Developing Telepathy

Blimey, anyone watching Geller in the reality celebrity house (forget the name) should know he's fake? He didn't bend a single spoon the entire time he was in there, and there is no reason why he shouldn't have except he couldn't! He didn't have the 'special' bendy spoons that quickly respond to the slightest pressure and heat! I have some tea spoons like this, they appear totally solid and firm, but dip them in tea and apply the tiniest pressure and the whole damn thing bends ridiculously! Does my head in! But when cold is as solid as rock, I'm gonna go now and bend some spoons! I mean make a cup of tea! :D
cant ABIDEGeller. he's always grabbing peoples hands telling them 'you MUSy be POSITIVE. you CAn DO IT. you can DO IT'

yeah. make the silly fker disaappear

hes cringin. aaaaah, but his mama love him
Many people think Geller is a fake... he's become so popular that no one really wants to believe in him anymore. Though he might lose his 'powers' if he uses them for wrong purposes. There are many people who have had these kind of powers and lost them by using them in a wrong way, and also they have started to cheat people; and then the ignorant general public will say that it was ALL a hoax.

It's kind of strange that people will not believe in this kind of phenomena even when they see it with their own eyes.

duendy said:
cant ABIDEGeller. he's always grabbing peoples hands telling them 'you MUSy be POSITIVE. you CAn DO IT. you can DO IT'

I doubt he means any 'harm' with this (i guess you suppose it would work better by being 'negative'). You just think too much about that patriarch crap.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I've dabbled in telepathy and yes its possible, its not easy though, what is easier is planting your thoughts and desires and will in someone elses mind, I've dabbled in that too (many moons ago) Not to be encouraged really. Worst form of manipulation...unless done as party trick, and participants know their minds may be being messed with. Myself, I got a few uncalled for work bonus's!

Anyway enjoy your chat, this isn't something I wish to elaborate on further. As I said, not to be enocuraged, thoughts are private and should remain so.

sorry for just replying to dissagree and say something negative first off,

but the last part of what you said jumps at me, and says "dont trust you in real life" (if i was to know you).

thoughts yes are your private things, but you said "thoughts are private and should remain so" i dont agree witht hat really, if your true thoughts are always private, then you are never honest to people,

but yesi actually also believe telepathy could be possible, its not so far fetched i wont go telling lots of little storys about my experiences, (although ive had alot), but seriously for the mind/brain, and how evolved it really is, along with alot of other obvious factors about the universe and how energy works, telepathic phenomina arent impossible to be real, theres a good chance things like thisd will evolve more as humans evolve more, maybe the next step of evolution is with machine and human, combining the 2.

electricity, and all of the radiation, and other waves etc etc going through us every day, and more as human civilisatione volve those things might effect us even more, and highten our telepathic type senses,

but yeah all thoughts shouldent be kept secret, unless that is your objective to hide your "true" feelings etc etc.

im very open with mine, maybe even too open, but bieng honest makes life easyer for everyone i think.

c7ityi_ said:
Many people think Geller is a fake...
With good reason.
c7ityi_ said:
he's become so popular that no one really wants to believe in him anymore.
He isn't really that popular and very few actually take him seriously.
c7ityi_ said:
Though he might lose his 'powers' if he uses them for wrong purposes. There are many people who have had these kind of powers and lost them by using them in a wrong way, and also they have started to cheat people; and then the ignorant general public will say that it was ALL a hoax.
If someone is caught cheating then it is logical to assume that they don't actually have powers. This is not ignorance.

c7ityi_ said:
It's kind of strange that people will not believe in this kind of phenomena even when they see it with their own eyes.
David Blaine does better tricks than Uri Geller.
david blaine dosent really do "tricks" all the time does he, i respect him in a way,

he does some amazing things, butofcourse i dont believe uri geller or david can do the things people say they can,

i went to see david when he was in london hanging 50 or so feet in a little box for days and days,

maybe bending spoons with the mind is possible somehow womewhere in the universe, but i dont think uri can do it, i can though, all it takes is an amazing,,,,,,,,,,, human finger.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
sorry for just replying to dissagree and say something negative first off,

but the last part of what you said jumps at me, and says "dont trust you in real life" (if i was to know you).

thoughts yes are your private things, but you said "thoughts are private and should remain so" i dont agree witht hat really, if your true thoughts are always private, then you are never honest to people,


If I want to think sexual thoughts about my boyfriend while my kids are playing round my feet ata play group, this isn't something I wish other mums or my kids to know about? Do you dig? So yeh you are right, by my keeping my sexual fantasies hidden from my kids I'm being very dishonest about my thoughts??? You never really thought that argument through did u?

Thoughts cease to become private when you open your trap and reveal them, this is our choice. Its a very sensible one too!

When I said thoughts should remain private I meant that other people don't have the right to invade your mind and read it, without your permission to do so. We are talking about telepathy on this thread remember? Not chit chat, not divulging whats on our minds. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
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c7ityi_ said:
Many people think Geller is a fake... he's become so popular that no one really wants to believe in him anymore. Though he might lose his 'powers' if he uses them for wrong purposes. There are many people who have had these kind of powers and lost them by using them in a wrong way, and also they have started to cheat people; and then the ignorant general public will say that it was ALL a hoax.

It's kind of strange that people will not believe in this kind of phenomena even when they see it with their own eyes.

I doubt he means any 'harm' with this (i guess you suppose it would work better by being 'negative'). You just think too much about that patriarch crap.
c7.....even YOU dont know what you believe. what the hell chance do WE have?

your mind is mush-land
qq ever come to this thread? course it's too long for me to read it all. just wondering...

telepathy? oh, I am telepathic. I can controll anyone. Is that telepathy? Of course i mean on a SUB-CONCIOUS LEVEL, though you wont' believe me

answer to this thread? don't develep telepathy unless you're interested in the sanity of it all. but it isn't good, trust me, be happy being normal. be a buddhist... or ... something else

or... developing telepathy wtf. that just pizzes me off. developing telepathy what the heck are you talking about is hwat i say. yeah, that's what i say..

don't develop telepathy. please. there are different forms of telapathy... but i'm saying no more.
existabrent said:
qq ever come to this thread? course it's too long for me to read it all. just wondering...

telepathy? oh, I am telepathic. I can controll anyone. Is that telepathy? Of course i mean on a SUB-CONCIOUS LEVEL, though you wont' believe me

answer to this thread? don't develep telepathy unless you're interested in the sanity of it all. but it isn't good, trust me, be happy being normal. be a buddhist... or ... something else

or... developing telepathy wtf. that just pizzes me off. developing telepathy what the heck are you talking about is hwat i say. yeah, that's what i say..

don't develop telepathy. please. there are different forms of telapathy... but i'm saying no more.
I have actually posted quite solidly earlier in the thread. I proposed a physical mechanism that would facilitate telepathy [ using the particle entanglement analogy] I discussed SDV's [ self determination violations ] to some extent. Just hypothesis and nothing proved.
In a philosphy thread I have argued the case for the necessity of a universal awareness [ Unconfirmable truths] and believe that if treated seriously a strong logical case can be made for this universal awareness to exist simply because it must. We would not function with any uniformity with out it.

So yes I have been active down this neck of the sciforums woods....

If you want to read this thread
Telepathy, proof and a question for science
you'll get most of my thoughts at the time on this issue.
Lomion said:
I've got a hypothesis about how a regular person could develop telepathy. I know it's probably wrong, and I encourage compitent individuals to poke holes in, and totally shatter this theory. Seriously, I want to have a better idea of this.

I consider some forms of ESP valid. Telepathy being one of them. Considering that we use a tiny portion of our brain, it is possible that we all have the potential to work on a much higher mental level. Knowing that we can increase the power and flexibility of our bodies, this should (theoretically) carry through to our brains. If we were to gain enough information to reach our brain's limit, and we were to continue to push the limit like people do in their physical training, it is possible (over time) to open up a new section of our brains to pick up for what it currently cannot do. This could possibly open up areas involving telepathy.

There it is. Like I said, feel free to shoot it down.

