Do atheists celebrate on religious festivals?

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In fact some sociaties demand adherance to religious festives from those who dont belive it. Two examples would be the forced closure of ALL buiness good friday and chirstmas day. A funny story about that, most families go away good friday, the state goverment of victoria passed a law forcing all buinesses with over 100 (i think) employee's to close that day but they didnt think about the laws properly. That ment that petrol stations which are atached to oil companies like shell and BP were ALSO forced to close. We had the strange site of the premure on TV and radio TELLING petrol stations to break the law and that they would fix it retrospectivly as soon as parliment went back.

this is also shown in indonesia where no food stores are alowed to open in most of indonesia during daylight hours during rumadum

Christmas is almost mandatory here. Everyone is free and the stores are closed.
I am an atheist and I celebrate Christmas in much the same way as anyone else.
In all the family Christmas celebrations in the past there has been no religious implications.
enmos, adelaide is so backwards that all the shops shut 5:00pm sunday's and nothing opens on public holidays. All the other states have stoped doing this and its up to stores wether they open and pay there employee's penelty rates or wether they close. Most open because there are alot more shoppers ect on a public holiday but for some reason SA is STILL stuck in the dark ages
enmos, adelaide is so backwards that all the shops shut 5:00pm sunday's and nothing opens on public holidays. All the other states have stoped doing this and its up to stores wether they open and pay there employee's penelty rates or wether they close. Most open because there are alot more shoppers ect on a public holiday but for some reason SA is STILL stuck in the dark ages

The stores are ALWAYS closed on Sundays here, because it's resting day..
There are forbidden to open, apart from special occasions.
where the hell do you live?

God your city must be dead, the weekend is ment to be a time to relax and do the things that you cant do during the week (including the shopping)
We used to have something similar here in Texas, called "the blue law", which did not allow certain stores to be open on also couldn't sell beer or wine on Sunday. They repealed it about 15 years ago.
where the hell do you live?

God your city must be dead, the weekend is ment to be a time to relax and do the things that you cant do during the week (including the shopping)

I believe he lives in the Netherland. Here in Germany, too, every Sunday all shops
must be closed.

You are right about the shops in Indonesia are closed during Ramadan (fasting
month), but it is not a mandatory. Restaurant, bar, etc., can still open, but
normally they close their curtains (their doors are still open) to respect those
who are fasting.
did you guys know that sunday wasnt even the "rest day" for catholics and there for christans origionally. I cant rember when it was changed or why but i do rember hearing something about them changing it
On the other hand, in Indonesia, in Nyepi day, the Bali island will be dark and silent
from one morning to the next morning, to respect the Hindu people who do fasting
and meditation. Even airport will have no activity that day.
yea no one seems to respect my religious observants which requires me to have a do my shopping and entertainment AFTER 5 oclock on a sunday. In this religion sleeping till 12:00 sunday is VERY important
did you guys know that sunday wasnt even the "rest day" for catholics and there for christans origionally. I cant rember when it was changed or why but i do rember hearing something about them changing it

Don't know about that one, but I know that Japanese has also this type of "holiday".
In Japanese company where I worked before, every Wednesday evening, no
Japanese will work after 4 PM, they went either home or to temple to pray (the
drivers told me). Somebody says me the Jews may not use anything related
with electricity on Saturday, means no car, no elevator, no other electronical
device usage. But I could be wrong.
yea no one seems to respect my religious observants which requires me to have a do my shopping and entertainment AFTER 5 oclock on a sunday. In this religion sleeping till 12:00 sunday is VERY important

Didn't you say after 5 PM? Here is whole hours in Sunday. Then imagine if there
is a 2 days holiday like Christmas which falls on Monday and Tuesday. You can't
buy anything for 3 days. If you forget to shop before the holiday, then you are
doomed ;)
here shops can open on boxing day, easter sunday, easter monday, australia day, labor day ect. Unless you happen to live in SA

Easter holiday means that goodfriday shops shut, easter sat open, easter sunday shut (also public holiday), easter monday shut

where the hell do you live?

God your city must be dead, the weekend is ment to be a time to relax and do the things that you cant do during the week (including the shopping)

The Netherlands. Of course bars are open, but supermarkets, clothes stores etc are always closed on Sundays.
Oh yeah, all stores are closed on all Christian holidays by the way.
I suspects it's the same in Germany (Inzomnia?).
Oh yeah, all stores are closed on all Christian holidays by the way.
I suspects it's the same in Germany (Inzomnia?).

Yes. I forgot to mention, same here, the bars can still open on Sunday.

Also, there is a discussion going on, that they are trying to close all shops
on Saturday as well, so that people have more and more time to spent
with their family. The discussion has been going on for few years, I don't
think it will be approved.
Is it wrong for my company to force me to take days off on religious holidays that I don't believe in?
Yes. I forgot to mention, same here, the bars can still open on Sunday.

Also, there is a discussion going on, that they are trying to close all shops
on Saturday as well, so that people have more and more time to spent
with their family. The discussion has been going on for few years, I don't
think it will be approved.
