Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

Were they in the mail with the IRS rebates?... all I got was the check. :D

Originally posted by Ertai
If you even knew a thing about it...
Proven scientific laboratory experiments have been made, and proved that indeed many [ph]enomena are real..

"If you even knew a thing about it...." you'd post some citations that we can all look up on MedLine or Ebsco.

Originally posted by Ertai
Some people failed... and other proved to the amaze of many scientists..

I've seen no evidence of "amaze"d scientists. I'd like to. Give some citations.

Originally posted by Ertai
... proven fenomena such as Remote Viewing and Telekinesis experiments around the world..

A look at Results offered no support for a remote viewing hypothesis by Karnes EW, et al in Psychological Reports (45((3)). 1979 (RECD. 1980). 963-973), will show you that they found no evidence that those who claimed the ability to ‘RV’ actually had any ability to do so.

Originally posted by Ertai
Get a grip, learn the facts... and dumb that fool idea of the Randi contest.... tests were made by REAL scientists on real universities and research institutes... and many good conclusions were made..

I bet I can find more citations of conclusions that debunk the idea of paranormal abilities than you can supporting it. Valid citations, not links to websites.... I'm talking about peer-reviewed research.

Originally posted by Ertai
If you were alive on the 70s you would know about this..
nowadays the media dont talk much about it, and thats a pity :(

That's because the media was duped by the unsupported claims of the mentally ill and (probably more so) the self-aggrandizing opportunist. Now days, the media doesn't like being duped. Once bitten, twice shy, so to speak.

Originally posted by Ertai
Well cya!

But not "remotely." :p
Did you really believe that CIA would buy on that stuff if it didnt worked?

It was proved in a lot of declassified experiments that It indeed worked..

And worked on targets to spi Russia too...

10% of the data was declassified... check on the net those documents, and check tv documentaries..

And lab experiments..
One ceptic says in his book that is fake... Well... I could say in my new book that the Earth is Flat...

Oh well.. your trying to debunk a thing based on a book and a group of sceptics...

Well... Im trying to prove you based on dozens of lab tests, and because of USA government being the responsible of the invention of the Remote Viewing protocols..

Not certainly because it was fake..
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Originally posted by Ertai
Did you really believe that CIA would buy on that stuff if it didnt worked?

I don't believe the CIA did.

Originally posted by Ertai
It was proved in a lot of declassified experiments that It indeed worked..

Again... cite references to these "declassified experiments." Or are you just quoting typical paranormal literature that is filled with outright lies that decieve the gullible to give up the $14.95 for a trade paperback.

Originally posted by Ertai
And worked on targets to spi Russia too...

Nope... never did.

Originally posted by Ertai
10% of the data was declassified... check on the net those documents, and check tv documentaries..

Just point me to the documents, and I'll look. I'm not interested in most television "documentaries" as they are designed to increase ratings with 'mass-appeal.' You might as well cite Jerry Springer or John Edwards, both a couple of clowns for entertainment.

Originally posted by Ertai
And lab experiments..
One [sk]eptic says in his book that is fake...

References? And Skepticism is a good thing. You certainly use it when buying used car... or maybe not. Some people do accept what the salesman says at face value.

Originally posted by Ertai
Well... Im trying to prove you based on dozens of lab tests, and because of USA government being the responsible of the invention of the Remote Viewing protocols..

So far you haven't proved shit. Where are the citations?

Originally posted by Ertai
Did you really believe that CIA would buy on that stuff if it didnt worked?

I don't believe the CIA did.

Well... Let me tell you one thing..
CIA INVENTED Remote Viewing..

Yes... for anyone who doesnt know a thing about it...
I didnt believe it too..

But its oficial, its part of a government program in the cold war
to use psychic spies..

Its there, just inform yourself..

They shut down the program because in 1995 the documents were declassified, and the media started to ask questions..

Now.. if you dont believe CIA was indeed the father of RV..

Well, you really know nothing of it..
Im telling you facts, not Those type of "UFO Declassified" Bullshit..

you can search that on the net, its quite oficial, and yes.. TV documentaries are not the best stuff to believe in..
But oficial documents are.. you can go to the Congress Arquive or whatever they call it and see it for yourself..

Try to type "CIA Remote view" on google or something.. besides the "wacky new-age links" you'll find that its actually official..

The media in 1995 caused a lot of noise because of this, and people were confused because this was indeed true. The media of course tried to make a laught out of it...
So the politicians asked CIA to shut it Down...
And so it was..

Hey SkinWalker.. and check the last post from me on this link:
(plenty of good lab tests regarding psi stuff)
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Originally posted by Ertai
Well... Let me tell you one thing..
CIA INVENTED Remote Viewing..

Yes... for anyone who doesnt know a thing about it...
I didnt believe it too..

But its oficial, its part of a government program in the cold war
to use psychic spies..

