Did Jesus exist?

Quite true.
Look up the Skinner Box and the development of superstitious behavior in Pigeons.
"Development of superstitious behavior in pigeons?" I'll just take your word for it, but did they make little pigeon statues of the Great Pigeon in their nests?
Yes, all believers have the Holy Ghost within them, but the Holy Ghost "fills" them, anointing if you will, for specific tasks.

Baptism by water is what believers are intsructed to do after being saved, and the baptism by the Holy Ghost is the "filling" for tasks, and/or in worship.

So does this mean that someone can be baptised more than once by the Holy Ghost? Does the same hold true for water?

What does "being saved" mean, and can someone be saved and then reject Jesus and not be saved? Also, if they rejected Jesus after being saved, will they have to get baptized again if they become saved again?
Don't take my word for it, that's the problem with religious types. Don't want to find out stuff for themselves.

Take a pigeon, put them in a box with a food delivery system and a handle they can peck to get food.

If the box is designed to hand out food when pecked, the pigeons soon learn the trick and peck away until they aren't hungry. This is beneficial pattern recognition behavior that helps birds hone their food gathering abilities.

If the box is designed to deliver food at a time interval after pecking, they still learn the trick.

if the box is designed to deliver food at random intervals, the pigeons develop different forms of superstitious behavior. Perhaps they lifted a wing, and a food pellet happened to come out just at that time. This reinforces this behavior, and the bird learns to lift it's wing for food, no matter how long it takes to appear. Soon the bird looks like a baseball pitcher with their various rituals for luck.

The same thing happens in Vegas at slot machines, or at horse racing tracks. Perhaps you drank from a favorite cup just before you won the jackpot. Although it's irrational, you insist in drinking from that cup before every race, for luck. We are just animals after all.
Yes, and yes, but only once in water is requested.

Saved means becoming an adopted child of God, and no, it's once saved always saved, there is a scripture which says that even if a believer attempts to let go of God's hand, God will not let go of the believer's.
What do you mean?

The baptism of water is just an empty ritual. Being saved means realizing you aren't a separate being but part of the whole of existence. It frees you from the unnecessary suffering caused by desire. Being saved means that you were on a path to misery and now you are not. Being saved means you were sick, and now you are healthy. Being saved means the same thing as saving someone from disaster.
only once in water is requested.

Saved means becoming an adopted child of God, and no, it's once saved always saved, there is a scripture which says that even if a believer attempts to let go of God's hand, God will not let go of the believer's.

So then if a person at age 14 truly believed in Jesus, and then they become an atheist and a sinner from age 15 to their death then they will still go to heaven because they believed in Jesus at one point in their lives?

The reason I ask all of this is because I'm trying to clarify the nature of the relationship between Jesus and humanity, and what is required of humanity after the existence of Jesus.
Yes, and Hitler could have been saved just before he died, and would receive "a full day's wage" in Heaven (though he, little doubt, wouldn't have any gems in his crown, if he would have a crown there at all).
Two questions for Christians:

1) Why did God create the earth?

2) Would Jesus be necessary if it weren't for the existence of the earth?
1) To share His love.

2) No.

In reference to No. 1:

This doesn't answer the question. God created Angels to share his love with, not the earth, and not humans.

In reference to No. 2:

IceAge, do you believe Jesus existed before he "came down to earth" as a human? Or did God simply create he and the Holy Spirit specifically for the Earth.

This would mean that in heaven before the creatiion of the Universe, it was just God and the angels. He wasn't a trinity at that point.