Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

It appears as though many are unclear on the phrase "open-minded"... they apparently take it to mean "agree with me"...

such as... "he isn't open-minded" = "he isn't agreeing with me".
"keep an open mind" = "agree with me"
"it's good to see those who are open-minded" = "it's good to see those who agree with me"

The true definition of this phrase, by the way, is "receptive to arguments or ideas". It means someone listens to it, but does not necessarily agree.

For example, President Bush is not open-minded... he does what he wants, regardless of contrary evidence or wishes of, say, 11 million people.

Being open-minded does not mean that one is more inclined to "radical" ideas, such as "telepathy"; it merely means that one listens to another side of an argument and considers it when making a response, and perhaps questions it, which is skepticism, which is a whole other topic and lengthy post.

Now, many of you may believe that you are open-minded in believing that telepathy or whatever else mental paranormal activity you think actually occurs; but, in fact, by completely disregarding contrary opinions of dissent and opposition to the idea that brain waves are emitted from the body, you are the ones being close-minded. This is not to say all of you are; perhaps you just haven't researched enough, which I would say is one of the biggest problems in this group: you just don't read. If you do, you are only reading pro-mental power materal. Try reading pro- and anti- mental power, as well as unbiased, such as experiments that try to ascertain the current limits of the human mind. Allowing personal beliefs and feelings to interfere with how outcomes are only calls for more testable, experimental evidence of purported claims.

All I ask is some critical thinking is accomplished for the sake of the future of your minds. I understand that daydreaming and fantasizing are good things, but it is imperative that these must be separated from reality. Most therapists would diagnose vehement belief in the supernatural as insanity, and hopefully give drugs to help.

Merely because something is unknown, does not mean it has a supernatural explanation without evidence.
Show me evidence and un-denounced psi experiments that conclusively prove the existence of mental powers and explain why the general public and scientists don't know about it. And why we haven't heard anything about these powers being used for anything good or bad... such as forewarning 9/11, winning the lottery, mysterious circumstances finding criminals. We all know the police have tried to use psychics in the past to find missing bodies and children and whatnot, and of course, the psychic never found the person, he/she only made vague claims and descriptions.

So, I would also like to know why, in your opinion, no one has won $1 million from James Randi from using their powers? Couldn't they have gotten the money and used it for something good... like giving money to a hospital or charity or something? or even for themselves? We all know people love money, it is inherent in a capitalist society.

So many of you purport to have these amazing powers... don't you want money? sign up!!! -

Come on, answer my questions, support your claims of clairvoyance and whatnot. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Let's see it.
Originally posted by MrMynomics
This has thread has gone bad, damn you psychic nuts
I assume you're saying that tongue-in-cheek. What do you mean??? :confused: What would make it 'good' again? :)
Hey I gotta ask.

This may sound wierd, but have any of you ever watched a show, any kind of show that has some sort of character that has some certain power you would like to possess. Have you ever felt strange when you thought about possessing it. Im saying this because I went to watch "The Hulk" on friday and, I Saw the hulk's dad's power and I said to myself "I would love to have that kind of power" I thought about using it for evil, Then my whole body felt warm and It felt like I had something around my body, sort of like ki, I felt also like I could do the same thing. Can anyone tell me what this was.

PS: I wouldn't use power for evil :D...or would I.........


goodbye...until we meet again...
Hi KS! I hope you don't take this wrong, but... I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to explore possible psychic talents, but you seem almost driven by the need for power. Is there some area in your life where you feel a lack of control and you're trying to make up for it in the 'psychic powers' arena? You already HAVE personal power. If you feel out of control somewhere, you need to take back what ever power you're giving away. Don't let anybody control your life or your actions. You really do seem almost obsessed. Sorry, don't mean to be rude, but that's what I'm seeing. And what I'm hearing is "help!"
I do have problems.

To be honest I do have problems, Yes and it is with people. I hate the fact that people feel as though they can do what they want to you and they don't even know you. Lots of people wanted to fight me, because im a quiet person. Does that make any bit of DAMN sence! I use to be a fighter long ago. I made a promise to myself that I would never fight a soul again. And until this day, I have kept that promise. All threw my life other bad events happen I care not to explain here, Im sorry, there are somethings better left unsaid.


goodbye...until we meet again...

PS: I will to survive to constant human ignorance of this inbound world of stupidity. But there are the many humans who can use there feelings to communicate with a person unknown to themselves.

( Oh I know your just trying to help, thats all jeneelsa, and you are very wise, because you said threw that barrier...strange no one else noticed that but you. But in any case, Yes...I do want power...I want to prove to all the non-believer's that this power is REAL!

Evil Kinetic Spirit.....
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I gotta say.