Its there, just inform yourself..

And so I did. I've long read references to "CIA" with many of the new age nonesense, so it is easy to just pair this up as much the same.

Originally posted by Ertai
They shut down the program because in 1995 the documents were declassified, and the media started to ask questions..

Actually, from the documents I found, there is a strong indication that they shut down the program because they found that the information provided was vague, inconsistent (from viewing to viewing), and often irrelevant or outright erroneous.
"remote viewings have never provided an adequate basis for 'actionable' intelligence operations-that is, information sufficiently valuable or compelling so that action was taken as a result"
(Mumford et al. 1995)

Originally posted by Ertai
Try to type "CIA Remote view" on google or something.. besides the "wacky new-age links" you'll find that its actually official..

There were a TON of "wacky new-age links."

Originally posted by Ertai
Hey SkinWalker.. and check the last post from me on this link:
(plenty of good lab tests regarding psi stuff)

That link didn't work for me, but I'll check your past posts later tonight.

Mumford, Michael D., et al. 1995. An Evaluation of Remote Viewing: Research and Applications. Prepared for the CIA by The American Institutes for Research, September 29.
Originally posted by SkinWalker
And so I did. I've long read references to "CIA" with many of the new age nonesense, so it is easy to just pair this up as much the same.

Yes indeed :(

Remote viewing became later very connected to new-age stuff because the Out of Body Experiences and others are kind of related to it...

Check it harder please, there is indeed good info

about the shut down... it was based on 10% of all the RV info from the government...

Check the Ingo Swann name on google
its the "father" of RV, a very intelligent person, check his articles, were he tryies to explain the problem with counsciousness and the functioning of RV

about my post check the:
Hi guys... a question
thread on this parapsychology forum
check the last posts... the last one from me..

I prominent psychologist wrote a couple months ago... "People are most confident when they are most wrong."(Kardes 2003). I believe that this statement applies to you more than I have seen it applied to anyone.

You have these crazy ideas and beliefs that you think are true because you have never analyzed what you have seen on television, on the <u>sci-fi</u> channel, and on the "mass-appeal" shows, like "Did we go the moon" from the infamous fox network...
Along with the Used Cars analogy, you have taken these paranoid conspiracy theory <i>claims</i> at face value and accepted them as reality, not seeing them as paranoid conspiracy theory claims. The CIA stopped using Remote Viewing once they realized it doesn't work; and they didn't invent it: stop making shit up. Provide citations, evidence, anything to make your claims seem plausible.

I wish I had not been busy the past two days, for this conversation would have been more fun for me.
For your own sake and good, you need to be reading/viewing/researching more than one side of the issue here. Stop reading John Edwards and Sheldrake's bullshit books, and pick up a science book. No <i>reputable</i> scientist has concluded that psi is a true event/thing/energy/whatever. Just because someone has a Ph.D. does not mean that they are infallible. People make mistakes, such as not getting things peer-reviewed. If your supposed scientists had gotten their "conclusive results" peer-reviewed, you would have never heard of them, because they would have been thrown out. All experiments, when not tampered with have not, do not, and will not support the claim that psi exists.

Stop with the remote viewing bullshit. I know what it is and how it is supposedly used, refer to the Penn and Teller episode of Bullshit! that denounces remote viewing in less than 15 minutes. I have a book on remote viewing that I thought was real when I was about 9 years old, and I have tried astral projection... it's all bullshit! Stop lying to yourself and others, for the love of your god.
I have telekenesis, which allows me to fly. I only fly by night as to avoid people. So usually I drive places. Sometimes I float slightly above the ground and pretend to run. This makes it look like I run very fast. Maybe you will see me at the olympics someday. I'll have a tatoo on my neck of the chinese symbol for god.
Two opposing viewpoints both using the well mastered art of ad hominem.
Why do we have to put each other down? Only the ignorant need to use insults; the intelligent use reason, thought and ideas. No one here should be put down for giving their take on the universe and the human mind. If one feels that psychic-astral-projection is possible than allow them to work toward this goal, even if you think that it is a fruitless act. If you insult them it is no less than walking up to a devout cleric and telling him that he is a fool for believing in god(s).
Shut up and sit down if you have nothing to add.
I am not against logical arguments or well-crafted counterpoints (to which there have been many) but this is nonsense is getting out of hand.

What also burns me up is when people say "I can fly but I will never show anyone" they need to grow up and stop posting garbage on a forum that is asking a ligament question.

