Free will caused God to choose this family for this child and that family for that one? Or are you saying we choose our families?ironically enough, because of free will.
Sure, but being beaten and sexually abused by a relative is not the same as other kinds of abuse and you can see this in how these people are as adults.we all have challenges, and we are all abused in lots of ways, and that doesn't stop with childhood.
'We all have challenges' really sounds quite smug. There are qualitative differences between challenges.
This really made no sense at say the issue is not with particular individuals, but i say it is, and believing that, i wouldn't weigh the accomplishments of one disadvantaged over another.
Interestingly we are continuously told about Jesus' suffering. I know you have your own version of Chrisitianity, but since you say 'we all have challenges' you must think this harping on the suffering Jesus went through at the end of his life as silly talk. We all suffer. Right?