Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

I try and hold back from believing in things I haven't expirienced for myself. either done it myself, or seen it done (and had a chance to study the area afterwards for the sake of looking for tricks). Even then, I tend no to have faith in what I have seen or done, I just consider it "I guess I just saw something outside of normal nature. Maybe it was a coincidence. maybe not. odd"

That said, Energy *can* be moved around the body by consious thought. it's been proven as much as anything in science can be proven. Take a $.25 thermometer. Hold it between your thumb and forefinger while walking around, doing things (ie, keep your mind busy, doing light work). after 10 minutes, record the temp. now sit down, turn the TV on (again, keep your mind busy, doing no work). after 10 mins, record the temp. now turn off everything that you can, seperate yourself from distractions, sit up straight, touch your tounge to the roof of your mouth, breath through your nose. place your feet on the floor, hands palm down on your kees (keep the thermometer in your thumb/forefinger). now think about all the heat of your body flowing down your arms, filling your fingers. imagine them swelling with the heat. imaging flames begining to lick around the edges of your fingers. try and really *feel* the heat of the fire. think about what it feels like when you burn your finger on a hot pan, imagine that feeling. do this for ten minutes. take a temp reading. repeat this proccess for a few days. This is known as Biofeedback" therapy, and is widely accepted as an effective method of treating certain circulatory/arthritic conditions, such as raynaud's syndrome .

for learning meditation, I would recommend practicing Buddhist meditation techniques to begin, they are a very good starting point. for learning how to control energy motion within the body, I'd recommend both celtic-based wiccan "magik" meditation technniques (I avoided the "spell" area, and was still able to gain usefull knowledge for Wicca) and Kung-Fu 'Iron shirt' techniques in combination with either Ti Chi or BaGua internal Martial arts.
For moving energy around outside the body, I cannot speak. I've been working on it for about 15 years, and have not had much success.

However, just today, I think I may have figured out how to move a very light object using external energy motion. The pattern of movement I have created is certainly not natural, however, I will not say that I have succeded until I eliminate all other likely causes (intermitant draughts, uneven heat transfer from my body to the object, even differences in light hitting the surface of the object could be causing the motion that I induced. None of this options seem likely, given the testing environment, but they are always possible). If I can cause the motion to occur in the exact opposite direction than I did earlier, I think it will be pretty convinsing proof that *I* can consiously moving the object, and it is not being moved by other means.

I will post updates here, and possibly try to get video if I succeed (to at least help the skeptics. I know how hard it is to believe someone who is sure of something which seems impossibly stupid. All I can say is I don't think I'm an obsessed fanatic.)
an update, after some verification testing last night, I think what I saw may have been caused by a combination of three things- my deep slow breathing, the curve of my arms towards the object, and the height of the object from my head. Varrying any of these three items would prevent the orderly movement of the object. I can't stop breathing however, as proper breath is integral to proper chi movement.

While the movement I saw yesterday was more structured and orderly than I would expect from a random congruence of the three things above to create an air current down my arm, I was able to produce a similar motion by breathing alone, and not moving internal energy at all. So it is possible that the air current caused some, if not all of the effect I saw yesterday.

Tonight, I'm going to try to create the motion while my mouth and nose are covered, to eliminate that possibility. (can't mask up while at work ;) )

the reason I am focused on breath as a cause:
Back in the 70's there was a guy who claimed to be able to move small bits of paper with his mind. After a few weeks of TV appearences, it was uncovered that he had learned to control his breathing so that he could jostle the objects with gusts of air w/o anyone near him noticing. If I can get this motion going w/ the mask on, it should remove that stigmata from the experiment.
I think Im close!....well maybe a little.

I was combing my hair, when all of a sudden the faucet to my sink can on! I didn't pay it any mind when I was combing, until I heard the water was getting louder. I quickly jump up and yelled "Oh crap" Then I turned the faucet off. I went and sat on my bed then got my school books then went to school. It was when I closed my front door, I noticed I never used the faucet to do anything in the bathroom. Then I thought...hmmm I know we kind of state I was in. I was solely concentrating on combing my hair. I will keep trying this method of complete concentration on one thing.

