Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

I see psychic powers as one of two things;

1. True, there is always more to understand and just dismissing instances where an odd occurrence happens is wrong. I have found that the mind is capable of more than just calculations. As a fact the human brain emits and responds to ELF (extremely low frequencies), who is to say that some minds are not able to pick up another person's waves? Also, the human body emits many other forms of radiation, who is to say that it is not possible to emit the natural frequency of an object and get it to move?

2. It is all just a psychological disorder where people fool their minds into believing that they are something more than others.

As I am a man of open-mindedness and have found that I can 'do' things to a limited extent I believe in the first of the two.

-As a side note, if anyone knows how to develop the ability to 'blend' plz tell me
Originally posted by Q_Who
[B I... have found that I can 'do' things to a limited extent.
-As a side note, if anyone knows how to develop the ability to 'blend' plz tell me [/B]
What are some of the 'things' you can do? please share :) what does it mean to 'blend'? Thanks
Re: I haven't developled powers yet but...

Originally posted by Kinetic Spirit
:( I haven't developed any abilities yet but with my meditations I have noticed things I haven't noticed before. I really thing everyone who loves to learn should meditate. No matter what your learning. Meditation is good for your mind and helps you and others around you.

thx :(

goodbye...untill we meet again...

Neither do i how are you supposed to use power
Im thinking the same line as lone wolf.
How would you use your power?
really how would you?
Saying you have powers and acting on that power makes a whole lot of difference to me.
I dont really care if you have powers or not
but i would care how u'd use it tho.
I think intent counts for alot if you dont want to get consumed by it.
I dont want to see the world filled with super villains now heh
or super heros with blind amusement and self gain just for recognition, forgetting about everyone else.
Maybe thats why people who "might" have really superb powers that can make a difference arent ever really known. Cuz they "might" have some kind of conflict with themselves wondering what to do with it, in a good moral way, or in a selfish way.
But for amusment and stuff, well thats different, thats all good and dandy cool but how would you build up that power, by just amusing urself? Cuz your the only one truly going to believe it, with no sense of purpose.
heh... "power" has a life of its own I think depending on your intent. erm I wonder what kind of power im talking about, seems something more ... serious something more real. Which I dont think I'd like to have and if I did i'd be unknown probably.
[.QUOTE]Originally posted by janeelsa
What are some of the 'things' you can do? please share :) what does it mean to 'blend'? Thanks [/QUOTE]

Well, blending is like being able to almost stand invisible in a crowd. For example I cut in line with my friends, all of them get yelled at but I remained unnoticed (on more than one occasion). At school they have questioned me quite a few times on unexplained absences (one occasion was on a test day... I wrote the test!).
I once (half asleep) walked by all of the motion sensors in my house with the alarm on... it did not go off. The next day I tried awake and failed).
I pick my parents and friends pockets and then wait until they notice that all of their stuff is in my arms.
There many other instances that are too long and hard to put into words.

I never thought much of it until my best friend pointed it out.
After some research I found that some people have the ability to mentally 'blend' unnoticed with their surroundings. I thought that this might be remotely related to what I can do.
Their may also be the possibility that I am just gifted with a quality in which I just naturally blend in and it has nothing to do with psy.

I just want to test this out before I make any claims that I can definitively will myself to vanish in a crowd.
No matter what, I think it is a neat quality.
Thanks for explaining. I think that's really cool. I think almost anything paranormal is cool though. I've heard of what you're talking about and as long as you don't abuse it and nobody's ever hurt by it, I say more power to you. What you said about making claims - you're wise to be cautious. I claimed that I could make dogs stop barking (see Animal Control) and SOME people gave me a really hard time about it :( But I'm very open-minded about exploring what the human mind is capable of, and if you want to share any more experiences I'd love to hear about them. Just ignore the skeptics.
I predicted that four people i knew would die at certain dates and they did and i saw how they died from my bed.One had an asthma attack,two hanged themselves and one got killed in a car crash .
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Originally posted by janeelsa
I think almost anything paranormal is cool though. ]

Well, I'm glad I said "almost" anything! That must have been very disturbing. I'm sorry. I used to have what I think were maybe precognitive dreams (see, mh, I'm trying to watch my words) and sometimes I knew what they referred to after the fact and sometimes I never found out. I tried to turn it off because I thought, "If I can't do anything about it, that is, help anybody, then I don't want to know about it." Does that make sense? How did what happened to you, Mr M, affect you? Do 'things' still happen/do you still get 'information'? Did you shut it off? Sorry, I don't mean to be nosy, I'm just curious. Forgive me.
Hello, I am new here but it seems like a great site.

