believe like you?
If my belief was correct then I certainly would want others to belive the same. Unless I had an advantage to others believing a lie, which is possible.

Has it occured to you that theists do come to their own conclusions?
Yes I implied they might have done. But the question (for me anyway) will never go away.
It seems like this to me, I often feel like they are trying to cram their ideas down my throat. They often get very insulting at times when you disagree with them, as if they re frustrated at their lack of ability to manipulate other people into thinking like they do.

This has been my experience as well.
I'm not Gandhi, I hit back!
Me too!!!:p
... But I am curious. It would seem that most ardent and "militant" atheists have a God complex and want control over what other people should believe.

Typical blind supposition.
I have never encountered any atheist who expressed any desire whatsoever to 'convert' theists. There is a distinct difference between wishing that a person would think as they themself do, and thinking that a person is deluded....

Just because a theist may think it their duty to proselytize, this doesn't mean that those of an (apparent) opposite 'belief' must do so.
I'm an atheist and my kids go to church. Well, my son no longer does, but my daughter is even in the church choir.

I think its important for people to find their own way. I don't wish others followed my belief, I just wish believers were more tolerant of mine. For some reason most believers think atheism = satan worshiper.

Do you not think it is your duty as a mom to teach your kids what you believe in ?. After all you are an Atheist because you do not believe in religions and in God as seen by religions . Is it ethical and moral to let our children take the wrong way when we turn our backs on the same route ?.
Faith in religion is not the same as faith in God - it is faith in man. Specifically the person who created and the people who interpreted and manipulated the religion.

While God may or may not be man-made, religion certainly is.


then the question becomes not how screwed up is religion..but what was god supposed to be about?..

Why should a belief held in the absense of evidence or in light of contrary evidence be considered worthy of respect?

that would require definition of the word one required to be worthy to get respect?..

do you only believe in that which you can prove?(prove to me politicians don't lie, aren't corrupt, or actually care about me and my own....)

and the debate about absent evidence or contrary evidence still rages...
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