Developing Telepathy

Quantum Quack said:
The burden of evidential criteria is really heavy on this issue. Arguing that it should not be so heavy will achieve very little. This is the nature of the scientific method.
I think Albert Einstien once said: "My theories may be supported by hundreds of experiments but it will only take one to prove them wrong"
happeh considers science a fraud, all scientists are liars

happeh please note he qoute from einstein
Crunchy Cat said:
Hopefully only one if the expriment is done right.

Sometimes we have to temper morals and ethics with risk and permission. To some it may sound repulsive and to others it may not.

I could be sad i lah lah land too and don't forget there are alot of positive consequences that could come out of this (maybe not for me :)).

Given the success rate of existing proofs I would assert that this may not be the case. Of course as we discussed in our PM, if the results of the violation experiment could take up to a decade then it's not a great candidate at this point (which is pretty much the sole reason I'm not pursuing it further).
No I think you have misread this bit:
Of course as we discussed in our PM, if the results of the violation experiment could take up to a decade then it's not a great candidate at this point (which is pretty much the sole reason I'm not pursuing it further).

The issue is about "uncontainability"

For example:
Say I induce a serious SD violation that you react to. Say we prove to you that telepathy is real. Say 5 years later you go all strange and murder a family including 4 children. Say this could have been potentially caused by our little experiment and how the SD violation has effected you.
Now ask the family of the family murdered whether they want to be a part of this little experiment.
The thing is until it can be contained I will not even spend a minute on attempting to create a SD violation, not just for your sake but for tha sake of all you would affect.

I have seen first hand what a SD violation [ Self Determination violation ] can do to a person and I can tell you it ain't nice. [ It could be argued that our psychiatric wards are full of SD violated persons.]

A good example in the real world is the USA foriegn policies and how they effect the global community. The events in Iraq and those that occurred in Vietnam are a good indicator of what SD violations can generate.

So I do not think it wise to add to the problem by focusing on creating such a negative potential. [ I think we have more than enough of it as it is]
Quantum Quack said:
No I think you have misread this bit:

The issue is about "uncontainability"

For example:
Say I induce a serious SD violation that you react to. Say we prove to you that telepathy is real. Say 5 years later you go all strange and murder a family including 4 children. Say this could have been potentially caused by our little experiment and how the SD violation has effected you.
Now ask the family of the family murdered whether they want to be a part of this little experiment.
The thing is until it can be contained I will not even spend a minute on attempting to create a SD violation, not just for your sake but for tha sake of all you would affect.

I have seen first hand what a SD violation [ Self Determination violation ] can do to a person and I can tell you it ain't nice. [ It could be argued that our psychiatric wards are full of SD violated persons.]

A good example in the real world is the USA foriegn policies and how they effect the global community. The events in Iraq and those that occurred in Vietnam are a good indicator of what SD violations can generate.

So I do not think it wise to add to the problem by focusing on creating such a negative potential. [ I think we have more than enough of it as it is]

Ahh, thanks for the clarification. If there were some way to contain the effects of an SD violation to the willing target individual would you still be against it?

Crunchy Cat said:
Ahh, thanks for the clarification. If there were some way to contain the effects of an SD violation to the willing target individual would you still be against it?

I am of the opinion that the SD violantions we are speaking of are uneceassary. It is true that all communications whether telepathic or conventional involve SD violations to some small extent so this is not a problem, however if such communications provoked excessive instability then the ramifications can be profound and I would not attempt such a thing.
It all comes down to the degree of violations and the targets reaction to them.

For example I know of people who voluntarilly act as conduits for other sentiences. They practice what is commonly referred to as Auto Speak, where by they drop all violition and allow the entity they wish to speak using their own voice.
Now when studying these persons over time one can see that their personalities are affected by a sort of residual effect in that the personality they have invited to use their voice to commune with leaves a lasting impression and re-emmerges in a seemingly random way. The persons I have observed all have evolved to suffer from some dis-function in their normal day to day lives. [ inability to concentrate, unemployable, volatile and precarious in mood and attitude. including ultra-defensive and obsessive behaviours]

In some circles this is referred to as acting as a medium for "spirits" and such , which I might add I have been and still are dubious as to whether "spirit" is the right word.
The problem for the medium is not so much doing the act but being able to control it enough to switch it off when wanted.

This is similar to what would be involved with any telepathic test. In that the target acquires a knowledge and experience [and obsession] that drives that person on to further discovery and in a lot of cases hospital. It is actually containing the subconscious ambitions of the target that is the greatest problem. Curiocity kills the cat so to speak, even if he is a "Crunchy Cat" at that. ha....
SD violations have one effect in common and that is it exagerates intolerance within a person and those he confornts to the point of irrationality [ anger ] inspired primarilly by paranoia [ a sense of involuntary possession, ie. being possessed]
[ sounds very similar to the symptoms of Schizophrenia yes?]

So if we stick to the hypothesis that our psych wards are occupied by persons suffering the trauma of SD violations we can see that the issue of proving telepathy is no small thing, in fact to do it and do it safely is hugely difficult with wide spread ramifications.