So, after reading this whole thread, it seems as if everyone has a different opinion on the matter. Some say they can do low-level actitivities, some say they can't do anything, some say they affect everything they walk by! Allow me to ask...

Who here is positive this stuff even exists, and can you please explain to me how you know? I'm on the borderline and need to be persuaded, thanks.
Everybody in my family from the beginning has always had visions, when i get these it always feels as if i am being controlled by something else, when i get these psychic powers i cant control my thoughts, i feel an intense flush of energy when it starts working at a fast pace, when it happens i also feel a outer body experience after a vision, everytime it happens i cant move or do anything.
You'll know when you have achieved your power.

There are things in life that you already know automatical. Like if you put fire to a piece of paper, it burns, Of coarse! you all know that!
The same thing goes for getting psychic power you'll know when you have it and when you got it. Something so complex like psychic abilities can be learned in a day. Thats whats wrong with people they want these powers right away and don't wanna work for their forgotten ability.

Well, I've said all I wanted to say, Oh yea this message go's to LoneWolf and R.A Pharrell.

thx :(

goodbye...until we meet again...
Hey janeelsa im sry for not talking to ya.

:D Im sry it was completely rude of me to do that to you. Im not really use to people calling me K.S. Im getting use to it though. But I will answer your first question. Denial is always to first step on the human mind. It is obvious to them that they have never sen this ability done and I don't blame them. If you can't see this power its pretty hard to believe. But there are the special people who know and feel these kind of abilities exist. These are the people who are most likely to achieve some kind of power.

thx and sry jeneelsa.

goodbye...until we meet again...
I've been meditaing for a while.

I've been meditaing for quite some time now and I noticed I dream alot more. Now this is one thing I notice when I mediate. it really strange because I hadn't dream this much in a long time. I don't have anymore dreams about myself dying or killing anyone. It's more about my family. I had a dream a while ago about my family. I was in my apartment place and my brothers and sister where down. But I could immediatly act a say. WAIT A MIN! I DON"T LIVE WITH MY BRO"S AND SIS!
as soon as that thought came in my head. My older bro was push against the wall of my dad's room and my bro's ans sis ran. I ran onto the balcony and this guy who appeared in many of my childhood dreams way back when I was real young was on the balcony. This guy was walking slowly towards me then I stood there watching him then he ran up to me and told me " You can't read mind's" Then he faded and I woke up in a cold sweat. That was a wierd dream indeed. Im gonna try to meditate to find out who this man is in my dreams. Because this is wierd I use to have dreams only about this particular guy. It use to scare me but not anymore. But It would be nice to know how he is.

thx :(

goodbye...until we meet again...
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No apology necessary, KS. I hope you don't mind my calling you KS. I mean it in a friendly way. It's nice to read posts from people who are so open-minded and non-judgemental. Thanks for sharing. I remember when I first got interested in ESP when I was in about 5th or 6th grade. A friend of mine and I used to do the ESP 'exercise' where I'd draw something on a piece of paper (that she couldn't see, of course) and she would try to draw the same thing. It was pretty cool when they matched up :)
The only ability I want is telekinesis for the time being.

:) Im really trying to learn how to perform telekinesis. Im not intrested in anything else at the moment. But if I do awaken the sleeping ability know as telekinesis (The ability to move objects with the power of your mind) then, that is when I will move on to other things like astral projection, ESP___Telepathy, ect.

thx :)

goodbye...until we meet again...
Ok I gotta know!

How do you get those pics next to your name, in the upper left hand corner of your screen.
Kinetic spirit..

Actually, you better start with ESP, conscious dreaming etc... rather than telekinesis..

Since ESP capacity is more common in the humans than TK

Anyway, Do you know about the paper whell effect?

Its a very easy way to make very small TK effects
Originally posted by Ertai
Anyway, Do you know about the paper whell effect?
Hi there! I don't know about it. If I can make it work, I bet anybody can :) That's one ESP 'talent' I haven't experienced yet. What is it? And speaking of talent... wasn't there a book about people with ESP by Anne McAffrey (sp?) the author of the Dragon Riders of Pern books? I think it was called 'To Ride Pegasus.' Anybody ever heard of it?
I guess I could start with Esp...

Well I think I can go with esp. But Im more intrested in telekinesis then anything else.

:D but hey, why not try esp wouldn't hurt to try.


goodbye...until we meet again...