Divorce Because Of

...Besides, I will say that a decent girl would have given the guy she supposedly loves more than TWO tries before she played Runaway Bride on him. :rolleyes:....

Imagine the most vile sex act you can think of. Maybe he wanted me to dress up like a little girl. Maybe he wanted me to lie in a tub of ice water and then not move. Maybe he wanted me to poop on him so he could eat it.

It wasn't performance issues, it was a perversion I wasn't willing to do. If my husband asked me to do it, I would divorce him.

But, hey, thanks for judging me.:mad:
I certainly don't want to make the claim that two tries couldn't reveal the potential of the future. But in general that seems pretty quick. Could you have postponed the wedding and worked on it.

I mean if I loved someone and it did not go well twice it probably would take more for me to give up.

If the person was completely cold or hateful, well, that could shut down my heart.

No, I couldn't. It not only broke my heart because I loved him, it broke my heart because I loved scum. I couldn't get clean enough no matter how much I scrubbed.
In 2 yrs of being together he never gave you any indication he was was a dirty bastard?
You never fooled around......or were intimate up to the point of stopping short of having sex. You never talked about sex or anything? He must have been a pretty nice guy if you planned on marrying him. So he was the perfect gentleman and then just turned into a nasty pervert? :bugeye:
I tried to overcome having a less than suitable partner and looking back now, that was a stupid thing to do. I should have just bailed as soon as I realized she had problems, but I thought I could "fix" everything. Seven years later, we got divorced. If a persons libido is broken, it can't be fixed by an external influence, imho. It either gets fixed internally, or it doesn't. Stupidly, I thought it would just be a matter of patience and practice, but I know better now.

So when it came time to get on that horse again, I knew that the bedroom issue would be a deal breaker for me, no matter how much I liked the personality.

Life is just too short to go through it unsatisfied.

Orly, it's none of my business, but you did bring it up so here goes:

It sounds like your fiance was a sexual deviant. How did he disguise that from you for so long?
How did he disguise that from you for so long?

That is exactly what I said.......In 2 yrs no clues! :bugeye:
How does a guy get intimate with you and never gets aggressive or anything for 2 yrs.
If he is that much of a nasty perv. Most women have pretty good intuition about things.
But, hey, thanks for judging me.:mad:
Hey, thanks for giving us, up until now, virtually NO information on why it was so bad, to base our judgement on, but whatever. :rolleyes:

Any reason to steal his money, right?
a man say's to his wife at christmas,

man: what would you like for xmas love, you can have anything you want, a round the world cruise, a diamond ring, anything you name it i'll get it!

wife: what about a divorce?

man: shit, i wasn't thinking of spending that much!

Any reason to steal his money, right?
I'm never one to advocate domestic violence but I think this Sherri Donovan bitch is someone I'd like to punch in the mouth.

Bitches like her are the reason for pre-nups and the 'marriage strike' movement.
I'm never one to advocate domestic violence but I think this Sherri Donovan bitch is someone I'd like to punch in the mouth.

Bitches like her are the reason for pre-nups and the 'marriage strike' movement.

It is pretty often that a pre-nup can be thrown out by the court.

Personally, I'd just rather find a woman that wasn't a feminist, thus didn't advocate marriage as a means of simply stealing a man's money, but instead a woman who believed in equality, which I know of a few of these wonderful beings.

Too bad that divorce is so easy these days, as opposed to only being able to get one for an actual reason, adultery, abuse, etc. Still, divorce is another great institution that feminism has brought our society because according to feminism the institution of marriage simply is the legal embodiment of the patriarchy in effect.

I'm glad you got that reference.

It is pretty often that a pre-nup can be thrown out by the court.
I've heard that, but I've also heard that they get thrown out because of loopholes in the pre-nup that aren't air tight.

I'd be the one that told the lawyer that wrote the pre-nup up, that if it gets thrown out, he/she would be responsible (and make them put that in writing too). That would give them incentive to make it airtight, or else they would have a lawsuit filed against them. I'd also speak with several judges on how to keep one from being thrown out. If attorneys can get O.J. exonerated, I'm sure they can write up an airtight pre-nup.

