Developing Telepathy

Zephyr said:
shroom, if you could ever meet in real life one of those people you said you spoke to telepathically, and they agreed on the experience - that would be strong evidence. Without that ... there could be other causes.

Someone gave me a book to read at one point on the topic of mind control:

The Silva Mind Control Method - José Silva and Philip Miele, 1977

Now I can admit I didn't really read much of this book, not really my cup of tea at all. However within the first chapter or so is a suggestion of how to use "Fantasiful" characters as potential additions to your psyche when making decisions etc. (In fact if such a book hit the shelves now adays, the publishers would probably retract it from the number of individuals having Napoleon, Caesar, or Licoln telling them to sue for messing their brain up and making them creating a "Divergent Universe")

My point here was that the suggestion from the book itself is the key not the imagination, if you are open enough to believe that a non-fictional or fictional character from the past could interact with your mind, then the book is more than likely going to convince you that they are.

(The same could be said for just interacting with other people, who again can be key in grand delusions, as without their input and their interaction a delusion shouldn't be able to manifest as far, unless of course the person has been imagined to have said certain things.)

As for any basis of Telepathy, Well I'm not going to deny that neural clusters to my knowledge interact not just with neural pathways but also wave formations. This is how some people that have disattached frontal lobes can still interact as if their frontal lobes were attached.

It's also known that such Neurologists as Dr. Penrose have been looking into Neurology for a number of years, not just to how the brain works but how it can be interacted with using artificial means.

Quiet simply I believe whole heartedly that there is no such thing as "Natural" Telepathy beyond the proximity of 2 neural clusters (less than a centimeter)
If there is any "Real" telepathy in the real world, then it's usually potrayed in a "Sham". It's usually a complete falsehood in the form of fakers working a crowd, or it's scam artists using the current prototype equipment to be exploited to either make a "quick buck" or just continue to press delusion upon an unwitting public.

If you include artificial with Real, then obviously it exists and it's something thats being developed by Universities worldwide in the form of Cybernetic aids.
Well, I've thought about it a bit, and while I am still experiencing my own form of telepathy (it remains to be seen whether or not it is real), I wonder this: How is telepathy across the world possible if nothing moves faster than the speed of light? There would be a delay of a couple of seconds when speaking to China or Australia from the US. Is the 'speed of telepathy' faster than the speed of light?
Using zero point hypothesis as mentioned earlier in this thread telepathy is instantaneous.
Where it gets really spooky is that it is universally instantaneous and this is one of the reasons it is so hard to get predictability and usefulness from it....a virtually infinite amount of information is out there. [ mind blowing amount of information...]
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"Zero point" theory. Right. Nice, sciencetific sounding comment. Quantum this, quantum that.... the new age scene really likes all that quantum stuff. The rest of the world calls it pseudoscience as it is applied to nonsense like telepathy.
Awww, Skin, there's nothing wrong with pseudoscience.....shit even QM was pseudo at some stage.....and it certainly gives you somethin' to bitch about hey?
Wow. I just want to say, that I never imagined this thread would take off like this. Over 1000 posts? I'm really impressed! I just wanted a little input on my theory! Cool!

