Developing Telepathy

Bebelina said:
Gastromancy a smelly form of divination, it must be hard on your nostrals though. :D

No actually its easy and fun; you learn to throw your voice so that it sounds like its coming from your stomach and use it to make predictions.

But I am practicing to throw my voice so that it sounds like its coming from someone else's stomach. Much more interesting, don't you think? I can tell them I am examining their entrails like old fashioned soothsayers and tell them their fortune/future.

I can be good at this; I know how to do lots of voices.
samcdkey said:
No actually its easy and fun; you learn to throw your voice so that it sounds like its coming from your stomach and use it to make predictions.

I wonder if that's how Muhammad started out?
samcdkey said:
I didn't know he made predictions.

Sure he did, he predicted he could take control of a group of people by pretending to talk to angels.

It worked too.
does anybody here watch "medium", its a television show on american TV. Good show
Muhammed-master of alien burping. ( it must be the probes that does it)

Yes, there's a whole medium-thread, Chatha.

Are you a ventriloquist, samcdkey?
I think telepathy is a natural phenomenon. If I recall correctly, the brain can actually be looked at as the sum total of its evolution, up to this point. In our brain are vestigial areas that developed long ago, going back to the first primordial soup. With all that electrical and chemical activity going on, whose to say that some areas don't misfire, and voila! You pick the right pony at the track.
I've had instances, flashes of insight, but it is never a stock tip or lotto numbers, but it is something, and it is very random.
Poppycock. Which areas of the brain do you think are vestigial? None that neuroscience has revealed. Moreover, what sort of "misfire" can result in an invisible and unmeasurable "energy" that can send/receive data to whom exactly?

"Flashes of insight" don't equate to "telepathy," these are simply evidence of the computing power of your brain: able to quickly analyze data; compare with past experiences; and predict outcomes based upon probabilities, risk, and desire. When our brain gets it right, we notice. When our "insights" fail, we discard them and never look back.

Now that's an evolutionary advantage, since it allows us to go on listening to "insights" in the future. Reacting to a "feeling" that a sabertooth cat is lurking nearby undoubtedly saved many a Pleistocene hominid's life. But these "feelings" arose from unconsciously recognizing the indicators of the environment: a shift in behavior of other animals; a scent; sudden silence of birds or insects; a barely audible bit of movement in the brush; etc.

Our "telepathy" is nothing but occasional educated guesses that get it right: the ones that don't get forgotten; the "right" guesses get attributed to everything from magic, to luck, to god, to guardian angels, to telepathic power. But its still just a set of guesses.
Hey maybe there are no real telepaths, but several hundred years from now we could apply that crazy ass "brain-machine interface" to nanobots. They would be an extension of our consciousness and we could pull off some of the crazy telekenetic stuff ya'll are talking about. No reading minds though. Too bad.
Semblance (7,152 posts) 07-17-06, 06:11 PM
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“ Originally Posted by samcdkey
I didn't know he made predictions. ”

Sure he did, he predicted he could take control of a group of people by pretending to talk to angels.

It worked too.

Hey just like all the other prophets!!! Jesus and abraham and whats his face and all that good stuff.
Lomion said:
I've got a hypothesis about how a regular person could develop telepathy. I know it's probably wrong, and I encourage compitent individuals to poke holes in, and totally shatter this theory. Seriously, I want to have a better idea of this.

I consider some forms of ESP valid. Telepathy being one of them. Considering that we use a tiny portion of our brain, it is possible that we all have the potential to work on a much higher mental level. Knowing that we can increase the power and flexibility of our bodies, this should (theoretically) carry through to our brains. If we were to gain enough information to reach our brain's limit, and we were to continue to push the limit like people do in their physical training, it is possible (over time) to open up a new section of our brains to pick up for what it currently cannot do. This could possibly open up areas involving telepathy.

There it is. Like I said, feel free to shoot it down.
Yes, the ‘we are only using a small piece of our brain’ argument has often been used to hypothesize everything from telepathy to the spirit.

If it makes you feel good, then it is probably valid.
Of course the mechanics of it will remain mysterious, making them all the more magical and us special.

I actually think the appendix is part of internal telepathic system. The antenna, if you will.
The signal comes out the anus and is perceived by the other through the olfactory cells.

It’s all quite complicated.
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francois said:
You shouldn't mock something you don't know anything about Satyr. It was funny though.
I don’t know anything about the Lochness monster but I can mock anyone that believes in it.
Actually, it is an urban legend that we only use a "tiny portion of our brains". We, in fact, use 100 percent of our brain, just as we do all our organs.

Psychic powers, if they are real, are not at all found in "unlocking abilities from unused portions of the brain".


How did you develop this projection talent of yours? I've always wanted to throw my voice.
Prince_James said:
Actually, it is an urban legend that we only use a "tiny portion of our brains". We, in fact, use 100 percent of our brain, just as we do all our organs.

Psychic powers, if they are real, are not at all found in "unlocking abilities from unused portions of the brain".


How did you develop this projection talent of yours? I've always wanted to throw my voice.
Do say, sir.

That doesn’t feel right.
Are you saying that nature is not superfluous and that organs atrophy if they are not used?
Blasphemy, sir!!!!

These children need something to make their existence meaningful and hopeful and you shamelessly destroy it all…with….with…logic.!!!

How dare you?!!!!!