Do atheists have a God complex?

Do you wish other people shared your beliefs?

  • Yes and I am an atheist

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • No and I am an atheist

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Yes and I am a theist

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • No and I am a theist

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Some other opinion (explain in post)

    Votes: 12 41.4%

  • Total voters
Originally I was going use doctor-patient analogy. How about psychiatrist/psychologist to patient re diagnosis.....attacking? It has been perceived as such.

what does it have to do with the question? If you don't want to answer it, why bother posting in the thread?
what does it have to do with the question? If you don't want to answer it, why bother posting in the thread?

I did it my way because the questions are the result of delusional thinking. Therefore only one answer would suffice the author. I'm not prepared to fall into that trap and further the delusional state. Doesn't matter if I answer yes or no, the author's mind is made up. There is no value to answering directly. So I didn't. Hope that clears things up. Gotta go.
Here is an excellent example of the type of post I was referring to

Bizza, you're on the wrong side of history. But, to tell you the truth, I'm not interested in "converting" the world to atheism. As a matter of fact I think people should have a religion or superstitious belief of some kind or another. And this is where I understand Mohammad much better than you. You see, he was an atheist like me. How do I know this? Well, I'll let you in a on a little secret - there's really no Xenu's or Allah. It's all made up. Only an atheist would dare to make up a God. Why? To control little hot head shits like you. Now Mohammad was a man of his times. His times are gone. We're making a new religion for you right now. You're just to simple to know it. For example, in Mohammad's time he took slaves as that was normal. Now it's not. Now you probably don't even think Mohammad had slaves. They were "followers". That's called revisionism. People like me do it to control little shits like you.

And we do.

So, no, I don't mind the world is religious. It should be. People like Mohammad and I are the ones making up the religion you are believing. In a real sense you are our bitch. Your just too stupid to see it.

Funny that,
nope, and I'm atheist. I don't have a Gods or Goddesses or Xenu complex. there's other things much more important to me than a person's belief - like if they like to drink beer and what kind of beer they like. do they shout or sting? these are important to me...
nope, and I'm atheist. I don't have a Gods or Goddesses or Xenu complex. there's other things much more important to me than a person's belief - like if they like to drink beer and what kind of beer they like. do they shout or sting? these are important to me...
What a hypocrite you are!
Then why post threads that try to preach your subjective views all over this forum? The above example was a testimony to that.
she just asked a question. Why the attack?

Oh please. If I asked the question;

"S.A.M. are you a C*NT?"

I'd get banned probably.

Her question was loaded so as to bash atheists yet again. It's just more atheist bashing. I don't know why she's so rabid about this, but it's bordering on pathology.
Loaded question for numerous reasons. Among other things there is a difference between "wish" and "convert", "encourage" or "force" which is what you're actually talking about. So as usual I abstain.
I wish other people held rationality in the same regard that I did, but that is not the same as wanting to control their thoughts. It seems to be an unspoken assumption among religious people that one's beliefs automatically lead to imposing them on others, I just that has just become ingrained on their psyche.
I am an atheist° and I don't give a shit what other people believe as long as they don't attempt to foist their beliefs off on me.

°I call myself an "atheist" because I think there's no god, but I'm
open to the possibility if there is ever any demonstrable proof.
I think most people, when they find what they see as truth, want to share that truth with others.
They believe that either they have found the Truth (capital T) and assume that if they can just show others the path those others must necessarily come to the same conclusion - or they think they have found a truth and their compassion compels them to share it with others because they think it will bring them the same pleasure/release/freedom/etc as it brought them - or they think they have found Truth and their arrogance compels them to berate or control the "fools" or "evil ones".
I suppose I guess I wished people believed as I do. You know, religious thing. But if they don't, that's their choice.

Of course, they'll burn in the fires of eternal hell. :shrug: What me do?
i believe in god..
i do not believe in religion..
(as if i need to rehash

religion is one mans attempt to control others..
my pastor actually just set me straight on a certain point..
belief in god is a personal thing..there is NO WAY one person can CONVINCE another person that god exists, much less change their mind about is something each of us has to form our own opinion about..

as with every social group there will be good and bad ppl in it..just cause a person says they believe in god does not make them a good person..same with atheist..just cause they don't believe in god does not make them a bad person..
This is strange, no atheist here thinks all theists should abandon their beliefs and become more like them?

Islam makes those demands. Abandon ones beliefs or non-beliefs in god and be just like a Muslim and believe in Allah.
i believe in god..
i do not believe in religion..

That's what religion is, believing in gods.

my pastor actually just set me straight on a certain point..
belief in god is a personal thing..there is NO WAY one person can CONVINCE another person that god exists, much less change their mind about is something each of us has to form our own opinion about..

Your pastor is wrong, many people have converted to other religions or no religion. They obviously changed their minds.
That's what religion is, believing in gods.

religion is the orginazation of ppl who share the same beliefs in god..

Your pastor is wrong, many people have converted to other religions or no religion. They obviously changed their minds.

when ppl get converted they either already suspect there is a god and are looking to confirm their belief,(an avid atheist wont be converted)
and there is a responsibility issue that i dont think i can communicate very has to do with the 'do as your told' attitude..they dont want to take responsibility for their own actions so they believe that a leader of a church will not steer them wrong so maybe if they just do as they are told by that leader they will be ok..
and i dont appreciate the 'your pastor is wrong' part as it is subjective to what you would believe in..
i believe in god..
i do not believe in religion..

religion is one mans attempt to control others..
my pastor actually just set me straight on a certain point..
belief in god is a personal thing..there is NO WAY one person can CONVINCE another person that god exists, much less change their mind about is something each of us has to form our own opinion about..

You definitely are what you write. You don't like one man's attempt to control others yet you go to a priest so he can set you straight then have him convince you that no one can convince anyone else. TIME OUT!!!!
religion is the orginazation of ppl who share the same beliefs in god..

Religion is the belief in god, also.

and i dont appreciate the 'your pastor is wrong' part as it is subjective to what you would believe in..

Too bad, your pastor is dead wrong. Clearly, he has no idea what he's talking about and is obviously lying to you.