Did Jesus Suffer Enough?

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So why did Adam an Eve deserve punishment for bein un-aware of somptin they coudnt have been aware of.???

you know it's just consequence. sin is transgression and transgression has negative consequences.

Punishin ignerent-Eve makes about as much sinse as God slappin a 6 mounthe old for touchin a chocolate cake they was told not to touch.!!!

and now we're aware. aren't we?

I ant... but aparently im still gonna be punished :shrug:
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So why did Adam an Eve deserve punishment for bein un-aware of somptin they coudnt have been aware of.???

Punishin ignerent-Eve makes about as much sinse as God slappin a 6 mounthe old for touchin a chocolate cake they was told not to touch.!!!

more like taking a leap off a tall building when god told her she would surely die, satan told her otherwise. who was right?

I ant... but aparently im still gonna be punished :shrug:

you're being "punished" right now, and apparently it doesn't bother you enough. i wonder how bad it would have to get before it did.
more like taking a leap off a tall building when god told her she would surely die, satan told her otherwise. who was right?

But you acknowledge that Eve was jus as God had created her... "ignerent"... so why did she deserve punishment for behavin like the ignerent person she was.???

you're being "punished" right now, and apparently it doesn't bother you enough. i wonder how bad it would have to get before it did.

Ive alredy lived the bulk of my life... an it has been wit reletively little "punishment"... but im sure that wit enuff torture i coud be brane-warshed into beleivin that Jesus is my savior (or perty much anythang else).!!!

I understan you had som perty ruff times befor you got you'r mind rite... so you reckin God has som horror in store for me befor i dye... which will force me to beleive in--an love Jesus.???
But you acknowledge that Eve was jus as God had created her... "ignerent"... so why did she deserve punishment for behavin like the ignerent person she was.???

Ive alredy lived the bulk of my life... an it has been wit reletively little "punishment"... but im sure that wit enuff torture i coud be brane-warshed into beleivin that Jesus is my savior (or perty much anythang else).!!!

I understan you had som perty ruff times befor you got you'r mind rite... so you reckin God has som horror in store for me befor i dye... which will force me to beleive in--an love Jesus.???

i don't think you can be forced to do that.
For Eve... kicked out of Garden of Edin... paneful child bearin... hard life...
mortality..at least one son who probably went to hell for killing his brother - iow a child who suffers eternal torture. What parent could smile in heaven with that behind them?
Didnt you suggest earlier that havin a hard life coud cause som people to seek an find Jesus.???

it might. but so could having too good of a life. think of all the rock stars who have killed themselves. princess diana was depressed and had an eating disorder.

it's really about being humble, so whatever, if anything, humbles you enough...
it might. but so could having too good of a life. think of all the rock stars who have killed themselves. princess diana was depressed and had an eating disorder.

it's really about being humble, so whatever, if anything, humbles you enough...

From what you know about me... what woud be an esample of somptin that you thank mite humble me.???
Recognising your deliberate spelling mistakes?

That cut deep but i still dont have a desire to love Jesus.!!!

i have no idea. i would imagine that's different for everyone. what do you think would do it?

Well if i started seein an hearin Jesus i mite thank hes real which coud then make love a posibility... but i thank prolonged torture is the mor realistic way to get me to beleive in an love Jesus :shrug:
That cut deep but i still dont have a desire to love Jesus.!!!

Well if i started seein an hearin Jesus i mite thank hes real which coud then make love a posibility... but i thank prolonged torture is the mor realistic way to get me to beleive in an love Jesus :shrug:

i told you you're being tortured right now. it's just been going on for so long and is so prevalent, you don't know any better.
So Jesus continues to torture the ignerent who dont know any beter :shrug:

jesus doesn't torture people. i'm sorry, but i'm calling you out for being somewhat insolent with this question. sin tortures people. jesus was the only one without it.

and none of us but him knows what it's like to be without it.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So Jesus continues to torture the ignerent who dont know any beter

jesus doesn't torture people.

...i'm calling you out for being somewhat insolent with this question. sin tortures people.

I dout it makes much diference to the ignerent person bein tortured whether a word game is bein played as to who the torturer is... but God created Eve ignerent of what sin was an tortured her for behavin like the ignerent person he created her to be... an i thank the true insolence is not acknowledgin how monstrous Gods plan is.!!!