Money isn't everything on a persons mind, ellimist. I don't care about the money that guys giving out, I just want to awaken some of my sleeping power. Money can get you but so far.

Damn I recked my mediation clothing...
:D hmmmm Money actually sounds good right about now LOL.


goodbye...until we meet again...
Hi KS! First of all, let me say this- it's my belief that we cannot control the actions (or thoughts or feelings or beliefs) of others. We have no control over the circumstances that come into our lives because we have no control over others. The only area where we do have control is in how we respond or react to any given situation. That's where your control lies. It's okay to hate the fact that (some) people feel like they can do or say whatever they want to you, you can't deny your feelings any more than you can deny your thirst or hunger. It's there. But you're not going to change them, and you have to accept that or go crazy from frustration. I think it's great that you've chosen a peaceful path. The people in my life are good, and friendly, and damn it, just nice people! If I encounter someone that brings negativity with them, I just don't let them be a part of my life. And if it's something you can't avoid, like a work situation, remember, you CAN'T CHANGE THEM! All you can do is control your own actions. That's it. That's the only power we have in life. Don't mean to beat a dead horse, but you need to LIVE and LET LIVE. You're holding your frustration so tightly there's no room for change. You need to LET IT GO! I wish you all the best. If you want to talk... Oh, and there's no way you're going to prove to all the non-believers that your powers are real. It shouldn't be that important to you. Your own personal and spiritual growth should be of prime importance. It doesn't MATTER what other people think. OK, I'm finished :)
Thank you jeneelsa :)

That was truly nice of you. Your right, I do need to just control my actions. I've have been doing that for a long time. People would say things to me and push me around, But I don't do anything back and they hate when I chose a path they can't understand. They are blinded like I was long ago by rage and hatred. But :D hey Im a new guy now. I have lots of friends who care and like me. and I really respect all of then. And I respect everyone at this entire sciforum. There may be some hard headed people around here but hey, gotta live with them. The only thing you can do. And one last thing jeneelsa, I meditated today and found out that, even if you show non-believers the power of ESP, telekinesis, telepathy, Astral Projection ect. They will always find some kind of excuse to defined it as a cheep parlar trick, used by fireworks and matches. But it's ok :D as long as "I" believe these powers exist I'll be Ok.


goodbye...until we meet again...
i think that ellimist perceives himself far above the minor abilities some have that obviously his many hours of reading and hoping could not fulfill. HE PROTESTS TOO MUCH. Make it simple to understand for you. those of us that can, DO those like CAN"T ever achieve what i have done without trying. i f i won that million dollars i would be hounded forever more by every tabloid, oprah , jerry springer or whatever forever. no amount of money is worth the loss of myself. answer that in 100 words or less and lets see how smart you really are and not how smart you are trying to convince us you are, oh yea of little faith
Re: Thank you jeneelsa :)

Originally posted by Kinetic Spirit
as long as "I" believe these powers exist I'll be Ok.
Now THAT's what I like to hear :) Your last post was very positive and upbeat. More power to you ;)
it is late... just got back from a concert... headache... I apologize in advance for the expletives...

Stop dancing around the fucking question - Why hasn't anyone gotten the million dollars yet by showing that psi power exists?

disregard that "money isn't everything" bullshit and all that goddamn dodging of the topic... What is that?: you are supposedly able to something extraordinary that someone is willing to pay a fairly significant amount of money to see, and you won't even consider winning it and, at most, GIVING IT TO A CHARITY??? I know you are not indecent people(merely confused)... but besides that: why not win the million and help out a large amount of people? Wouldn't that be great? Or even revolutionize science with new evidence.

Now, considering none of you and many others have yet to take the challenge or even offer a reasonable explanation as to why they won't, one of the conclusions I must make is that you know that psi power does, in fact, not exist, and you are making it up because you have heard stories and you were fascinated by them and you became intrigued by the idea and now you are unable to determine fact from fiction...(just a thought).

<u>Stop avoiding the goddamn question!</u> Take the million dollar challenge; change how science views the world; stop making up shitty excuses about how people who can't do it(special powers) blah blah blah and people who can do it blah blah blah. Grow up, and take responsibility for your mistakes, misinterpretations in thinking and reason, as well as many of your inability to determine science fiction from science.
<i>Unless of course, you can't do any of the things you claim</i>, which is the most likely circumstance, considering no one has been able to prove it yet. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Or, as many kids like to say... "prove it!".

||||||||Styx rocks!!!|||||||||
You take the low road
And I'll take the high road
And I'll reach Nirvana beforrre you
And me and my psychics
Will laugh forever more
On the bonny, bonny banks
Of Euphorrrria !

