Did The Moon Landing Occur - Yes or No?

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Thats all possible only with auto pilot, even then its very difficult in zero G and that kinda alien environment.
Total and utter bollocks, those guys trained for a very long time and had some provision for manual control had it ever been needed.

At little jet burst here and a little there makes a huge variation on the end result of a space craft, thats why people use GPS even for airliners.
Again, utter bollocks - or do you believe no-one flew airliners before GPS arrived?
GPS is used in civilian applications because it is available and it takes a lot of donkey-work out of navigating, but it is NOT a sine qua non.
Total and utter bollocks, those guys trained for a very long time and had some provision for manual control had it ever been needed.

Again, utter bollocks - or do you believe no-one flew airliners before GPS arrived?
GPS is used in civilian applications because it is available and it takes a lot of donkey-work out of navigating, but it is NOT a sine qua non.

Hey chill down man, and show some respect to the whistleblowers who risk their lives saying these things.

Now watch this and shut up, if u cant live with the truth then u r free to die, fight it or fake it, choice is yours.


Just look at the fast moving feet in this one


now wonder why they had such a hardtime bending or sitting down (something pulling up ?)
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I always suspected something fishy in this pic, now i know, i was so dumb not to notice it. Obviously there are some people out there smarter than me :rolleyes: .


So here we go,

The sun seems to discriminate between the astronot and the background, look how sun meticulously spotlights the astronot compared to the darker moonscape behind him.

And look behind him near the edge of moonland; do u think moon is so small that the horizon will be at walking distance, look at the shiny object at the left side of this photo, its so near to the horizon.
SIngularity, do you derive some sort of perverse pleasure of appearing to be THE most stupid person alive???? :bugeye:
SIngularity, do you derive some sort of perverse pleasure of appearing to be THE most stupid person alive???? :bugeye:

Seems like u have some kinda syndrome to focus on topic at hand, u talk all shit expect about the topic.

Let me guess ,
u r a highschool dropout and have severe epileptic problems, right ?
Seems like u have some kinda syndrome to focus on topic at hand, u talk all shit expect about the topic.

Let me guess ,
u r a highschool dropout and have severe epileptic problems, right ?

Wrong on every single thing.

And going back on topic, I guess you're just plain stupid in your childish beliefs. You've been proven wrong here on every single point you've tried to raise yet you keep hanging on. Now THAT'S the classical definition of true stupidity!!!
actualy singularity you chould think your post a bid more through. I'm not going to make you gues how far the horizon is but here on earth a average person that's 1M70 can see 4.7 km far the moons radius is 0.273 times earth so I gues 1.28km chould be a good bed. Aftherall the horizon can't be everywhere like in bolivia
The vacuum does peculiar things to ones perception of the horizon. With no atmosphere to haze of otherwise distort the view, it can be hard to tell what is a rock and what is a far distant hill. I read an account of one of the astronauts who used the moon buggies, he recalled driving for a few minutes towards what he initially thought was an interesting but small boulder, and finding out that it was in fact several times his size.
The vacuum does peculiar things to ones perception of the horizon
Yeah I also heard that someone ones told my that because the sky is blue the sun apears noticable greenish when viewed from space. But then again he was proberly yust acting clever.

I've updated [enc]Moon landing conspiracy[/enc] again to incorporate your latest points.

Thanks for your help.
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Wrong on every single thing.

And going back on topic, I guess you're just plain stupid in your childish beliefs. You've been proven wrong here on every single point you've tried to raise yet you keep hanging on. Now THAT'S the classical definition of true stupidity!!!

Now i have started to feel pity for u.

I want people to prove me wrong so that i feel that there r less dumb people in this world. But in your case it seems u r here only for one thing, seducing your EGO.

I've updated [enc]Moon hoax conspiracy[/enc] again to incorporate your latest points.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks but it seems illuminati deleted that page, all i can see is this :

Moon hoax conspiracy
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Thanks James R,

I appreciate your efforts towards maintaining the Honor and Integrity of those astronauts and others involved who must have really risked their lives for humankind by going to the moon.

On that note heres something beautiful for all of u to cherish, trust me its worth watching if u hadnt,
i love this video.

I stopped afther less then 20 seconds mainly to safe my download volume but the shots are far to short, their placed so to form a fake story. Pretty much in the same way like Chef's outtake from south park.
BTW did you see my link from buzz aldrin abouth the aliens he saw during the apollo mission that was most definitly him saying it.

My gues is the old man is starting to get a bid nuts or he's twisting the truth a bid to make the whole thing of going back to the moon a bid more interesting.

I'm saying twisting because the did saw something and they also made this public in 1969 in the technical crew debriefing link in chapter 6 article 6.40

The first unusual thing that we saw I guess was 1 day out or something pretty close to the moon. It had a sizeable dimension to it, so we put the monocular on it.

How'd we see this thing? Did we just look out the window and there it was?
Or really two rings.


Two rings. Two connected rings.
Annyway it goes on a lot longer describing how it looked like and what it could possible be. they however never called it a ufo. I'm guessing that their firs ID was right and that is was a part of the metal that covered the rocket during launch.
Bart sibrel... I know that name
In the end buzz never filed a law suit but Sibrel did against buzz however Beverly Hills police and the city's prosecutor declined to file charges. (Mr Sibrel was a little more rude then the short movie indicates and got hit by buzz afther getting a bible shoved in it's face and be named a "a coward, a liar, and a thief".)

So the same person who wilingly says he saw UFO's is greatly offended when you call the lunar landing a hoax. (that's his opinion not mine)

Bart sibril claims that altough the apollo capsule was launched in never left low orbit this is in contradiction with foto's published showing both the inside of the capsule and the earth far from earth orbit
Forget the ufos, they are for generating revenue for moon like missions
I do agree that the ufo story is most likly a trick to make people more interested in the moon afther all buzz has shown to do quit a lot to get his share of the money from apollo and his proberly convinced enough of the inportance of manned space flight to make this up.
Hey chill down man, and show some respect to the whistleblowers who risk their lives saying these things.
Yup, it's so risky they post everywhere they can, and keep posting and none have died yet. Woo-woo.

Now watch this and shut up, if u cant live with the truth then u r free to die, fight it or fake it, choice is yours.
Fight it or fake it? Halfwit.

Okay, the videos:
No jump commensurate with 1/6th gravity? Oh shit there's the proof. NOT. For one thing, notice how those guys move round? Stiff legged because of the internal/ external pressure difference between their suits and the surrounding vacuum - they don't have the flexibility to get a decent jump, the suits were "hard" suits (NASA over-rode the general consensus of the astronauts very early in the space programme), and lacked full movement.

Second video:
Pulled up by wires? Hardly, the pressure differential would make the suit straighten up, moving the astronaut faster than normal muscle movement would do it. Tangled in the wires? Or just maybe it was all the junk round his feet that could be seen in the video.

now wonder why they had such a hardtime bending or sitting down (something pulling up ?)
Or the pressure differential trying to keep the suit at maximum volume and resisting bending.

You're not even credible as a woo-woo. You parrot other people's "conspiracies" and can't even be bothered to work things out for yourself.