I don't believe it is the portion of our brain that we use-it is our senses that we ignore. Can we realistically read thoughts? No not really. That would require being able to read the tiny particles, neurons whatever of another persons brain...while some believe they are telepathic and maybe so, they cannot read some thoughts all they can do is gather information from someone they are talking to. The abiltiy to read a person in my opinion is done through perseption and feeling. To feel that person. Not sure how many others experience that. I don't work at it, it is natural. Sometimes you may feel as though you know what someone is thinking....that is understanding of people and their reactions...the brain could see reactions as...a certain movement, eye contact. or none, body language, speech etc... our brain picks up and analyzes more than we realize. It is a matter of paying attention to it....

I couldn't find the page of this thread where I was "challenged" with it, but I looked up some information about Uri Geller and I read some comments that appeared after the "proof" of his abilities was presented to me (along with a link, I think). I am still uncertain about whether or not there is repeatable, falsifiable and verifiable scientific proof of telepathic capabilities, and yet I still have a personal conviction that we all have instictive mental abilities of which many of us are unaware or deny that we have. I don't know if these instinctive abilities could be called telepathy, or if they are more like the untapped abilities of an autistic savant. As well as this uncertainty, I harbor a suspicion that some exercise or regimen which could non-selectively enhance the brain's abilities would also probably enhance these instinctive abilities and telepathic abilities, as well, if the potential for these abilities does exist.
telepathic communication would be an added asset to human intelligence, and there by gradual evolutionary change in our very nature, in a sense that we wont need tongue or anything like that; so vestigial organs would increase...

Although in present context i dont think anyone here or who claims to be telepathic or psychic is actually one. IMO genetic engg. could give an answer...

James R said:
Have you tried it? Did it work for you?

BTW, that "using a tiny portion of our brain" thing is a myth. We use all of our brain. If we didn't, it would be unnecessary wasted space.
We use all of our brain space, if that's what you mean. Not full power, though. Your theory, from what I can see, is wrong. You don't need to do that. Just practice with someone, that is the only good way known.
Obviously "full power" brain use isn't common. One need simply take note of the number of significance-junkies and mystery-mongers here that fail to think critically or reason with logic to see the evidence for that.
Its not clear to me how telepathy would benefit anyone - I mean just look at the net and the information age - I remember some statistic that over 60% of all internet transmissions is related to pornographic material (Google neglected to mention what the most sought after words were - no prizes for guessing why....)

In otherwords without some sort of higher development beyond mere information develops teleptahy would just become like some sort of in box spam thing
Most people here believe in evolution, right? Well, so do another very unlikey group who'se tradition has been recorded for thousands of years. The Sufis. It was in the tenth century they said man comes from the ocean, but even then they were derided as delusional.
You see to them, sufism is not a religion at all, it's methods simply produce effects found in other religions - that is "miracles" & other phenomena.

Here's what Idries Shah, in his book, "The Sufis" says specifically about evolution & telepathy

"Sufis believe that, expressed in one way,
humanity is evolving to a certain destiny. We are
all taking part in that evolution. Organs come
into being as a result of the need for specific
organs (Rumi). The human being's organism is
producing a new complex of organs in response to
such a need. In this age of the transcending of
time and space, the complex of organs is concerned
with the transcending of time and space. What
ordinary people regard as sporadic and occasional
bursts of telepathic or prophetic power are seen
by the Sufi as nothing less than the first
stirrings of these same organs. The difference
between all evolution up to date and the present
need for evolution is that for the past ten
thousand years or so we have been given the
possibility of a conscious evolution. So essential
is this more rarefied evolution that our future
depends upon it."

Regarding evolution from the Mathnawi (In it What is In it), Rumi says

"I died as inanimate matter and arose a plant,
I died as a plant and rose again an animal.
I died as an animal and arose a man.
Why then should I fear to become less by dying?
I shall die once again as a man"

Regarding magic & other such phenomena

"Magic is a training system as much as it is anything else.
It may be based upon experience, upon tradition of celestial
or other ascription, upon religion. Magic not only assumes
that it is possible to cause certain effects by means of
certain techniques; it also schools the individual in those
techniques. Magic, as we know it today, may be subject to
every form of rationalization. It embodies, taken as a whole
corpus of collected material, minor processes such as small
hypnotic techniques, and beliefs which attempt to duplicate
natural happenings. While Sufism cannot be taken apart to
see what its constituents are, the magical tradition, because
it is a truly composite one, can in fact be so dissected. We
are only concerned with that part -- a very large part -- of
magic which is involved in the effort to produce new
perceptions and to develop new organs of human development.

