Did Nothing Create Everything?

If I follow the current state of scientific research and accept it regarding the origin of life, then it is completely logical for me to conclude that Intelligent Design was needed.
That's an odd thing to say. The "current state of scientific research" doesn't conclude that Intelligent Design was needed. Why do you draw a different conclusion than the people who are doing the scientific research?

Life has never been shown to be possible without it.
It has never been shown that such an intelligence exists. Never once! In no experiment!
That's an odd thing to say. The "current state of scientific research" doesn't conclude that Intelligent Design was needed. Why do you draw a different conclusion than the people who are doing the scientific research?

It has never been shown that such an intelligence exists. Never once! In no experiment!

This is the way it looks to me... ...call me crazy!

If you don’t agree, no problem!

Thousands of experiments have been done on the origin of life. Not one of them has ever created life from non-life, using only natural processes, in only a natural environment. Or even in the most sophisticated laboratories we have, for that matter.

All of the “most likely to succeed” natural process pathways were eliminated years ago, because the experiments failed to produce life. They all failed! Every single experiment failed to produce life!

If every experiment so far, using the most basic natural pathways conceivable failed to produce life, the conclusion of scientific research as of today is that purely natural processes cannot pull it off. Our most brilliant scientists have tried for decades.

That is an obvious conclusion from the facts!

That is the clearest indication from what science has proven over and over again, with failure after failure to create life from non-life.

If natural processes in purely natural environments cannot create life, then something else that has the ability to manipulate matter, beyond natural processes and natural environments, would logically have to exist in order for life to exist.

Because life exists, that “Something Else” must exist.

It follows that this “Something Else” would have to be Intelligent enough to pull the creation of life off. Since life exists, and because science has proven, again so far, perhaps not ultimately, that natural processes cannot create it on its own.

Again, this is current, right up to date science.

And it would follow, since we cannot create life and it can, that it would have to be more intelligent than we are.

So now we would have “Something that is more Intelligent than we are” lurking about out there somewhere.

Or the existence of an “Intelligent Designer” of some kind.

This is all not fact, just a logical approach to the problem as of today. Sorry for the repetitive rambling!

Since the obvious and simple approaches have all been tried and have all failed to create life in scientific experiments so far, it gets harder not easier from here on out to solve the problem using only natural processes.

The more we understand about the problem the more impossible it appears to become, not easier.

My view runs exactly parallel to the current state of the scientific evidence.
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Thousands of experiments have been done on the origin of life. Not one of them has ever created life from non-life, using only natural processes, in only a natural environment.
So why do they keep doing thousands of experiments if the results are not promising?
If every experiment so far, using the most basic natural pathways conceivable failed to produce life, the conclusion of scientific research as of today is that purely natural processes cannot pull it off.
But that isn't the conclusion that scientists draw. They keep doing thousands of experiments. If they agreed with your conclusion, they'd stop trying, wouldn't they?
If natural processes in purely natural environments cannot create life, then something else that has the ability to manipulate matter, beyond natural processes and natural environments, would logically have to exist in order for life to exist.
But every attempt to discover such a "something" has failed.
Again, this is current, right up to date science.
No it isn't. Science clearly disagrees with you. Science is looking for natural processes, not magical somethings.
My view runs exactly parallel to the current state of the scientific evidence.
Clearly not. Otherwise they wouldn't still be looking. Who's been telling you these lies?
This is the way it looks to me... ...call me crazy!

If you don’t agree, no problem!

Thousands of experiments have been done on the origin of life. Not one of them has ever created life from non-life, using only natural processes, in only a natural environment. Or even in the most sophisticated laboratories we have, for that matter.

All of the “most likely to succeed” natural process pathways were eliminated years ago, because the experiments failed to produce life. They all failed! Every single experiment failed to produce life!

If every experiment so far, using the most basic natural pathways conceivable failed to produce life, the conclusion of scientific research as of today is that purely natural processes cannot pull it off. Our most brilliant scientists have tried for decades.

That is an obvious conclusion from the facts!

That is the clearest indication from what science has proven over and over again, with failure after failure to create life from non-life.