thx :(

goodbye...until we meet again...
FYI - A lot of telepathy as far as thinking something before someone says it, or I'll say something and someone will say "I was just thinking that!" But I think that happens a lot when you know someone well. A very few instances of actual thought transference, e.g. I heard his words in my head, he heard my words in his head. Some precognition especially in traffic. A smidge of clairvoyancy. Absolutely no telekinesis. I couldn't make a feather move if my life depended on it :(
And I never will with an attitude like that, eh?
I don't meditate often enough, but I do have two 'rituals' I go through for cleansing and energizing. For the first I relax and close my eyes, then imagine I'm standing on the top of a low hill at night with nothing around for miles except tall grass. A gentle breeze slowly picks up and I can feel it lifting my hair and moving my clothes as it gets stronger and stronger. I feel myself becoming lighter and lighter and my feet leave the ground and I'm floating with this wind blowing all around me and through me. The wind slowly dies down, my feet touch ground and I turn and walk away and then slowly open my eyes. For the second one I'm standing on the same hill at night with nothing around but I look up into the sky and there's a full moon there. I slowly reach my arms up to it and at the same time the moonlight/moonbeams reach down towards my hands and I can feel this energy moving along my arms and my back and down my legs and into the earth. I slowly lower my arms, take a deep breath and open my eyes. Wow! I'm ready for anything at that point :)
My meditation methods...They may sound wierd...

When I meditate, I picture myself in a room that is completly dark, And dark aura luminates around my body. I Picture this Dark fountain in front of me, Constantly growing in energy never dying. The more Energy I take from the fountain the more power I feel around my body.
Then A dark portal takes me to a planet filled with monsterous dark creatures and I sit in the middle of these creatures and emitt my energy to an even higher peak. Then I awaken from meditation. I usually stay in meditaion for 20-30 mins. I always meditate in the dark.
I'm not sure if it's considered a psychic ability but I can astral project pretty well now and faintly see auras.
k.s when i meditate i listen to my breathing, then imagine my lungs filled with light, follow the light, see if you see or feel anything when it stops.
as an update. I was able to finally move the object a little again, w/ my mouth covered. I have been stressed lately, so it's been difficult to get focused.

However, while I moved the object, It was a very small and fairly erractic movement, so I am going to keep working on it to make sure it's not something other than energy which is moving the object.

here's to hoping I can get the thing going steadily again!
Im moving the PSIWHEEL!!! YEA

IM QUITE HAPPY! I walked into my room and sat in the dark and concentrated on the psiwheel and it began to move. I've meditated alot and got good results. But I still need to practise in front of people. I wanna show people that this power is true and blue. =) no more sadness for me =). well if anyone else would like to share any of there experience with psiwheels pls talk back to me. I welcome feedback negative or positive.

goodbye...until we meet again...
I did this psiwheel thing in the dark covering my airducts in the ceiling. And I SWEAR! It moved! No air was circulating around the room I showed my dad and he smiled and tryed it and didn't move it. LOL I laughed and then he left my room. I can also move the wheel without any hands. cool, huh.

well, nice talking to you guys.

goodbye...until we meet again...
What exactly is this psywheel you speak of? Do you have any pictures of it? I'm skeptical, but curious.

Did you actually try those articles by any chance? Believe it or not, they do work if you put effort into it. Just reading them and deciding they're BS doesn't make much sense.
ks - your msg linked me with the Rhine Research Center which is like the mecca for parapsychology. Thanks! This kind of stuff happens every day yet so many people deny it. I think its a part of being human, but that its more developed in some than in others. What do you think?
I just wanted to show you what psiwheel was!

I know the site is bs, I just wanted to show you what a psywheel was.
Originally posted by Kinetic Spirit
I must know If any of you guys have psychic powers yet. I don't want lies :( I really would like to talk to you about it.


goodbye...until we meet again...

no such thing ..dont look for something thats not there .
You can talk to me, too, KS! I love hearing about other people's experiences. One time a friend of mine was sitting at her desk at home studying and it was getting late and kind of dark in the room. She looked at her desk lamp and thought, "I should turn that on." And it turned on! I think that's cool! Another friend of mine was in the bathroom and thought, "I wonder if I can make that towel move?" And it fell off the towel rack! But I (she sadly shakes her head) can't even make a feather move. But, no matter what anybody else says, I believe in psychic powers. I guess I haven't developed any telekinetic abilities, but I keep hoping. And I think I do have some other abilities. (She cringes in fear, waiting for the skeptics [mh] to pounce.) But I laugh and smile my way through life, and that's good enough for me at this point :) peace