Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So why did Adam an Eve deserve punishment for bein un-aware of somptin they coudnt have been aware of.???
Punishin ignerent-Eve makes about as much sinse as God slappin a 6 mounthe old for touchin a chocolate cake they was told not to touch.!!!
I ant... but aparently im still gonna be punished :shrug:
So why did Adam an Eve deserve punishment for bein un-aware of somptin they coudnt have been aware of.???
you know it's just consequence. sin is transgression and transgression has negative consequences.
Punishin ignerent-Eve makes about as much sinse as God slappin a 6 mounthe old for touchin a chocolate cake they was told not to touch.!!!
and now we're aware. aren't we?
I ant... but aparently im still gonna be punished :shrug: