Divorce Because Of

Did anybody find out what the perversion was? I did not read several pages....but just curious...that may explain people asking all sorts of questions....

never mind...the last post explained it all...

pffft anal sex? LOL, no that wasn't it. I would have thought that was painful not vile.

But if it had been, how many of you have asked if a person likes taking it up the ass before you ever have sex with them? I know that conversation never came up for me. Or how about "Are you into necrophilia?" "Are you a pedophile?"

People may talk about kinky stuff, they don't talk about illegal perversions.

And why am I getting lambasted for my innocence? I find it very telling. No "Sorry I jumped to conclusions. Sorry I judged you before knowing the whole story" But "Its your fault I was mean to you"
when a guy is diagnosed with Diabetes, he often looses the ability to get an erection, but with a bit of love and understanding "BOTH" people will find a way to work around that, should, all the women with diabetic husbands leave because he can't get an erection?

(not all men with the condition do have this problem but quite a few)

and some people can deal with medical conditions, some can't. Two years ago one of my daughters friends' Mom had an accident and will now spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. Her husband divorced her.

Should he have stayed with her? Do you really want someone to stay with you out of pity and guilt?
and some people can deal with medical conditions, some can't. Two years ago one of my daughters friends' Mom had an accident and will now spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. Her husband divorced her.

Should he have stayed with her? Do you really want someone to stay with you out of pity and guilt?

he divorced her because HE couldn't handle her condition, after so many years of marrage, he just threw that away.

was he happy before the accident?
yes, they just got back from a vacation in Costa Rica. They were a very active couple, which is how she got hurt. So I guess more than their sex life was affected.
Still, I would rather have his shallow ass gone than staying out of duty.
yes, they just got back from a vacation in Costa Rica. They were a very active couple, which is how she got hurt. So I guess more than their sex life was affected.
Still, I would rather have his shallow ass gone than staying out of duty.

yeah i wouldn't want anyones love because of pity, but i don't understand why he left her, he mustve really loved her beofre the accident, did that love just disapeer over night?
pffft anal sex? LOL, no that wasn't it. I would have thought that was painful not vile.

But if it had been, how many of you have asked if a person likes taking it up the ass before you ever have sex with them? I know that conversation never came up for me. Or how about "Are you into necrophilia?" "Are you a pedophile?"

People may talk about kinky stuff, they don't talk about illegal perversions.

And why am I getting lambasted for my innocence? I find it very telling. No "Sorry I jumped to conclusions. Sorry I judged you before knowing the whole story" But "Its your fault I was mean to you"

Huh! you lost me...just when I thought I had it....it is difficult to keep the story together with so many posts and so little time....

What is illegal perversion?:confused:
yes, they just got back from a vacation in Costa Rica. They were a very active couple, which is how she got hurt. So I guess more than their sex life was affected.
Still, I would rather have his shallow ass gone than staying out of duty.

My cousin's sister inlaw went through a similar ordeal. She was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years after she was married (she was 28 at the time) and her husband left her as soon as she went into remission because they then found out she would not be able to have children and because he hated how she looked (she had to have a mastectomy) and he stated she caused him to have an erectile dysfunction because he suddenly found her body so unattractive. While she was undergoing the treatment and her hair fell out, he demanded she get a wig and when her hair started to grow back, he told her he would not go out with her in public or want to look at her if she did not wear a wig that resembled her own previously long hair. She, of course, refused. So he left her as soon as she went into remission. He then tried to sue her because she had to stop working and he was having to support the both of them, so he wanted that money back apparently (he is a lawyer and was angry that he was unable to pay for the $2000 gym fee and the holiday he had to cancel because she fell ill, which resulted in their losing quite a bit of money in bookings, etc) and then proceeded to lay claim to everything they owned. In the end, the house was sold and the courts split everything equally. As I understand it, the judge was scathing in how he treated her. During the whole divorce proceedings, she found another lump in her other breast and sure enough, it was another cancer and the nightmare began all over again for her.:( In short, the guy was an absolute bastard.

She since met a doctor and is now happily married.
....During the whole divorce proceedings, she found another lump in her other breast and sure enough, it was another cancer and the nightmare began all over again for her.:( In short, the guy was an absolute bastard.

She since met a doctor and is now happily married.

Him leaving was a good thing then. It sucks looking back and realizing how much time and effort you wasted.

But seriously, he had the nerve to sue her? Hmmm, I hope he went on and found a woman who made him miserable. :D
Him leaving was a good thing then. It sucks looking back and realizing how much time and effort you wasted.

But seriously, he had the nerve to sue her? Hmmm, I hope he went on and found a woman who made him miserable. :D

LOL no. He since became a Barrister and was terrified that any woman dating him would only be doing it for his money. He tried to call her and ask her to come back to him about 5 years later, because he knew she was not interested in his money and she told him where to go.

The guy was a turd. His wife supported him when he decided he wanted to become a lawyer, she paid for the house, his school fees, books, etc while they were living together and after they were married. In short, he would never have been able to do any of it if it wasn't for her. Then when she fell ill, he literally turned on her, as if it was all her fault. He was angry that he had to forgo joining a new gym because he had to help cover the cost of the mortgage and the new car he had bought just before he fell ill. She had to stop working of course, so they had to rely on just his income. He was also angry that their holiday to Europe had to be cancelled at the last minute because she was diagnosed about 3 weeks before they were meant to leave, which resulted in their losing quite a bit of money. So he actually tried to sue her for it. The judge threw it out and then proceeded to abuse the hell out of him for having treated her that way while she was going through it all. Even when the cancer returned during the divorce proceedings, he was trying to do everything he could to scam her out of what they owned (most of which she bought with her own money.. she had paid for most of the house, just about everything in the house, supported him while he did his law degree and he stopped working during that time) and the judge apparently blasted him, and quite rightly so.

Some people are arseholes. She is much better off without him and the man she met 6 years later is an absolute dream and who adores her to death. They are very happily married.
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can a woman ask for divorce if her husband has little experience in sexual intercource.What is the size of the normal private part.

is watching porn and picking up some pointers out of the question? (due to moral reasons)
Also, don't guys talk about this? Women do and we share pointers.
can a woman ask for divorce if her husband has little experience in sexual intercource.What is the size of the normal private part.

1. Looks like we are back to the OP. Buy or download some straight sex porn movies and watch it together.

2. 8 inches in full glory. Make sure it gets there...just kidding. If you can feel it, it is the right size.

3. No you can not ask for a divorce due to ignorance by both parties.

Are we done yet? :D
LOL, its not in my nature to guess and assume. ;)
Considering he's asking if the woman can ask for a divorce, wouldn't it be important that the woman feel it?
It is a He? Of course a female. Why would he be asking for size? Has he not seen another one in the locker room?

It is hard (no pun intended) to keep track of these posts...
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