And now back to your regularly scheduled program.
I do believe we use all of our brains, and I do believe that when many people say we only use a small portion, this is a misunderstanding that results from an incorrect translation of a neuropsychological study done with electrode stimulation of the brain. The electrical stimulation of only that small portion (which some now say is all that we use) of the brain resulted in the observable physical (or spoken) response by the participant who allowed him or herself to be studied in this way. The rest of the brain--at least in the cortex--came to be known as "association areas".
I think we can also improve our brains, that our brains are a lot like our muscles in that, although we may be utilizing "all" of our brains (not necessarily all at once, however), we are not using them as efficiently as is possible.
I have a nagging belief that we could even improve our telepathic abilities, if such things even exist, although it seems that so far we have neither disproven nor proven their existence scientifically. But, if we do in fact possess telepathic potential, then an overall improvement of our minds--a kind regular brain calisthenics--would either nurture the seed of telepathic abilities to the point of recognizability or make a person's already apparent telepathic abilities more obvious, and therefore verifiable.
As to how to improve the brain overall, science has shown a couple of simple things. Exercise, when voluntary--not forced, as in military PT or grade school phys ed--increases the production of neurons. An enriched environment has also been shown to increase neuron production, and this would include visiting other countries, or engaging in new and unfamiliar social situations. Personally, I can ill afford the time and money for the second, but I have settled on a kind of combination of the two, I guess. I have found that swimming in cold water (exercise and a "changed" environment--perhaps "changed" is not the same as "enriched", but would like to think that my source of stimulation is a complete one) seems to improve my brain functions, although I have only today developed a sensible theory as to why. It may reduce inflammation that (perhaps) develops after intense mental activity, such as studying for a test or undertaking a demanding creative task, and thereby increase one's ability to tolerate more demands on the brain than one would be capable of otherwise.
I would also like to pose a question for anyone reading this, one that is very specific and personal and not all that related to what I have just written. Has anyone had the experience of pulling into a driveway to allow the car behind him or her to pass them and found that the car has just pulled into that same driveway behind them? I would like to know if my personal experience is unique or pretty common. I don't know what, if anything, either result would say about the previous topic (telepathy, or, more precisely, ESP), either.
yes. but more so other stuff. i am very aware of seeming to effect things....ome power going on. ie., inthis case with otther people

it often pisses me off. its like a Trckster thing going on. but very powerful.

i have of course wondered bout tis. i am seeing all reality interconnected. we usually are used to the idea of Dimenional reality, and ondt include consciousness,yes?
now, if you explore that consciousness is NOT a product of complex matte as materlistic indoctrination drills, but is always with matter energy, ie., it is how matter-energy feels. then tis meas that allthe objects, air, etc is alive----this offers insightminto sychronicity, and entities etc etc
The claim that there is 'no evidence' for the paranormal is rather absurd given that people have been reporting psychic experiences for thousands of years.

People like Uri Geller, Eusapia Palladino, Daniel Dunglas Home, and many others have demostrated that telepathy, psychokinesis, materialization (ectoplasm, 'spirits'), and many other paranormal powers exist. what we normally call 'psychic powers' are merely an extension of our ordinary mental faculties.

Just as our mind can act on our own brains and bodies, so it can also influence objects at a distance, for willpower is an actual force, a stream of subtle energies, and it affects the physical world from within, via the astral and ethereal planes. Objects within a distance of about 10 feet can also be moved by extruding an astral arm or leg. Evidence for this is provided by the phenomenon of 'pseudopods' -- ectoplasmic limbs or prolongations that were sometimes seen emanating from a medium's body

in poltergeist phenomanea when objects move without being touched, they tend to behave in very unusual ways; for example, they may move very slowly, stop or change direction in mid-flight, or strike with extremely weak impacts. Clearly, if the reality of such phenomena were accepted by official science, many tons of academic textbooks would become worthless overnight!
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Posted 1 Feb by Quantum Quack
shit even QM was pseudo at some stage
Porsted 12 Feb b y Ophiolite
That would be when exactly? Names, dates, journals, please.

Still interested in an answer.

c7ityi_, Home was and Geller is a fake. This has been clearly established. If you are basing your belief on the para normal on these charlatans, you are totally misguided.
Ophiolite said:
Posted 1 Feb by Quantum Quack
shit even QM was pseudo at some stage
Porsted 12 Feb b y Ophiolite
That would be when exactly? Names, dates, journals, please.

Still interested in an answer.
Nope, Ophiolite, you are quite right to get all defensive about this point. I was wrong to suggest or even imply that my comment was fact and not merely opinion.

In my opinion even Special Relativity theory is pseudo science if one believes it to be valid with out conditions and qualifiers.
As yet there is no absolute proof that light even travels..... so an entire field of physics is built on an unproven notion.
So in my opinion it is mere pseudo science or hypothesis yet to be proven adequately. [ but of course most will say that the nature of light has been proven - which of course creates the label of pseudo science]

Any way what I meant by my original comment was that any new branch of physics must go through the hypothesis stage and then on to the more concrete stages of research and experiment. So at some stage a theory whether it turns out to be successful or not must be held to be an abstract to begin with. Even AE must have had to get past the pseudo science complaint before having his work accepted by the mainstream.

