Did God actually create Rabies?

And materialism is also a human affliction. And as he says, we're terribly attached to it. :p

He's speaking of basic Buddhist/Hindu doctrine of karma.

My own idea about karma (re: the three year old) is that it inevitably creates victims. How would you judge a tom cat who deliberately and with great precision kills new born kittens that he may have fathered by snipping off their spine at the neck?
Because humans have religious issues, they have issues of karma - Examining human nature by examining animal nature (while a popular discipline of biology) tends to miss a few ingredients, particularly in the field of religion.
Rabies - or Small Pox, the Black Plague, Leprosy, HIV, TB, Malaria and so on, things that severely endanger human life - how come they exist?

Did God actually create Rabies?

All facets of a corrupt world.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

loving it doesn't change anything - neither does hating it

I don't think so.
"Loving" the body wil strenghten attachment to samsara.
"Hating" the body will also strenghten attachment to samsara.
Most obviously, when hating something, hate nestles in the mind and spreads over the mind, skewing one's thoughts.
And when loving the wrong things, this ends up badly as well.

nothing wrong with sex ....

There is nothing wrong with risking a woman's life for the sake of pleasure or giving birth to children?
Pregnancy can lead to all sorts of health complications for the woman, so does childbirth.
And you think there is nothing wrong with that?
If yes, then there is also nothing wrong with taking drugs and killing for pleasure.

It's the body that takes the toll, not the soul? So anything goes?
And God has nothing to do with it, that "corrupt world" just popped out of nowhere, even though God created the Universe and everything in it?

It seems to me that consciousness must be achieved through struggle, and the "corrupt world" is an excellent place for that, although it is a hell of a place to live.

Given options, would you choose the life of a cat or that of a human? I personally would love something better, but since human is the highest I can get, I would choose that. So i don't blame God. If I were in eden i would probably choose the apple too.

P.S. Snakelord - the animal consciousness does not allow for meaningful interaction with the supreme being if one exists. No more than dogs in heat are in "love".
No, those can be bought at Wallmark and as I understand the Chinese are outsourcing the Horse Pestilence to Cambodia due to the cheaper labor costs.

Are you sure ? I can't find anything in Revelations. I believe Noah had a few in the ark.
well it did win the best feature film award at the activist film festival when it was released in 2005 - it also scored awards at two other film festivals

actually my comments were in relation to suffering in the material world.
Humans have it tough(er).

And that is all due to not taking the opportunity the human life affords - namely
the opportunity to get free from the cycle of birth and death - which basically means a slide back to the animal species

Where do you get such nonsense from ? As for film awards, how about " Gone with the Wind" , an account of one woman's fight for salvartion ?
Because humans have religious issues, they have issues of karma - Examining human nature by examining animal nature (while a popular discipline of biology) tends to miss a few ingredients, particularly in the field of religion.

I think its interesting to see how "special" we consider ourselves.

Imagine if this was describing a human incident:
Off Scotland, a scientist watched in shock for nearly an hour as an adult dolphin repeatedly picked up a baby in its mouth and smacked it against the water, over and over, until it sank from view.
And materialism is also a human affliction. And as he says, we're terribly attached to it. :p

He's speaking of basic Buddhist/Hindu doctrine of karma.

My own idea about karma (re: the three year old) is that it inevitably creates victims. How would you judge a tom cat who deliberately and with great precision kills new born kittens that he may have fathered by snipping off their spine at the neck?

Less harshly than I would judge people who believe in reincarnation,

Don't judge that cat at all; it might be your grandfather.
Are you sure ? I can't find anything in Revelations. I believe Noah had a few in the ark.

Where do you get such nonsense from ? As for film awards, how about " Gone with the Wind" , an account of one woman's fight for salvartion ?

Less harshly than I would judge people who believe in reincarnation,

Don't judge that cat at all; it might be your grandfather.

They most certainly do; animals don't have to read the sort of tripe posted by LG and his ilk. I read it because it confirms my belief that the world is full of nutters.

Don't worry ! LG will soon be on another plane. Hopefully with a one-way ticket to Patagonia.

Scintillating contributions to the thread. :rolleyes:
They most certainly do; animals don't have to read the sort of tripe posted by LG and his ilk

That's a valid enough argument. Well, certainly as valid as "I saw it on youtube", probably more so.
It seems to me that consciousness must be achieved through struggle, and the "corrupt world" is an excellent place for that, although it is a hell of a place to live.

What do you mean by "consciousness"?
If we wouldn't be conscious, we'd be dead or vegetating.

Perhaps you mean "conscious of [something]"?
Scintillating contributions to the thread. :rolleyes:

You have no idea how much your aproval means to me. Thank you for your support. Le's get back to a bit of frivolity and talk about astral planes and reincarnation, not excluding born-again Christians.

Alternatively, we could consider an in-depth discussion on whether god created rabies and which god we are talking about. Heady stuff that !
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What do you mean by "consciousness"?
If we wouldn't be conscious, we'd be dead or vegetating.

Perhaps you mean "conscious of [something]"?
Here i used "consciousness" as one subset of big C "Consciousness" which in my mind consists of various types.

And yes, I do mean aware, and although it is still up for debate whether our higher awareness (beyond the basic animal function) is valid or just concocted out of thin air, all of our thinking has to take place inside this awareness or be evaluated by it, so I have to give it a chance to work.

Being born into undifferentiated Nirvana might be an option, but being a creature seems to be part of the game - so, basically, self-consciousness and other-consciousness are just two necessary parts of this "consciousness" I was mentioning. These parts need to be created somehow. This messed up place does a good job of that. Maybe us moving past that is the part God was too optimistic about.

Myles - regarding this type of questioning - "a wise man can see more from a well than a fool can from a mountaintop".

sam - we are special, even if it is if only because we think we are, and there is nothing to conclusively contradict the thought.
Here i used "consciousness" as one subset of big C "Consciousness" which in my mind consists of various types.

And yes, I do mean aware, and although it is still up for debate whether our higher awareness (beyond the basic animal function) is valid or just concocted out of thin air, all of our thinking has to take place inside this awareness or be evaluated by it, so I have to give it a chance to work.

Being born into undifferentiated Nirvana might be an option, but being a creature seems to be part of the game - so, basically, self-consciousness and other-consciousness are just two necessary parts of this "consciousness" I was mentioning. These parts need to be created somehow. This messed up place does a good job of that. Maybe us moving past that is the part God was too optimistic about.

Myles - regarding this type of questioning - "a wise man can see more from a well than a fool can from a mountaintop".

sam - we are special, even if it is if only because we think we are, and there is nothing to conclusively contradict the thought.

A wise man would not find himself at the bottom of a well in the first place.

Aphorisms prove nothing. They are nothing more than a way of dressing up a statement in fancy language in the hope that it may be mistaken for profundity. I you have an argement, use it; otherwise desist
The part I left out, to try to be nice, was me saying that shallow people generally have shallow conversation, and although the jokes take up little reading time, since i usually don't have to spend any time actually laughing, a comment about the lack of profundity of the questions herein is really based on either lack of interest or intellect, not a problem with the questions.

And a wise man could very well end up at the bottom of a well - perhaps there would be an earthquake and part of the wall around it could fall in while he was pulling up the bucket.

Lack of imagination as a route to clear thinking is an over-used avenue.

And that little pearl of an aphorism is a useful reminder for anyone to use their brain, not a static "from authority" bullshit reference.