(sung to that old scottish ditty and not addressed to anyone in particular) :)
i spent 4 days at a Cox medical center last week in the psych ward. and for no charge to them, i use my abilities to help the charges there to interpret the group sessions of therapy, which is very confusing to them. ialso stopped one person from committing suicide. and that was just a four day 16 hour time frame.
Money seems to be your big motivator.
I have made a lot of money using my gift. I have always stayed out of the limelight. because my little gift can not be turned on and off I tend to stay as far as possible from crowds or areas there are a lot of emotions rising and falling.
since i do not receive any feelings from people unless i am within a few feet of them, i can handle small crowds. I prefer no more than 4 people near me at a time. Otherwise i get overloaded with input and it is too much to interpret the feelings.

I have given more than 4 million dollars over the last 30 years to different charities, all have been documented and of course the IRS have their paperwork also. So how much has your feelings and attitudes donated. When was the last time you went home from your job knowing you saved a life that day, and also saved a whole family from inner turmoil and suffering. I look forward to conversing with you on this subject. I love to convert non beleivers. It will make your life much better if you beleive.
In advance i want to say i am brand new at this site and have not learned how to use it correctly. my last post was directed to ellimist and of course not to everyone sorry about that.
Ellimist said:

Stop avoiding the goddamn question! Take the million dollar challenge; change how science views the world; stop making up shitty excuses about how people who can't do it(special powers)

That Randi BS of the 1million dollar challange is not even serious.... Randi is a maggician, not a scientist!

If you even knew a thing about it...
Proven scientific laboratory experiments have been made, and proved that indeed many fenomena are real..

Since about 100 years we have been doing it...
about 30 years ago, more and more laboratory, under controlled scientific protocols tests were made

Some people failed... and other proved to the amaze of many scientists..

That information is public, but as not been publicitized very much from the media, but you can still nowadays find documentaries on cable channels talking about proven fenomena such as Remote Viewing and Telekinesis experiments around the world..

Get a grip, learn the facts... and dumb that fool idea of the Randi contest.... tests were made by REAL scientists on real universities and research institutes... and many good conclusions were made..

If you were alive on the 70s you would know about this..
nowadays the media dont talk much about it, and thats a pity :(

Well cya!

I don't know why in the hell money is so damn important on this subject. Not everyone's looking for money and helping people at the same time. I for one thing like to help people. But Im not a person who would use my power for money. I just want people to realize they have this power, The power that sleeps within them. But hey if they don't believe thats on them "End of story" And for the people who do believe good for them.


goodbye...until we meet again...

PS: This message is directed to Ellimist.

First of all, I find myself a bit doubtful that you've given over 4 million dollars to charity. Where on Earth did that money come from?

Second, think about what you're saying. Passing Randi's test doesn't have to be about the money; it can be about revolutionizing science, perhaps philosophy. You claim that your powers have saved and improved lives. Well, you know what? If you proved your abilities under serious scientific scrutiny, then people wouldn't scoff at these so-called 'powers', and more people would learn for themselves so they, in turn, could help more people. It's a chain reaction.

Anyone with psychic powers has a moral responsibility to demonstrate them to science.

What's BS about it? Magicians are crucial to parapsychology, because it is a science with a fraud-littered history. Multiple times, Randi's trickery-detecting eye has detected cheating.

Also, I'd consider Randi a scientist, because he employs the scientific method. Besides, he isn't exactly the only one conducting the tests--he has help from other scientists.

The challenge is serious. The million is real. Call it what you will, it's there for anyone to take--if they have paranormal powers.

As for your 'proven laboratory experiments', please provide a single reference to one experiment. Give a link if possible. Also, don't accuse people of 'not knowing a thing about it', if you have no idea whether they do or not.

Also, there are TV programs that show that Atlantis, Astrology, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Q-Rays, Aliens, and other things are real. Do you believe in every single one of these things? Hopefully you get my point--TV is a bad source for anything. Contrary to what you may think, serious science still does not acknowledge psi.

Anyway, most important here is this: please provide a link to a single experiment that has stood up to scrutiny. Thank you.

I think I have wings
and I try hard to fly
But sometimes I can't
and I fall from the sky.

If I could learn how
to be sure of my wings
I'd share it with others
(among other things.)

For now, I need time
to practice my skill,
I'll share when I'm ready,
Be sure that I will.
Hey TheErk

Ok ,Ive made a big post with links and info regarding this..
Its on another post on this forum section so take this link and check
my last post on the page..
plenty of stuff..

And yes, many scientific studies have been made, alot indeed
but the controversy of these stuff make the true scientific parapsychology studies hard to enter on the mainstream scientific community