I do feel though that there will come a time when this is not a problem and telepathy will eventually be proved in a way that is tenable, predictable and by all accounts reasonably safe. [And our psych wards will be emptied]
I also feel that this time is not that far away.

It is worth considering that the telepathy that is shown in so many sc-fi flicks does not indicate the real nature of it. In fact I have yet to see or read anything that remotely suggests the reality of what being a fully operational telepath actually entails. [ edit: As I have come to know of it]
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Whenever you decide to trust your own eyes and judgement, instead of waiting for authority to give you permission of what to believe, you can look at this.

This photo demonstrates energy and what can be called possession

Maybe if I close my eyes for a few minutes, this guy trying to show me what I say I want will go away. After he does, I can get back to my real goal. Talking about the subject. I don't care if it is real one way or the other. I just want to write 10 paragraph posts arguing one side or the other. I want social contact. Not the answer to question.
I don't care if it is real one way or the other. I just want to write 10 paragraph posts arguing one side or the other. I want social contact. Not the answer to question.

That was already well understood, no need to state the obvious.

So, don't appear aghast when others disagree with you.
Happeh said:
Bottom line is I like to talk.

Happeh said:
...I can get back to my real goal. Talking about the subject. ...

If the second remark is intended as sarcasm (as it appears to be) then you've contradicted yourself (again I might add). If not and it's just a self-reinforcing observation then no need to state what everyone already knows.
Happeh said:
Whenever you decide to trust your own eyes and judgement, instead of waiting for authority to give you permission of what to believe, you can look at this.

This photo demonstrates energy and what can be called possession


Not sure why that authority complex keeps popping up... it seems to be another 'belief' of yours. Mind providing evidence that it applies to 'non-believers'?

Meanwhile, I agree. The photo shows evidence of the following forms of energy. Heat, light, electrical, chemical, and sound. If it demonstrates something called 'posession' then you're going to have to explicitly define what that word means.
Crunchy Cat said:
If it demonstrates something called 'posession' then you're going to have to explicitly define what that word means.
The big guy at the back with the glasses possesses a truly dumb expression.
I think you are half right. Condy is saying 'my breasts are quite small' (demonstrating with her hands). The guy on the right is saying 'Heh. I like them really big, like this.' (Doing likewise.) Our target weirdo, who is a man, but does not want to be, is thinking. 'Mine are even bigger than that, but they are at home right now, in a cupboard.'
The little guy is thinking 'I should have taken that crash course in English. Nobody here speaks a word of Korean.'
This is my first post here, and I don't ususally post anywhere, so forgive me if my style is lacking. I hope that the content won't be.

I have had 4 telepathic encounters in my life. One at the age of 4 and it was with Charles Manson. I hardly remember it at all. One in 1996 with Jenna Jameson. I was manic (I am bipolar) and we spoke for hours, then she was gone. One night with a friend whom I had moved away from, and the last time was with Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton. We talked most of the evening. (I may have been manic then as well) That was in November of 2004.

After that, beginning in February of 2005, I have had daily telepathic encounters. In February, if I am to believe the people who are speaking to me (and claim to be Indians), I was on a visionquest. I believe it to be true. After the visionquest was over (in March), I lost all telepathic ability for 4 months, until August. I even forgot that I had possessed the ability to speak with others. Until one day, I was looking on Alanis Morrisettes' website, and she mentioned 'speaking telepathically' with her fans. It intrigued me, so I tried to contact her telepathically.

Here's where the story gets weird. I tried contacting her, and instead got Jesus on the line. The next few weeks and months consisted of me talking to people in Heaven and on Earth, even to 'Gods'. It was all very paranormal. There were conspiracies involving the NSA, the KGB, etc, etc and I didnt know what to believe because the story changed daily. Come to find out, as far as I know today, I am the subject of an experiment from the US (dunno what agency) regarding synthetic telepathy, delusion-inducing, and God-only-knows what else. I guess they are just going to drop me when they're finished, and never say anything to me about what happened.

By the way, I am on anti-psychotics and lithium right now, and have been for well over a year. I take them regularly. I'm not crazy.

Thanks for listening.
I am bipolar... I am on anti-psychotics and lithium right now...

Hence the reason for the so-called telepathic encounters, don't ya think?
shroom29 said:
By the way, I am on anti-psychotics and lithium right now, and have been for well over a year. I take them regularly. I'm not crazy.

Thanks for listening.

I will never understand British humor. Invent 4 or 5 paragraphs of total lies to waste another person's time.

Why is that funny? Can a British person help out here?
Invent 4 or 5 paragraphs of total lies to waste another person's time.

As opposed to several dozen pages from you? Seems like a drop in the bucket.
Happeh - no lies here. Also, I'm not British.

So far there's nothing resembling commentary on the actual content of my post. I had hoped for some type of discussion about synthetic telepathy with someone else who had experienced it, and if after the 'experiment' was over, did they retain telepathy?

it is a shame, even in a parapsychology forum parapsychology cannot be truely explored. there are people here who have experience of abnormal psychological phenomena such as you mention but it is unlikely to be discussed openly because of the attitudes of other members.