If natural processes in purely natural environments cannot create life, then something else that has the ability to manipulate matter, beyond natural processes and natural environments, would logically have to exist in order for life to exist.

Because life exists, that “Something Else” must exist.

It follows that this “Something Else” would have to be Intelligent enough to pull the creation of life off. Since life exists, and because science has proven, again so far, perhaps not ultimately, that natural processes cannot create it on its own.

Again, this is current, right up to date science.

And it would follow, since we cannot create life and it can, that it would have to be more intelligent than we are.

So now we would have “Something that is more Intelligent than we are” lurking about out there somewhere.

Or the existence of an “Intelligent Designer” of some kind.

This is all not fact, just a logical approach to the problem as of today. Sorry for the repetitive rambling!

Since the obvious and simple approaches have all been tried and have all failed to create life in scientific experiments so far, it gets harder not easier from here on out to solve the problem using only natural processes.

The more we understand about the problem the more impossible it appears to become, not easier.

My view runs exactly parallel to the current state of the scientific evidence.
God of the gaps cherry picker for political reasons are you?


You still haven't referenced anything so, go fuck yourself.
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So why do they keep doing thousands of experiments if the results are not promising?

But that isn't the conclusion that scientists draw. They keep doing thousands of experiments. If they agreed with your conclusion, they'd stop trying, wouldn't they?

But every attempt to discover such a "something" has failed.

No it isn't. Science clearly disagrees with you. Science is looking for natural processes, not magical somethings.

Clearly not. Otherwise they wouldn't still be looking. Who's been telling you these lies?

As long as someone is willing to pay for the research, the research will continue.

I trust and hope it does continue.
As long as someone is willing to pay for the research, the research will continue.
But why is somebody willing to pay if there is no hope of a positive outcome? And why is nobody payng for scientific research into your mysterious intelligent spook?

Clearly, your position is not a scientific one.
But why is somebody willing to pay if there is no hope of a positive outcome? And why is nobody payng for scientific research into your mysterious intelligent spook?

Clearly, your position is not a scientific one.

Well my position is based on the empirical evidence.
If that is not scientific, I guess I don’t know what is?

People will pay anything to live in a fantasy world, and others just need to pay their mortgage and keep up their position, so they have power and authority over others.

Things like that!

The further it goes, the more likely Intelligent Design will be proved! Perhaps that is providing the motive for more research these days, at least for some folks.

They are probably going to have to ramp up the complexity of their experiments more and more to match the complexity of the problem, as we understand it more and more.

The more complex the experiments get the less likely, unguided natural processes will be able to pull them off.

The more likely intelligence would be needed.

I might be proven wron
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Much more logical than thinking that a rock could do any of these experiments, or could ever do them, outside of the most sophisticated lab environments we can build.
We have shown that lightning, air and water can do it. Not a rock.
That is where we actually are today. That is what the evidence actually points to right now. That natural processes can’t do the job of creating life. Every attempt has failed to create life from natural processes.
Incorrect. We have demonstrated all the steps along the process.
Current scientific research already indicates Intelligent Design is needed.
Nope. If someone could demonstrate an irreducible step that only an intelligence could accomplish, then you would have an argument for intelligent design. No one has demonstrated such a step. You are probably doing the argument from incredulity here - "I cannot comprehend how this could have happened naturally, therefore it must not have." It's generally a poor argument; an ignorant person in Madagascar could use it to "prove" that airplanes cannot fly.
We have shown that lightning, air and water can do it. Not a rock.

Incorrect. We have demonstrated all the steps along the process.

Nope. If someone could demonstrate an irreducible step that only an intelligence could accomplish, then you would have an argument for intelligent design. No one has demonstrated such a step. You are probably doing the argument from incredulity here - "I cannot comprehend how this could have happened naturally, therefore it must not have." It's generally a poor argument; an ignorant person in Madagascar could use it to "prove" that airplanes cannot fly.

Miller Urey did not create life!

Their experiment showed that those reactions cannot create life.

They would certainly have used it to create life if they could have. But they could not!

You know this already!

Even with all of the “imaginary supposed steps” no one has created life!

And you know this also!