Did Jesus exist?

Don't know, but there could be new adventures, with the new Heavens and the new Earth, when the believers will be "ruling and reigning with Christ," so there could be future rebellions to deal with.
I agree. The bible presents a type of government structure in heaven it seems. You have God (or the Trinity) as the utimate King. You have Michael and Gabriel as the Archangels to God (Lucifer used to be). You have other levels of authority in heaven. The lowest level being... humans? I'm guessing we will make up the 3rd estate in the new heaven/earth.

In any case, it seems Michael and/or Gabriel will be the next to rebel. Then what? Well, then they are thrown out of heaven to the heaven/earth, and suddenly there is no more heaven/earth any more. It is back to the old earth, because Michael and Gabriel and their rebellious following will have corrupted it.

Interesting scenario...

Yeh, we are somewhere around the 140th generation from Adam and Eve.

The ten pre-Flood kings are corroborated with the ten of Babylonian legend, and the ten pre-Flood pitris of Chinese legend, and ancient Welsh, Irish, and Nordic records show patriarchs such as Noe and Sesfef (Japeth), so it is real history, the Table of Nations, Genesis 10 of the Bible, nicely laysout the dispersion labels of the major tribes in the centuries after the Deluge, a nice record for archaeologists and etymologists.


The exact opposite is true.

Archeologists have shown the flood never happened.
Historians have shown the Bible is mostly legend.

Only faithful Christian apologists claim otherwise.


There doesn't seem to be a motive for people of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd centuries to write the Gospels other than if what they wrote was true, or if God ordered them to.


There does not seem to be any motive for people to write about Odysseus - unless he was real.

There does not seem to be any motive for people to write about Osiris - unless he was real.

There does not seem to be any motive for people to write about Harry Potter - unless he was real.

People DO write legends, stories, myths.
They do it today, they have always done it.

Your argument amounts to :
"every book is true".

It's completely FALSE and USELESS argument.

Also, the life of Jesus must have had a significant effect on people since we measure time based on his birth year.

Therefore, Thor is real, because we have a day "THURSday".
Therefore, Juno is real, because we have a month "JUNE".

Another completely FALSE and USELESS argument.


Jesus said:
"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me."

In a BOOK, a character Jesus said that.

Therefore, Muhammed, Jesus either is who He says He is, or he is a liar or a lunatic, He is either the Son of God, or a nutter, and if a nutter, he obviously should never be considered to be a prophet to be revered.

Jesus could be a religious myth too.

And the facts argue that he IS a myth.

"Every book must be true," wow, desperation time.

it's a desperate argument.

The argument that the only reason someone would write a story is because it is true.

It's a nonsense argument - because we see many examples of books that are not true - fiction, legends, myths etc.

I'm glad IceAge agrees with me for once.

Oh behave, I've read your stuff.

If you know what facts I mean -
why did you say "what facts" ?

When are you going to actually ADDRESS the facts?

All you do is preach.

Because the facts show you are wrong.

We can all see you twisting in the wind - spouting all sorts of nonsense in a transparent attempt to avoid dealing with the facts.

Are you sure humans are enough, or might God create another form of existence in a different dimension other than ours. Is God ever satisfied?

M*W: If god hasn't done that by now, he ain't gonna do it, or he doesn't exist.

The god of the bible is never satisfied. He's an evil entity who murders children for their innocent honesty.
I'd say this thread is in serious need of a MODERATOR!!!!

Can we try and stay on topic guys? Did Jesus exist? Come on... we can do this.

Any other "questions for christians" can be posted to a new thread right?
I'd say this thread is in serious need of a MODERATOR!!!!

Can we try and stay on topic guys? Did Jesus exist? Come on... we can do this.

Any other "questions for christians" can be posted to a new thread right?

M*W: Jesus didn't exist. Neither did his mother Mary or his step-father Joseph. They were all Egyptian citizens.
So the numerous historians who reference him, and whos references match up with the bibles, just all got together and decided to invent someone?
Good job guys, I knew you could do it.

Redefine91 said:
So the numerous historians who reference him, and whos references match up with the bibles, just all got together and decided to invent someone?

Could I please have some references to support this statement? If you could do that then I and others will be able to rebut. Thanks! :)

[size=-2](trying a new approach here, what do you think?)[/size]