Either that or just not get married. And I'm leaning towards the latter.
I want to get married, but I'm not stupid so I make sure to do a pretty good job of screening girls...
It's hard to do any sort of short term screening on girls. As they tend to remain relatively sane for the first few months, then their true colors start to show.
It's hard to do any sort of short term screening on girls. As they tend to remain relatively sane for the first few months, then their true colors start to show.

Actually I just act like a nutcase from the start! That way there are no surprises later :D
The one I like now can be a bit of a nutter at times, but at least she isn't a feminist, instead she'd rather be an equal partner. You should be able to tell fairly early on if she is just a little nutty or if she is some sexist cunt 'fighting against the patriarchy' that is going to marry you for the sole purpose of divorcing you a little while later to make off with most of your money.
The one I like now can be a bit of a nutter at times, but at least she isn't a feminist, instead she'd rather be an equal partner. You should be able to tell fairly early on if she is just a little nutty or if she is some sexist cunt 'fighting against the patriarchy' that is going to marry you for the sole purpose of divorcing you a little while later to make off with most of your money.

No you can't.

"People change...I've changed and you haven't"

Comon you've never heard anyone tell you a story like that?

Marriage - soon to be completely pointless.
Billy Joel says LOL

Don't go changing to try and please me,
You never let me down before.
And don't imagine you're too familiar,
And I don't see you anymore.

I would not leave you in times of trouble,
We never could have come this far.
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times,
I take you just the way you are.

I need to know that you will always be,
The same old someone that I knew.
Ah, what will it take till you believe in me,
The way that I believe in you?

I said I love you and that's forever,
And this I promise from the heart.
I could not love you any better,
I love you just the way you are.


I don't want clever conversation,
I never want to work that hard.
I just want someone that I can talk to,
I want you just the way you are.
Notes around

Some notes around:

Mikenostic said:

Hey, thanks for giving us, up until now, virtually NO information on why it was so bad, to base our judgement on, but whatever.

That's actually really funny, Mike. Or it would be if it wasn't sad. The details don't really matter unless you choose to presume the worst in your neighbors at the outset.

Which, obviously, you did.

• • •​

Angrybellsprout said:

Any reason to steal his money, right?

• • •​

You should be able to tell fairly early on if she is just a little nutty or if she is some sexist cunt 'fighting against the patriarchy' that is going to marry you for the sole purpose of divorcing you a little while later to make off with most of your money.

At least we know what's important to you. My advice: screw marriage, get hookers. It will cost you less.

Too bad that divorce is so easy these days, as opposed to only being able to get one for an actual reason, adultery, abuse, etc. Still, divorce is another great institution that feminism has brought our society because according to feminism the institution of marriage simply is the legal embodiment of the patriarchy in effect.

Actually, it works to the benefit of both sexes. But we're aware you don't actually care about that.

The rise of the divorce culture is what it is. Give people a little more time to shake off the shackles of a gasping patriarchy and things will get a little more sane. Our friend Nietzschefan has the relevant point ....

• • •​

Nietzschefan said:

Marriage - soon to be completely pointless.

And we will all be better off for it.

• • •​

As a general comment, while many of you seem to hold the topic post in some contempt, you aren't doing much better by making a point out of it. I actually thought about putting my green hat on and moving this thing over to Free Thoughts, since that aspect is dominating the discussion. But then I realized that I would simply be giving over to the disrespectful. I realize that topics will evolve according to their input, but Sciforums and EM&J would do better if sincerity was among your criteria for personal presentation.

To those who have given some thought to genuine and relevant answers, my thanks.

Mod Edit — A portion of this post has been removed to its relevant splinter topic.
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Marriage started out as ownership(to the point dad even had to PAY to give his daughter away as a slave), then it morphed into the modern day, litany of laws that govern the divison of assets, the payment of support for children of the "union" and a new cadre of lawyers to be kept in the employ of nearly EVERYONE nowdays. Just an extra millstone upon the common man and woman.

Where the FUCK the enlightenment concept of "Romantic Love" falls in all this, I have not one clue.