Did Nothing Create Everything?

You're mistaking the appearance of design for design. Not everything that looks designed is designed, and complexity does not have to arise from design.

You're saying that because it hasn't been done yet it's impossible. There was a time when there were no helicopters. Probably a SetiAlpha of the past pooh-poohed the idea that men would ever fly, too.

This would correlate if helicopters could build themselves, or at least, could be built without a great deal of engineering intelligent design.

You know that is impossible!

But it is also far easier to build a helicopter than it is to build a single human cell. That also makes it a simplistic example.

Show me one example of an Apache helicopter that was built without intelligent design. Please!

It has been estimated that there are about 100 trillion atoms in every human cell.

These are specifically arranged into hundreds of thousands of individually and precisely functioning components, which work in harmony together to create even more highly complex sub-systems, and systems, to meet the needs of the entire cell. Each individual cell functions in an intelligent manner. It is able to repair itself as needed, and can even replicate itself.

I wish helicopters could do that.

Like a helicopter, a cell also has to be constructed in a specified order.

So in a cell, we not only have specified complexity that is mathematically off the scale, we also have the complexity involved with the specific order of construction needed. And that is mathematically off the scale as well.

No one knows how this can be accomplished with chemistry. No one! And it is not for lack of trying.

If a system is constructed in the cell, out of order, without the required sub-system, upon sub-system, upon multiple sub-systems needed to support it, the cell fails and dies.

Abiogenesis resets back to zero, and base chemicals have to start all over again, with all the previous millions of years of progress totally lost. The chemicals don’t even know what they are trying to build. One mistake in the next million years can reset the whole process all the way back to zero again.

And mistakes during the process would have to be much more commonplace than successes. Please show how this would not be the logical expectation?

It is a fantasy, and a fable for modern folks to believe in, to help them get through the day.

Evolution is true, but it works in reverse, pre-biotic abiogenesis is mathematically impossible, and is only a faith position.

It requires more faith than I’ve got.

Good for you, if you have that amount of faith!

Show me the math and the data for how this could be done. Miller Urey does not even come close. And Crystals don’t make a dent either.

And the tumbleweeds roll across the road...
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This would correlate if helicopters could build themselves, or at least, could be built without a great deal of engineering intelligent design.

You know that is impossible!
You missed the point. Your assertion/prediction was that people will never create life from non-life in a lab. Similarly, there have been many people in past - some of them very famous and highly credentialed - who have asserted/predicted with great confidence that certain scientific or technological advanced will never happen, yet history proved them wrong - often within their own lifetimes.

But let's run with your Creationist argument of the moment: the assertion that complex life could not have evolved without an "Intelligent Designer". Let's see if you present any argument that shows an intelligent designer is necessary, or whether, like most Creationists, you simply assert.

Show me one example of an Apache helicopter that was built without intelligent design. Please
Apache helicopters were designed and built by human beings. They are artificial objects, not natural ones. So this is silly.

It has been estimated that there are about 100 trillion atoms in every human cell.
Sounds like an underestimate. And there are many more in an Apache helicopter. So what?

These are specifically arranged into hundreds of thousands of individually and precisely functioning components, which work in harmony together to create even more highly complex sub-systems, and systems, to meet the needs of the entire cell.
Actually, I think you overestimate the efficiency and precision in the way that cells are arranged and function. A lot of "design" choices in the human body, for instance, are sub-optimal in various ways. If the human body was designed by God, one wonders why he did such a lousy job of it. An omnipotent being really ought to have higher standards.

Each individual cell functions in an intelligent manner.

I don't know how you're using the word "intelligent" here, but I don't think it applies to cells. Cells are machines, essentially.

It is able to repair itself as needed, and can even replicate itself.

I wish helicopters could do that.
I'm still waiting to see the evidence for the necessity of a Designer of cells.

Like a helicopter, a cell also has to be constructed in a specified order.
The molecular chemistry at work does place restrictions on how things can be brought together and in what order.

So in a cell, we not only have specified complexity that is mathematically off the scale, we also have the complexity involved with the specific order of construction needed. And that is mathematically off the scale as well.
Define "specified complexity", please, and explain how you're measuring that "mathematically".


