Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

dragon!!! said:
Of course it depends on how you define psychic...... if for example, one defines the psychic as "weird"; or, "electric touch" and "emphatic skill!"-... he's giving just that, weird. If on the other hand you say psychic as in the existential, psychic as in the reading of minds and controling your psychic experiences, to the point where you have made that normal... LOL... so i'm a wounded little boy...

Anyway. I'd like to see a finer candidate.
Of course it depends on how you define psychic...... if for example, one defines the psychic as "weird"; or, "electric touch" and "emphatic skill!"-... he's giving just that, weird. If on the other hand you say psychic as in the existential, psychic as in the reading of minds and controling your psychic experiences, to the point where you have made that normal... LOL... so i'm a wounded little boy...

Anyway. I'd like to see a finer candidate. self-proposition allowed?
if i can understand post 212 i might can reply:D
I am psychic because others don't dwelve down to the "psychic" realm.
^of course i am confused about my latter statement
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Have you ever tried to form a "psi" ball?
You might be able to adapt the method used to form a "psi" ball to safely discharge yourself.
I don't believe anyone has "psychic" powers. I don't believe anyone has ever had "psychic" powers.

I believe in souls, and a higher power of some sort. No references to religions. I have searched through many holy texts and find all of them to be faulty to my expectations.

I think that souls (perhaps the subconscious) tell people "things". I have been wierded out a few times myself. In fact, just the other day when I thought I was going to get pulled over:

I was simply driving down the interstate. Turned onto another interstate.

Passed by a car, and in my head (may sound crazy, but I care little about what others think) I was told there was a cop in the car(This, I told to my wife sitting next to me at this point, just because my "voices" had been creeping me out lately.)

However, being the dumbass I am, I decided to speed up to 95 in the passing lane. I see the car get in my lane and follow me, so I pulled to the middle lane (at this point thinking the guy wanted to pass me.) But, he followed me to the middle lane. Then, as I now thought some crazy bastard was simply following me, I sped up again.

Then, again in my head, I'm told to get off at this exit. I then see in my rearview mirror, flashing blue lights in the mans dashboard. As I was pulling off the exit, I saw him on his "talky thing" (excuse my lack for a better word.) staring at me. Luckily, he did not have enough time to pull off on the exit and kept driving forward.

Although, I believe if a cop isn't in a normal cop car, you can't get pulled over. Still scared the shit out of me since I'm on parole.

Anyhow, to my point; I don't believe in psychics. I believe in a higher power and/or souls, ect. I've been standing at some crossroads for a long time. Since, of course, I like to think that I only listen to facts of life.

Of course, I would also love to talk to some "delusional" schizophrenics about their experiences. (I also don't believe all "souls" would be nice little peachy people. Perhaps there is more to the "stories" that they can tell.)
Is it psysio-telepathicaly possible to be so angry and break objects around you? It should. The energy is released outwards, and their frequency, if sharp enough, can destroy things. Musicians with high pitch voice can do it. I just want to know if this can too. A good example is gene gray of X-men, she could liberate so much energy and detroy virtualy anything by being angry. Of cause thats science fiction

How then do you define "psychic."

I'm trying to say; In the state of mind where people can simply know what "they" want to know, when "they" want to know it." Or, "they" control things with their mind. I was being half sarcastic anyways. I would believe it if I witnessed some proof first-hand.

Forgive me for not clarifying.

So, you choose carefully the fantasies you wish to believe?


I believe solely in what's happened in my life. But, that's incredibly far from fantastical from my point of view.

I know there is a higher power, souls, smarter beings, ect. Something of the sort. Of what, I have no idea. I have no proof for anything. I simply believe in something else because of direct things that have happened in my life.

It's the whole idea of "trying to believe in facts, when there are none to provide for others." It's odd to live with. Especially since I don't plan any of these instances in my life.

It'll probably take me till my death to figure out what the hell is going on. I suppose I could spend all my time diving into what all it "could" be, but I think facts will come easier if I try less. :bugeye:

I don't think it's worth the time to waste my life away worrying. I know I'm alive, and I'll make due with what I have and what I'm given.
Astral Projection and Other Assorted Abilities

I am involved with a group of friends who are learning to sharpen skills recieved at birth. These friends are astral projectors, pyrokinetics, and one telekinetic. We believe that every human being born has some sort of predestined ability that will be used at a crucial point in the life of our planet. We meditate and study together and seperately and often test each other's skills with obstacles and trials. We set up an environment far from the astral projector and have him give us details into the environment that he could not possibly know. There are many things that cannot be explained away, but will have to be studied and learned through experience and devotion.
"They tell me I will float through the air and strike at the foes of our biomass with my mind! With our mind... my cup runneth over!"