Looked at in this light, a great part of the human
heritage of magical practice (which often includes religious
practices) is seen to have geen concerned with this quest.
Magic is not so much based upon assumptions that things
can be done which transcend the normal man's capabilities,
as upon the intuitive feeling that, if you like, "faith can
move mountains." Those magical activities which are designed
to exercise the projection of thought or ideas at a distance,
or to see the future, or to attain a contact with a source
of superior knowledge, all carry their echo of a dim human
consciousness that there is a possibility of man's taking
part consciously in the work of evolution; and the feeling
of a stirring, evolving organ of perception beyond those
senses which are formally recognized by physical science
as it stands today.

Magic, then, to a Sufi, is judged according to Sufic
criteria. Is it involved in the development of man? If it
is, where does it stand in relation to the main Sufi
stream? Magic is seen, Sufistically, as generally a
deterioration of a Sufic system. The methodology and repute
of the system continues, but the essential contact with the
continuing destiny of the system is lost. The magician who
seeks to develop powers in order to profit by certain
extraphysical forces is following a fragment of a system.
Because of this, the warnings against terrible dangers in
magical dabbling or obsession are frequent, almost
invariable. It is too often assumed that the practitioners
imposed a ban on casual magic because they wanted to
preserve a monopoly. From the long-term viewpoint it is far
more evident that the practitioners themeselves have an
imperfect knowledge of the whole of the phenomenon, some of
whose parts they use. The "terrible dangers" of electricity
are not dangers at all to the man who works continuously
with electricity, and has a good technical knowledge.

Magic is worked through the heightening of emotion. No
magical phenomena take place in the cool atmosphere of the
laboratory. When the emotion is heightened to a certain
extent, a spark (as it were) jumps the gap, and what
appears to be supernormal happenings are experienced.
Familiar as an example to most people are poltergeist
phenomena. They appear only where there are adolescents
or others in state of relatively continuous nervous
(emotional) tension. They hurl stones, seem to cancel
the force of gravity, move tremendously heavy objects.
When the magician is trying, shall we say, to move a
person or an object, or influence a mind in a certain
direction, he has to go through a procedure (more or
less complicated, more or less lengthy) to arouse and
concentrate emotional force.

Because certain emotions
are more easily aroused than others, magic tends to
center around personal power, love and hatred. It is
these sensations, in the undeveloped individual, which
provide the easiest fuel, emotion, "electricity" for
the spark to jump the gap which will leap to join a
more continuous current. When the present-day
followers of the witchcraft tradition in Europe speak
of their perambulation of a circle, seeking to raise
a "cone of power," they are following this part of
the magical tradition.

"The Sufis", Idries Shah,
pp. 378-81.
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Its not clear to me how telepathy would benefit anyone - I mean just look at the net and the information age - I remember some statistic that over 60% of all internet transmissions is related to pornographic material (Google neglected to mention what the most sought after words were - no prizes for guessing why....)

Hey, you may find this interresting

Who is searching for telepathy

General link for your own searches

Google Trends
I continue to be amazed at the closed mindedness of most but not all of the people on this forum. I have surfed through many of the topics and threads and in almost all of them, after someone tries to start a conversation about a topic, it is immediatly bombarded by people chastizing the views of others and using words like "is". It seems to me that this web site might have origanally started out with dreams of open minded views of intelligent people. Somewhere over time it appears to have been taken over by people who think that discounting someones topic makes them appear to be "smart" I cannot use the word intelligent. This doesn't mean that I do not support debate. To me debate can be used as a learning tool, but most of these people just want to try and beat down and hate. I am not trying to change this forum in any way, these are just my personal views of the site. I enjoy reading good descussion of open minded views and hope to find more in this forum, but I get tired of searching and being disappointed.