Did Nothing Create Everything?

Alex, can I ask you a question?

I will, but you don't need to answer it.

Do you disagree with all religion? Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? or is it just Jesus you have beef with?
Alex, can I ask you a question?
Make an appoint ment with my girl I am sure she can fit you in.
Do you disagree with all religion? Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? or is it just Jesus you have beef with?
I tend to disagree with whatever is out there. I can't comment on Islam got some idea but have not studied it in depth.
I think there is a difference between the old testament and the new...The old testament makes no claim a human is a god, talking to god yes and if that is what they believe happened..I have had an experience that I could have interpreted as being spoken to by god...I do think the mind can produce unusual experiences.
But there is real evidence to strongly suggest the Jesus simply was not a real person..this comes from the astrology aspect.. human gods had certain attributes and common features which one can relate to astrology. Death and resurrection has astrology links ...when you examine all of the alledged links and examine the common thread to all the human gods it is not unreasonable to conclude that sadly Jesus was an invention and not an original invention.
So the notion is suspect.
The claim of being the Son of God sounds simply too ambitious.
Who ever you attribute the gospels to there is nothing from the days of this Jesus this is odd..if god you could think we would get eye witness accounts.. a drawing or two...If you tried the same approach today would you get anywhere.
I don't know but someone claiming to be god is just past believable...particularly on their say so..heck I come here every day for five years and say I am gods son ...that would be more than Jesus worked at it...just because I claim such means I am more likely a confused human than a god.
The point is it's a myth.
Folk seem to need what they call spirituality... Why I have no idea..need to belong, fear, but the way some folk buy the myth suggests they done care that it is a myth I guess.
I just don't think Christianity is honest...as I said claiming to talk to god is manageable but claiming that you are god is just stepping too far.
I think there is a difference between the old testament and the new...The old testament makes no claim a human is a god,
It does Alex. Isaiah 52.

talking to god yes and if that is what they believe happened..I have had an experience that I could have interpreted as being spoken to by god...I do think the mind can produce unusual experiences.
But there is real evidence to strongly suggest the Jesus simply was not a real person..this comes from the astrology aspect.. human gods had certain attributes and common features which one can relate to astrology. Death and resurrection has astrology links ...when you examine all of the alledged links and examine the common thread to all the human gods it is not unreasonable to conclude that sadly Jesus was an invention and not an original invention.
So the notion is suspect.
The claim of being the Son of God sounds simply too ambitious.
Who ever you attribute the gospels to there is nothing from the days of this Jesus this is odd..if god you could think we would get eye witness accounts.. a drawing or two...If you tried the same approach today would you get anywhere.
I don't know but someone claiming to be god is just past believable...particularly on their say so..heck I come here every day for five years and say I am gods son ...that would be more than Jesus worked at it...just because I claim such means I am more likely a confused human than a god.
The point is it's a myth.
Folk seem to need what they call spirituality... Why I have no idea..need to belong, fear, but the way some folk buy the myth suggests they done care that it is a myth I guess.
I just don't think Christianity is honest...as I said claiming to talk to god is manageable but claiming that you are god is just stepping too far.

You're defo a jesusist. Like racist, new word.
It does Alex. Isaiah 52.
As if I care. You know it all has to be taken shall I say flexibly, meaning you can interpreted stuff what ever way you want.
Heck you could post the verse. I don't keep mine within arm's reach.
I bet you are never inches away from yours...mmm that be the way of it ..perhaps confirm...you folk couldn't travel an inch without the good book I expect...and if you do t keep it handy then shame on you..
You're defo a jesusist.
Don't put me in a box I don't align with anything that I can tell and if I do it's only cause they got it right as testified by the fact their view reflects mine...I don't believe any of it...understand how religion plays a role..like making beer to improve the quality of liquid folk were drinking..beer means boiled water means less dead people ..particularly kids.
Might be a new word but it does not own me.
As if I care. You know it all has to be taken shall I say flexibly, meaning you can interpreted stuff what ever way you want.
Heck you could post the verse. I don't keep mine within arm's reach.
I bet you are never inches away from yours...mmm that be the way of it ..perhaps confirm...you folk couldn't travel an inch without the good book I expect...and if you do t keep it handy then shame on you..

No, I just know what I'm talking about in a chat about a subject which basis is in a book that you seemingly haven't even read.

If you want to talk about chips, taste them first.
No, I just know what I'm talking about in a chat about a subject which basis is in a book that you seemingly haven't even read.

What are you talking about?

You can't be bothered to be specific and you then wriggle out claiming I haven't read the thing because I don't roll over when you reference something as if I should know it off the top of my head.

the difference between the old testament and the new is .one involves speaking to God which I find much better than the new testament which turns on one human claiming to be the son of God...and such a claim is unbelievable and if true would be evidenced by many other writings out side the new testament...think of it... gods son arrives...could one not expect that we would have much much more than the new testament...but no we have the first notes recorded a generation or more after this human god walked around just one part of the huge world he came to save. And these notes are consistent with the story being made up unless you can believe all that was said could be handed down in a story retold and retold waiting for someone to have a brain wave..."heck this is important gods son and all..why don we write it down" and you could think if true some scribe would have taken notes from day one.
And for those interested in the prophesy which is what I presume you are referring to...I don't know until you man up and be specific..don't seem to believe the story either. That's a worry don't you think?

Alex, can I ask you a question?

I will, but you don't need to answer it.

