Did Nothing Create Everything?

Is touching yourself part of "Love," feeling beforehand what another on orgasm would? Is there evidence on anything for masturbation before sex?

I would suggest that touch and sex and orgasm are all created possibilities in our bodies because of God’s Love for us.

If you like the taste of chocolate, the same would likely be true for that as well. God would have created the plant from which chocolate is made from, and also the taste buds in us which give us the ability to enjoy that taste, and the hundreds of thousands of neural pathways needed, and also the digestive system that is capable of processing it correctly.

Or you can just go with, “a rock did it”.
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Well, what do you know? What is "Love"?

I was thinking that “Love” is not limited to, but might include things like...

Caring for others, even at my own expense or pain, caring for the health and happiness of others in the long term.

I think it is loving that God gave us all the ability to Love Him and others. I think that it is loving in the way that God designed life so humans are happiest when they can help and love each other. Loving in the way that selfishness destroys the selfish heart, but Love for others blesses the loving heart of a person, in a way nothing else can.

These are only a few of the aspects involved in “Love”.
Can "Love" be quantified?

Like, if I'm having sex or going solo like God, is there an amount of selfishness versus love that we can graph depending on my thoughts?
Can "Love" be quantified?

Like, if I'm having sex or going solo like God, is there an amount of selfishness versus love that we can graph depending on my thoughts?

I do not think I am capable of quantifying “Love” perfectly, for myself or for anyone else.

I do know when I see it, at times, but at other times it can smack me in the side of the head, and I can miss seeing it entirely even though it really is right there in front of me, in the heart of another person.

With sex, there are at least 3 people usually at least potentially involved. You, the other person, and the life of a possible son or daughter that could come from the union. Add to that your parents, the other person’s parents, other family members who might be influenced by your behavior whether good or bad?

Probably not a great answer for you, sorry!

What were you thinking of?
I Googled: https://strongermarriages.com/did-god-really-create-men-to-be-horny/

On this guys blog he says this
I stopped reading after that.

Anyway, if this be true, God must be welcome at swingers parties: "Two infinity and beyond!"

I think you know better than that.

Swingers Parties can clearly pass diseases around between the participants. And they can also end in women murdering their own children.

My own brother died of AIDS!
I miss him very much!

God is probably not a huge fan of these activities because of the emotional and physical harm they inflict on the people engaged in the activity and also because of the collateral damage to others that can result.

God loves us, and does not want us to destroy our own lives, or the lives of others.

Today a woman will have sex for a few seconds of fun, kill her own baby, and then live with the emotional pain for a lifetime. Some even commit suicide because they cannot live with what they have done.

And men are certainly not innocent in any of this, they are the same, or worse!

All for just a few seconds of pleasure!

No thanks!

I don’t want that kind of needless pain and agony in my own life ever again!

My brother died, and caused a massive amount of pain in my family, because he lived sexually as he wished to, thinking that he wasn’t hurting anyone, that nothing could ever happen to him.

He had no desire to hurt us or anyone else, but he did!

I can show you his grave.
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There's a lot there. I'm sorry for your loss, but the dynamic of the death of a loved one would be a non starter in this exchange.

I didn't know, and wouldn't have started posting today if I did.
Swingers Parties can clearly pass diseases around between the participants.
Definitely. So can ordinary sex.
And they can also end in women murdering their own children.
Agreed. So can religion.
God is probably not a huge fan of these activities because of the emotional and physical harm they inflict on the people engaged in the activity and also because of the collateral damage to others that can result.
Given that the biblical God was a fan of the Crusades, I wouldn't assume that.
My brother died, and caused a massive amount of pain in my family, because he lived sexually as he wished to, thinking that he wasn’t hurting anyone, that nothing could ever happen to him.
I'm very sorry your brother died. From your description, I suspect he died of an STD that resulted from not being careful. Let's hope that future people take more care so other families don't have to go through what yours did.
There's a lot there. I'm sorry for your loss, but the dynamic of the death of a loved one would be a non starter in this exchange.

I didn't know, and wouldn't have started posting today if I did.

You intended no harm.
No harm was done.
Please don’t worry about it.

My brother was a homosexual, who had multiple sex partners. And he lost his life simply from living in that lifestyle. Again, he never would have wanted to deliberately hurt anyone, or his family.

I just hope, his life might serve as a warning to others. And maybe prevent more deaths.
Given that the biblical God was a fan of the Crusades, I wouldn't assume that.

Given that the Crusades were conceived and performed by wicked men. I would not blame God for the acts of wicked evil men.

But you certainly can if you wish to.
All of us are born into this world and we find beauty and highly complex specified design everywhere we look!
You're mistaking the appearance of design for design. Not everything that looks designed is designed, and complexity does not have to arise from design.

Reality is undeniable. All of reality pushes us toward the idea of a Creator. It is as self evident as our very existence. Everyone knows, simply from observing reality, that life only comes from life and that a rock cannot create us.
If it was self-evident then everybody would believe in your Creator. In my opinion, there's no good evidence for a Creator God.

Clearly, life can and has come from non-life at least once in the history of our universe. There was no life at the big bang, and no evidence that anything other than natural processes caused life to arise on Earth. Life started off simple and evolved to become more complex and varied later on. There's abundant evidence for that, and none that says that God intervened anywhere in that process.

All scientists who value reason and empirical science know these very basic things.
You're speaking for scientists now, are you?

Life has never been created from non-life in any experiment in any lab, ever!
You're saying that because it hasn't been done yet it's impossible. There was a time when there were no helicopters. Probably a SetiAlpha of the past pooh-poohed the idea that men would ever fly, too.

Since we exist, God exists! It is a very simple logical equation.
It's an example of how the religious can delude themselves.

That is why their are so many god’s throughout history. Their is a basic human drive for purpose, to understand why we are here, and to connect with the one who made us.
Yes. Humans want something to fill the gaps in their knowledge. When things are unknown and scary, it's a comfort to know that a sky fairy is looking out for you.

A lack of understanding of God is not evidence against God. It is only evidence of a lack of understanding.
That's about the only correct thing you said in that post.
Given that the Crusades were conceived and performed by wicked men. I would not blame God for the acts of wicked evil men.
The Crusades were conceived by pious Christian men who wanted to take back the Holy Land from the evil infidels who did not share their religion.