Did We Really Go To The Moon

I looked up the URL and gues what I found at http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/frame.html

the picture is obvious a fake because the reflecting astronauts closest to the one in front has no camera so there should be a forth

the site has this to say abouth the picture

but then again it's in the fun pixs section also showing

What choice do they have do u think after being caught other than declaring it as fun ?

So rest assured that more funny pics from NASA will be coming, i hope they agree in the end that the whole mission was funny. :D
The fact that it takes 3 or more seconds for a response command to reach moon and back to the equipments makes it impossible for this video to be this accurate.

I mean that image is fake, its made by adobe artists who just dont believe people have been on the moon.

I wasnt taking about any artists. I was talking about the mass, inertia and the momentum of the space suits and those huge tanks on their backs.

This why i have to ignore some people; total waste of time.
I wasnt taking about any artists. I was talking about the mass, inertia and the momentum of the space suits and those huge tanks on their backs.

This why i have to ignore some people; total waste of time.

none here or anywhere else is a total waste of time.

As for moment and inertia...can you Possibly imagine how hard it is to judge something like this from a video? do you realize that video is in 2D? :bugeye: Thus all that front and back small movement is not realized readily...especially on the moon.
NO! It is a still from the film 'Capricorn One' you freaking moron.

You know NOTHING yet you still speak. Why is that?

well ok.

1) I am not a moron

2) I was saying that the picture used here of this filming is not applicable at disproving that people have been on the moon since as I have said it is fake in the first place.

3) Ok so I didnt know that it is film 'Capricorn One'. so what? I realized it has nothing to do with the real footage of the landing on the moon and that was the reason I typed a reply.

4) Stop being rude
well ok.

1) I am not a moron

You underline thaht with every post you make.

2) I was saying that the picture used here of this filming is not applicable at disproving that people have been on the moon since as I have said it is fake in the first place.

It's not a fake picture. It's a movie still used out of context by a woowoo.

3) Ok so I didnt know that it is film 'Capricorn One'. so what? I realized it has nothing to do with the real footage of the landing on the moon and that was the reason I typed a reply.

You should be armed with as many facts as possible before making posts. Woowoos are often caught using 'Capricorn One' stills as if it proves NASA could have faked the Moonlanding, and say the pictures are uncanilly similar to what NASA show us of the Moon. Well that is because the film followed by the Moon landings by about a decade, and modelled itself on them.

4) Stop being rude

Stop being stupid, and I will stop being rude, if calling you on your bullshit is being rude, that is.
oh look everyone Singularity is on a mission, everyone pay attention and listen to everything he says so he dont throw a tantrum.

Those little pics are not fake, you did good. Good boy.
oh look everyone Singularity is on a mission, everyone pay attention and listen to everything he says so he dont throw a tantrum.

Those little pics are not fake, you did good. Good boy.

Nice try Dick Boy.

I think Capricorn one was about Mars. So why is this movie not showing red soil ?

You underline thaht with every post you make.

It's not a fake picture. It's a movie still used out of context by a woowoo.

You should be armed with as many facts as possible before making posts. Woowoos are often caught using 'Capricorn One' stills as if it proves NASA could have faked the Moonlanding, and say the pictures are uncanilly similar to what NASA show us of the Moon. Well that is because the film followed by the Moon landings by about a decade, and modelled itself on them.

Stop being stupid, and I will stop being rude, if calling you on your bullshit is being rude, that is.

:D and how is that thing filming of Capricorn one? huh? cause it aint got orange soil. So you are that which you called me.
Quistion what is this?

what you seem to have is a single photo that even mentions it's a simulation in the url, it's completly out of contect.

I believe that during all the appolo landings the feets of the lander where covered in some gold (colered) foil, in this picture it's orange, the camera of the left astranout seems to be black in stead of white like I assume the pic should be, there also seems to be a structure on the left emiting light
Okay Harrison Schmidt was a geologist and did walk on the moon and thereby was proberly the only person quilified to ever walk on the moon.
But also do you actually believe that there is such a thing like relevant geological training. It's most lickly the recieved that training during the apollo training meaning the had a couple of years at best and only as a side course.
That won't do?
Apollo Lessons Learned: The Apollo astronauts received extensive geologic field training to insure maximum scientific gain and reduce risk to the EVA team. These field exercises proved to be invaluable and contributed greatly to the achievement of all lunar surface science objectives (including intelligent sample acquisition and documentation). Moreover, these field based exercises were also useful in sharpening the skills and interaction of astronauts and the ground science teams.
Source: http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2005ESP/finalprogram/abstract_88856.htm

Here is a detailed list of the field trips undertaken by the Apollo astronauts.(not classroom session, or assigned 'homework', just the field trips.)

One of the major changes in the training for 15 was the geology training. Although on previous flights the crews had been trained in field geology, for the first time 15 would make it a high priority. Scott and Irwin would train with Lee Silver, a Caltech geologist who on Earth was interested in the Precambrian. Silver had been suggested by Harrison Schmitt as an alternative to the classroom lecturers that NASA had previously used. Among other things, Silver had made important refinements to the methods for dating rocks using the decay of uranium into lead in the late 1950s

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_15#Planning_and_training

it's like I said

One of the major changes in the training for 15 was the geology training. Although on previous flights the crews had been trained in field geology, for the first time 15 would make it a high priority. Scott and Irwin would train with Lee Silver, a Caltech geologist who on Earth was interested in the Precambrian. Silver had been suggested by Harrison Schmitt as an alternative to the classroom lecturers that NASA had previously used.

Starting at 15 thats past halfway the apollo mission.
Apollo 15 lift of in august 1971, apollo 17 (the last one) lifted of on dec 1972.
16 months training didn't suffice besides on those sort of training their's useally a whole lot of boosing envolved remember there were pilots that only cared for geology to go to the moon.

But nevermind it was proberly a very good ID.
The fact that it takes 3 or more seconds for a response command to reach moon and back to the equipments makes it impossible for this video to be this accurate.

Excuse me, but PC gamers deal with a slight delay between sending a command and their character doing something. I'm sure NASA could do the same.
Two different scenarios. One is talking about depressions in the regolith by gases, the other by a foot. Gases disperse, a foot does not. Hence a foot exerts more pressure than gases and causes a deeper footprint in the fine regolith.

Do u think that a crater formed on moon must be six times larger than what the same thrust should form on earth ? :p