Do you disagree with all religion? Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? or is it just Jesus you have beef with?
If you're asking this question of an atheist, I think you're missing the point of atheism.

Atheists don't hate your Lord Jesus, or the magnificent Allah, or the all-powerful Vishnu. Atheists don't believe any of those gods exist. It would be exceedingly odd to "have a beef with" a non-existent entity, don't you think? In that sense, it would be like asking you whether you have a beef with Harry Potter, or Cinderella, or Chicken Little.

But you also mention "religion". Religion is usually more than just the assertion that one or more gods exist. So, when you ask whether atheists have a beef with one or more religions, you really need to be more specific. Clearly, they have a beef insofar as the religions assert that various supernatural entities exist, including (in many cases) all-powerful deities. Beyond that, though, there are lots of other topics that could be discussed.

For instance, if you want to concentrate on Christianity, we could have a discussion as to whether Christianity is a good source of moral teaching, because that is often asserted to be an important facet of Christianity by its adherents. We could, for instance, discuss whether the bible, in whole or part, is a good role model or exemplar of good moral behaviour of gods or people or both.

The same kind of thing applies to any other religion you might want to discuss, whether it be Islam or Judaism or Hinduism or whatever.

I think you'll be hard pressed to find atheists who "disagree with all religion", if by that you mean to encompass all the teachings of every religious tradition. I mean, if a religion says something like "killing is generally bad/undesirable. Please don't go around killing people willy-nilly" then a lot of atheists will probably tell you that's a good teaching, regardless of whatever else the religion has to say about sky fairies and the like.
I don't believe in those others mentioned but I do believe in Chicken Little. We have many Chicken Littles in this forum. The sky is falling, the sky is falling, is the basis behind much that is posted so at least I have some evidence for my belief.
What are you talking about?


"I think there is a difference between the old testament and the new...The old testament makes no claim a human is a god" - You


I am simply spelling out that you are not qualified to make the above inaccurate statement, just to spread your opinion which isn't even founded on the source material.

I'm pointing out a mistake on your behalf.

I was interested in what drove you as far as your interest and disdain for Jesus is concerned, but I still haven't got a clue why.

Anyway, not that you'll read it as you seem to not want to learn anything, just spread your unfounded nonsense.

Isaiah 9:6.

That's all I want to say.
I'm interested in people and not labels.
That from person who divides people into those with a God Gene and those without a God Gene.
Well, some of us were born with the God gene, and some not. People who were not cannot believe in God, it's not their choice it just is.

And, what about the Woman and Man label...
I just think men and women's brains work differently, and they haven't(women), perhaps, been able to explore their intellect to its full potential, so I guess we'll see what happens.
What makes you select ''intellect'' there?
Anyway, not that you'll read it as you seem to not want to learn anything, just spread your unfounded nonsense.

Isaiah 9:6.
That is not the verse you posted earlier.
I was interested in what drove you as far as your interest and disdain for Jesus is concerned, but I still haven't got a clue why.

I have no disdain for the mythical character Jesus.

My interest is history.
The history of religion and it's relationship to astrology.

Anyway, not that you'll read it as you seem to not want to learn anything, just spread your unfounded nonsense.

Why do you say that Dave?
I don't know why you get that impression when I feel the opposite is true. I daily expand my knowledge and learn...what is it that you feel I don't want to learn about?

And now it's spread my unfounded nonsense?

What is unfounded? And why do you say spread ..I am not spreading a thing...presenting truthful observations is all.

What have I said that is unreasonable?
What is unreasonable about making an observation that thousands of gods invented by humans have been cast aside both by atheists and by theists.

What is unreasonable in observing that religions started with animal spirit worship, Sun worship and astrology.

Sorry to upset you so much with so much stuff outside your reality...I will give it a rest.
Who said anything about atheism?
As far as I am aware, Alex is an atheist. Do my comments make more sense, now that you're aware of that?

Are you not sick of going over the same thing time and time again?
Oh, have I been through this before with you? My mistake. If that's the case, why didn't you take in anything I told you last time? Why are you still blundering into the same errors?

I'm interested in people and not labels.
As far as I can tell, your belief in gods and religion flip flops around almost at random. It's quite disconcerting that you apparently haven't made your mind up on the basic question of whether you believe in a God or gods yet. Why is that? Can't concentrate for long enough to decide?
What is unreasonable about making an observation that thousands of gods invented by humans have been cast aside both by atheists and by theists.

I see nothing wrong with this observation, myself.
I actually like it quite a bit.

The cause for it is simple.

All of us are born into this world and we find beauty and highly complex specified design everywhere we look! Reality is undeniable. All of reality pushes us toward the idea of a Creator. It is as self evident as our very existence. Everyone knows, simply from observing reality, that life only comes from life and that a rock cannot create us.

All scientists who value reason and empirical science know these very basic things. Life has never been created from non-life in any experiment in any lab, ever! It is either fable and fantasy, or outright deception to teach or believe otherwise.

Since we exist, God exists! It is a very simple logical equation.

That is why their are so many god’s throughout history. Their is a basic human drive for purpose, to understand why we are here, and to connect with the one who made us.

A lack of understanding of God is not evidence against God. It is only evidence of a lack of understanding.
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What is this "God" thou speaketh of?

Dost thou mean thou understandeth this "God" thingy?

Sexplain, mein fuhrer, por favor. :leaf::)

I try to understand life and God, but am certain that I will never be able to understand either completely.

In my understanding, God would have to be Love!