No one knows how this can be accomplished with chemistry. No one! And it is not for lack of trying.
God of the Gaps, anyone?

If a system is constructed in the cell, out of order, without the required sub-system, upon sub-system, upon multiple sub-systems needed to support it, the cell fails and dies.
And so? All the required mechanisms for building cells evolved, just like all other biological things.

Abiogenesis resets back to zero, and base chemicals have to start all over again, with all the previous millions of years of progress totally lost.
Yes, that would happen if all life was wiped out for some reason. So what?

The chemicals don’t even know what they are trying to build.
Do you think that when oxygen and hydrogen atoms come together they "know" they are "trying to build" a water molecule? What about when hydrocarbons in deep space combine to make amino acids? Do you think they know what they are doing?

One mistake in the next million years can reset the whole process all the way back to zero again.
That's a bizarre line of thinking. Complex life is built on a foundation of mistakes. Natural selection weeds out the good from the bad. That's the beauty of the process. You've heard of the theory of evolution, right? Do you know how it works?

And mistakes during the process would have to be much more commonplace than successes. Please show how this would not be the logical expectation?
You're right. Mistakes are more commonplace than successes. That does not mean there are no successes, though.

It is a fantasy, and a fable for modern folks to believe in, to help them get through the day.
Still no evidence or argument from you; just assertion.

Evolution is true, but it works in reverse,...
Sorry, I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

... pre-biotic abiogenesis is mathematically impossible, and is only a faith position.
Show me the maths!

It requires more faith than I’ve got.
Your problem appears to be too much faith, not too little.

Show me the math and the data for how this could be done.
How much time have you got? What are your current qualifications in biology, just so we know where to start.

And the tumbleweeds roll across the road...
You're right about that. All that wordage, and you didn't actually present any concrete argument for why a Creator is needed. All you did was assert and talk about your own belief.
You missed the point. Your assertion/prediction was that people will never create life from non-life in a lab. Similarly, there have been many people in past - some of them very famous and highly credentialed - who have asserted/predicted with great confidence that certain scientific or technological advanced will never happen, yet history proved them wrong - often within their own lifetimes.

I truly hope scientists succeed in creating life from non-life in a lab some day.

Because that would clearly be very strong evidence for Intelligent Design.

Wouldn’t that be Great!!!

But then, sometimes hopeful scientific predictions, like that, about the future can also be overly optimistic and can be found to be impossible.

Your view is currently only a personal faith position for you. Everyone knows this!
I truly hope scientists succeed in creating life from non-life in a lab some day. Because that would clearly be very strong evidence for Intelligent Design.
If you can make a diamond in the lab, is that very strong evidence that they cannot occur naturally?
Yes you can. There are several ways to do it, including by squeezing carbon _very_ hard and vapor deposition.

Now if you could squeeze some carbon and get a fully functional cell to pop out, you could have a point!

Can you do that?
I truly hope scientists succeed in creating life from non-life in a lab some day.

Because that would clearly be very strong evidence for Intelligent Design.

Wouldn’t that be Great!!!
We already know human beings can design and create things.

Again, I note that that you have no actual evidence for a supernatural Designer, and I notice that you ignored most of my previous reply to you. Why is that?

Your view is currently only a personal faith position for you. Everyone knows this!
I'm not the one who is asserting the necessity of an unevidenced supernatural being. That would be you, pretending to know things you don't know.

I don't claim to know how life started. All I have said about that is that there's no evidence that a supernatural being was required to get things up and running.

As for the fact that complex life has evolved from simpler life through natural processes, that is indisputable based on the mountains of evidence available. Only the ignorant and those with a fundamentalist religious agenda are silly enough to deny that.
We already know human beings can design and create things.

Again, I note that that you have no actual evidence for a supernatural Designer, and I notice that you ignored most of my previous reply to you. Why is that?

I'm not the one who is asserting the necessity of an unevidenced supernatural being. That would be you, pretending to know things you don't know.

I don't claim to know how life started. All I have said about that is that there's no evidence that a supernatural being was required to get things up and running.

As for the fact that complex life has evolved from simpler life through natural processes, that is indisputable based on the mountains of evidence available. Only the ignorant and those with a fundamentalist religious agenda are silly enough to deny that.

You have certainly been asserting your beliefs and your faith here.