So how is this any different to hypothesis about the physical or real nature of telepathy?

Just because something is damn difficult to predict doesn't invalidate it's reality. Shit humanity is damn hard to predict but does that lead to questions about it's reality or existence?

If predictability is essential to remove the pseudo label then that's the way it is, but let's not fool ourselves and say something doesn't exist just because we can't predict it.

Scientist observes blow-fly in flight.....can't predict it's it's movement doesn't exist....ha.

There is more than enough evidence to suggest that telepathy is a human pheno and also an animall pheno and that evidence suggests also that it is open to much speculation and imagination ...not to mention scams and fraud and there is also evidence to suggest that it is unpredictable to a major extent.

So we have evidence that it can not be predicted as much as we would like. Does this discount it's reality to a mere imagination? [ try telling that to a whole heap of people who have at some stage in their lives experienced telepathy. How many billion people do you think have had these types of experineces to some degree that are alive today . let's not forget all those who have lived yesterday and are going to live tomorrow]

I have suggested earlier a possible hypothesis of how telepathy can function physically, making analgies with particle entanglement. I see no reason to drop the hypothesis just because someone refuses to accept the evidence just because it can't be predicted upon.

So my meaning of the word pseudoscience is basically an unproven hypothesis held up as fact. I grant you that when someone holds up a hypothesis and claims it as "true" and fully proven when it hasn't been the label of pseudo science comes to the fore [such as SRT], and I have done no such thing, hence my comment directed at Skinwalker.

I look forward to your response as always
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Thank you for your very speedy response. I am working at present and then travelling for a few days, so I may take time to reply properly. I shall digest what you have said.
c7ityi_ said:
The claim that there is 'no evidence' for the paranormal is rather absurd given that people have been reporting psychic experiences for thousands of years.

People like Uri Geller, Eusapia Palladino, Daniel Dunglas Home, and many others have demostrated that telepathy, psychokinesis, materialization (ectoplasm, 'spirits'), and many other paranormal powers exist. what we normally call 'psychic powers' are merely an extension of our ordinary mental faculties.

Just as our mind can act on our own brains and bodies, so it can also influence objects at a distance, for willpower is an actual force, a stream of subtle energies, and it affects the physical world from within, via the astral and ethereal planes. Objects within a distance of about 10 feet can also be moved by extruding an astral arm or leg. Evidence for this is provided by the phenomenon of 'pseudopods' -- ectoplasmic limbs or prolongations that were sometimes seen emanating from a medium's body

in poltergeist phenomanea when objects move without being touched, they tend to behave in very unusual ways; for example, they may move very slowly, stop or change direction in mid-flight, or strike with extremely weak impacts. Clearly, if the reality of such phenomena were accepted by official science, many tons of academic textbooks would become worthless overnight!
I don't know if you were responding to my statement, or all of the previous statements in general, but I stated that there is no scientific evidence of telepathy--which is true. There have been no experiments using the scientific method that have resulted in a consensus among scientists that the experiments were reproducible and did not contain fatal flaws, in procedure, data collection, or analysis of the final data. It is certainly true that, in the past, new theories have won out over old. It is also true that experiments using the scientific method are not the only measure of a concept's validity. But we have the scientific method, and we have scientists, and we have the freedom to investigate and scrutinize and compare and decide for ourselves (scientist or not), so we should use these things to the utmost to study what we are interested in studying, be it 'conventional' science or paranormal science. It is also true, of course, that hearing testimonies or even witnessing an event are other clues to the deeper truth of reality. These are not our only means of understanding things not yet clearly understood. To rely on them alone would be like trying to rely on just one or two senses, when we have (usually) five (at least). It is good--great--to have an open mind, but that means one should be open to, or carefully consider, every point of view, even if there are numerous points of view that are contrary to your initial convictions. The believer should consider the skeptic's point of view and the skeptic should consider the believer's. The result should be a greater conviction, coupled with a more rounded base of arguments and evidence, no matter which side you end up on.