Do atheists celebrate on religious festivals?

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I bet if you moved to a country without theists, there would be no "national public holidays" on religious festival days. So I'd say its pretty much imposed on you. I did not get Diwali vacations in the US, for example. Or even Eid. :(

Christmas has strong pagan roots. They celebrate Christmas in Sweden.. and they have the highest atheist percentage in the world.
No, I don't join my family for their morning Eid prayers. And I don't recall ever having a praying session at a Christmas party/dinner. I would probably bow out, sit in a corner and read a newspaper while the theists did their thing.
SAM said:
So do atheists pray with their families, if its not the food and booze?
So are we to infer that the only reason you would get together with your family is for prayer, food, or booze ?

SAM said:
Considering how much they abhor the imposition of religious expression in public, how come they do not protest against the imposition of religious festivals on themselves?
Some jerks do protest the imposition of theistic expression on holidays, the rest of us figure people should party like they want to. I haven't run across complaints about religious expression in general, on holidays - pretty much just theists, both making and inspiring such complaints.

SAM said:
I bet if you moved to a country without theists, there would be no "national public holidays" on religious festival days.
Our Albanian here informs us otherwise - and we find the times of celebration in human cultures remarkably coincident, regardless of theisms extant.

SAM said:
So I'd say its pretty much imposed on you. I did not get Diwali vacations in the US, for example. Or even Eid
And the Christians don't get All Hallows Eve or All Saint's Day, the Celts don't get Samhein, and so forth. But you all got Thanksgiving Day - the non-religious holiday of the harvest time, in the US.