Did God actually create Rabies?

It's all relative and therefore completely meaningless in any objective way.

Ask a Woolly Mammoth if humans are evil, if you can find one. Ask a rabies virus if living its life normally is evil. It's all about evolution and the best survival strategy for the organism.
Wtf is the purpose of this comment?

I know this because of personal experiences, observations, meditation, etc...
Good for you. You now know it. What of the others that have meditated and come to completely different conclusions?
So what ? Believing in god and all the associated crap is selfish because peoplke wnat to avoid punishment, gain rewards, feel better able to cope with life and so on.

If fear is the reason they worship, then they should not wonder at being afraid.
Good for you. You now know it. What of the others that have meditated and come to completely different conclusions?

What other conclusions?

Most other conclusions don't come from directly seeing, knowing, and perceiving the truth but rather mental speculations, they simply speculate in their mind that this is true and this is false to come to conclusions

For anyone who actually meditates (as in sustained high-concentration) upon true kowledge, their conclusion will be the same as mine

There is no your truth or my truth, there is just the truth
Wtf is the purpose of this comment?

I know this because of personal experiences, observations, meditation, etc...

So, you " know", I would prefer to say believe, this from personal experience.
Many of us don't have such beliefs; how would you persuade me that your view is right and mine wrong ?
So, you " know", I would prefer to say believe, this from personal experience.
How do you distinguish "knowing" from "believing"?

Myles said:
Many of us don't have such beliefs; how would you persuade me that your view is right and mine wrong ?
I wouldn't

Just as The Buddha says, someone intent upon disbelief will always find ways to disbelieve...such fools

The best thing to do with a fool such as yourself is to use the miracle of instruction
How do you distinguish "knowing" from "believing"?
Significant supportive objective evidence, that's how, you fool.

Just as The Buddha says, someone intent upon disbelief will always find ways to disbelieve...such fools
Just so. As the Pranndif says, someone intent on believing shit based only on their own internal contemplations will always be deluded. Such morons.

The best thing to do with a fool such as yourself is to use the miracle of instruction
Right back atcha, dipshit.
Significant supportive objective evidence, that's how, you fool.
Ok, thanks for the clarification

But since the objective evidence changes from time period to time period, how is knowing much different from believing?

superluminal said:
Just so. As the Pranndif says, someone intent on believing shit based only on their own internal contemplations will always be deluded. Such morons.
Right...and the way you determined they're deluded is by using the great atheistic faith or "belief without evidence"
How do you distinguish "knowing" from "believing"?

I wouldn't

Just as The Buddha says, someone intent upon disbelief will always find ways to disbelieve...such fools

The best thing to do with a fool such as yourself is to use the miracle of instruction

Knowing and believing: the Buddha probably said nothing abouit it but the difference is that knowledge is supported by evidence; one can believe anything, and people lke you do/

You sound as if you are insecure in your belief if you have to resort to invective. If that's the best you can do, give up.
Knowing and believing: the Buddha probably said nothing abouit it but the difference is that knowledge is supported by evidence; one can believe anything, and people lke you do/

You sound as if you are insecure in your belief if you have to resort to invective. If that's the best you can do, give up.

But there comes a point when something is untestable and evidence cannot be gathered and thus you cannot determine the truth of a subject...what do you do in this case?

The objective evidence changes from time period to time period, but the actual truth remains the same
Ok, thanks for the clarification

But since the objective evidence changes from time period to time period, how is knowing much different from believing?

Right...and the way you determined they're deluded is by using the great atheistic faith or "belief without evidence"

Are you really so stupid or are you playing a little game ?

You can believe there are elephants on Mars, you can believe anything you dream up in meditation, but what evidence can you adduce to support your beliefs ?

What do you mean by "the great atheistic faith" ? Many theists distinguish between knowledge and belief. As to change, it is true to say that some evidence changes over time so the best one can do is to acquire knowledge based on experiment and observation at any point in time. That is infinitely better than seeking knowledge within because what you find will be nothing more than a concoction of what you already know.

You are wrong if you believe that all evidence changes. Are you expecting the law of gravity to change in the future ?

I suggest that, before getting in over your head as you have done here, you should spend some time finding out something about epistemology. Even some theists do so. It has nothing whatever to do with atheism.
But there comes a point when something is untestable and evidence cannot be gathered and thus you cannot determine the truth of a subject...what do you do in this case?

The objective evidence changes from time period to time period, but the actual truth remains the same

I will leave you to your own devices. It nust be a great comfort to you that you know the "actual truth" which is, I imagine superior to the " imaginary truth.