Now on with my post:
The US military during the Cold War perused the development of remote viewers. They were also credited with some success (and failures).
A link to a credible news source on this issue is

Anyhow, science is not God the almighty, it has its limits. Today we are still finding new things,
Rewriting laws,
Developing new branchs of science (ex. quantum mechanics),
Kip S. Thorne, Frederick Seitz and Stephen Hawking spend days theorising about tidal gravitation, spacetime and closed timelike curves (just 60 years ago their ideas would have been laughed at),
Just recently people have discovered the effects of ELF radiation (extremely low frequency). These frequencies can and do have effect on brainwave activity when transmitted at certain hz. The ELF radiation also has an effect on other metabolic systems (avoid al the paranoid mind-control websites and you will find some good info),
People have also realised other things about the mind, such as how to manipulate thought and cure/treat people with psychoses.
Who knows what lies ahead?

The mind is a box of infinite wonder and mystery, who knows its full potential!

P.S. Who knows, in a century they may look back and laugh at these psy ideas or be developing their own.
I hate people like you. You are a fucking idiot... ha ha(ad hominem)

Anyway... your philosophy can be simply stated: "let's accept everything, even though it has never had any evidence supporting it or even close to supporting it, because our optimism about everything will allow many amazing and wonderful things to happen, no matter what they may be!" Stop. Now.

That is not realistic. You want to talk logical errors? Here is your's: everything you said can be applied to any dispute in science/the supernatural; but besides that, nothing you said is even feasible, given there is no indication that any of it will happen. Please, use logical arguments when you stop breaking logic. Another ad homimen argument: you are highly unqualified in any field of science or research.

Providing vague guesses and unsubstantiated "maybes" is pure bullshit... don't be annoying.
Originally posted by Q_Who
No one here should be put down for giving their take on the universe and the human mind.
I agree! I'm tired of all the slamming encountered on some threads.
WHY, WHY, WHY??? DO YOU CARE SO MUCH? (I know I'm shouting.) Just throw your hands up in disgust and walk away.
I see inside people's bodies . . . um is that a power?

I've been able to eak a living out of it at least. Now the words got around Medical Doctors and Specialists send me thier patients and I just tell them what I see in a pathological sense . . . :)

It's not all that hard to do and I could prove it I suppose if I had too. I could use a million dollars (I'd like to buy a house) . . . is that like $US bucks? Could someone post a working link. Thanks.
"All expenses such as transportation, accommodation, materials, assistants, and/or all other costs for any persons or procedures incurred in pursuit of the reward, are the sole responsibility of the applicant. Neither the JREF nor JR will bear any of the costs."

-This may be a problem for me since I live in Australia and am currently in over my ears in happy morgauge repayment bliss. There are also some clauses in the agreement which elude to the possibel 'marketing' aspects of the applicants ability . . . wtf! :(

Thanks for the heads up anyway :eek:
Still, The Great Randi has been known to travel to Australia from time to time... perhaps you might remember the Great Carlos? He went on a local talkshow... had a sold out show in public...
Ellimist Why Don't You Work On Reading Comprehension

Ellimist why do you have to put me down….
All I asked for was that people act civil about things.
Calling me unqualified, creating arguments I never used and insulting my logic is almost hurtful.
Putting people down seems to be your only way of arguing and well, that is sad.

"let's accept everything, even though it has never had any evidence supporting it or even close to supporting it, because our optimism about everything will allow many amazing and wonderful things to happen, no matter what they may be!"

When did I say that?
Putting words into a person's mouth and twisting their words is childish to say the least.

All I was saying was that an open mind is REQUIRED in all areas of science. If you go into an experiment expecting an outcome your results and analysis will be bias.
The human mind MIGHT have potential that we have not even begun to understand. The fact of the matter is that there have been no serious studies on psy abilities. No scientist wants to touch it because if the results don't reflect probability or the notion that psy is non-existent they will be called a quack and loose all credibility. The only research that was extensively conducted was during the Cold War.

Look Ellimist did you do any of these things;
Did you read the article I posted? Did you not read about Stargate? Did you not read about the 30year study? Did you not read the declassified list of successes? Did you not read the part about how the government kept Stargate running until Bill Clinton's first term? Did you not read the interview with Jessica Utts who served on the panel charged with analysing the data from Stargate? Hell, do you even know the significance of Fort Meade in the project?

If you did then you would see that further research needs to be conducted.

At no time did I say that I want people just to be optimistic and hope!!

My logic is and was this;
If there is little information on something and sufficient data to warrant the notion that something may or may not be possible a scientific probe should be conducted.

If one just dismisses the ideas of others as foolish and does not look in to the possibility they are foolish.
Look at new ideas such as quantum mechanics and how once you get down small enough elementary physics is no longer applicable. If people just dismissed the idea as garbage and never actually launched scientific research into seeing if this was true than we would be living in ignorance!

All this aside what the heck is wrong with 'maybe', theorising is apart of science is it not. If you see a phenomenon and slight abnormalities from what we believe is the norm it is the job of a scientist to make a hypothesis and try to discover whether the GUESS was right or wrong (or am I mistaken?). I thought that was how the human race advanced?!