Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

i have the power to control objects with my mind.

mind; mind controls arm that controls hand that controls fingers that does stuff.
its all rather scary!
I shall have the power of precognition in four months, but I don't have it yet.

WTF! Kind of same thing happened to me!

I looked into the future and saw that, from the day of my birth, I will never have the power to see into the future.

Was it in your prescient vision that you saw you don't have it yet, or, did you just figure out that by yourself, now?
i know a guy who puts a pencil down on a table, moves his fingertip around the length of it, and then moves his finger so that the pencil follows it across the surface. .. I am still stunned and amazed. :shrug:
I sure didn't see that one coming. :bugeye:

Which Darwin Award did you win? Or, perhaps, do you foresee that you will win.

Didn't mean any harm. You took it the wrong way. Not an insult. Every person who's deaths are recorded in the Darwin Awards could not see into the future(the results of their stupidity) either. That's all... no need to get your knickers in a knot.. I wasn't referring to you specifically.
I recently put my psychic ability to the test. Blindfolded, I had a remarkable success rate of 50% predicting the outcome of coin tosses. I still wasn't happy with this result so for the next experiment I focussed primarily on the job at hand using age old meditation techniques. So to prove it was no fluke I put 9 red balls and one white ball in a bag and with incredible accuracy I predicted I would, through a series of one ball selections, be able to pull a red ball out of the bag about 9 times out of ten. These tests have been verified by Price Waterhouse.
I recently put my psychic ability to the test. Blindfolded, I had a remarkable success rate of 50% predicting the outcome of coin tosses. I still wasn't happy with this result so for the next experiment I focussed primarily on the job at hand using age old meditation techniques. So to prove it was no fluke I put 9 red balls and one white ball in a bag and with incredible accuracy I predicted I would, through a series of one ball selections, be able to pull a red ball out of the bag about 9 times out of ten. These tests have been verified by Price Waterhouse.

I respectfully advise you and other interested persons to read and learn something significant about the laws of mathematical probability. Generally speaking, a large number of trials are needed to begin to seem to be proof of some kind of ability to control or predict the results.

I do not intend to be some kind of a wet blanket or reactionary conservative. But, if somebody believes that they can control/predict the (even short term) future, then they must be about as reliable as a household appliance, or, a car. No? How reliable is your refrigerator, or, your TV, or, your (new, not 23 years old) car? Your prediction ability should be as reliable.

Is it?
I occasionally indulge in barometromancy.
I don't know weather this counts. :)
Tap! Tap!

Yes it does. The magic touch is definitely a psychic power, weather you believe it or not.:D Transferring psychic energy through the finger, if done right, can influence the barometric reading. What a wonderful must be proud.;)

Yes it does. The magic touch is definitely a psychic power, weather you believe it or not.:D Transferring psychic energy through the finger, if done right, can influence the barometric reading. What a wonderful must be proud.;)

My friend can see human aura and the area that is sick like gum or tooth problem shows up as no aura only that area. Does that count?
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Does the fact that she doesn't always see one tell you something? I mean if she can see auras then she should see one for everybody all the time. What.... do some people have no aura?

Who knows? It is not a science, otherwise, we would have aura doctors making tons of money. Wait a minute, they do in California....:)