Developing Telepathy

Happeh said:
I will never understand British humor. Invent 4 or 5 paragraphs of total lies to waste another person's time.

Why is that funny? Can a British person help out here?

No humor here Happeh, this is the real thing... another 'believer'. If you were rolling your eyes then maybe you had a critical thought :eek:
shroom29 said:
Happeh - no lies here. Also, I'm not British.

So far there's nothing resembling commentary on the actual content of my post. I had hoped for some type of discussion about synthetic telepathy with someone else who had experienced it, and if after the 'experiment' was over, did they retain telepathy?
uh oh, synthetic telepathy hmmm, this could be very interesting.
just exactly what do you mean by "synthetic"?
leopold99 said:
uh oh, synthetic telepathy hmmm, this could be very interesting.
just exactly what do you mean by "synthetic"?

Synthetic Telepathy is just what it sounds like; Telepathy which is operated and controlled by machines. Apparently, it has been around in one form or another since the 70's when the British used mind control weapons in Ireland. If they snagged me with it - a regular guy - then they could theoretically get anyone. Anyway, with it, they can do all sorts of things like keep someone from urinating, they can clone emotions and replay them back, and they can harass someone to no end. Read more with the google search.
from the search:
These are the laser equivalent of microwave beams. These MASER beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read peoples' minds from a distance. Electronic scanning of victims' brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples' brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim's subvocalised thoughts.

is something like this possible?
i am familiar with haarp technology but i didn't think it could be used for synthetic telepathy.
the gwen that is mentioned is for ulf (ultra low frequencies) associated with submarine communication.
So far there's nothing resembling commentary on the actual content of my post.

Do you wish to discuss your bipolar or psychotic behaviour?
(Q) said:
So far there's nothing resembling commentary on the actual content of my post.

Do you wish to discuss your bipolar or psychotic behaviour?

Of your 5,000+ posts, how many actually contain substance? Also: I have bipolar disorder, yes. Would you make fun of someone with MS or Parkinsons? You probably would.
Of your 5,000+ posts, how many actually contain substance?

All of them, what's your point?

Also: I have bipolar disorder, yes. Would you make fun of someone with MS or Parkinsons? You probably would.

No one is making fun of you, so there is no need to be paranoid. You have bipolar and psychotic behaviour, you said so yourself. Since telepathy has never been shown to exist, then these must be the causes of your so-called experiences that you have mistakenly assumed to be telepathy.

So, based on that, I asked you if you wanted to discuss your disorders.

What's the problem?
I am neither manic nor psychotic at this time. The telepathy is still active. Just because you have no evidence of telepathy existing does not mean that it doesn't exist. Your response to telepathy is like an ostritch sticking his head in the ground to hide from a predator - You don't see it so it's not there.
shroom29 said:
Of your 5,000+ posts, how many actually contain substance? Also: I have bipolar disorder, yes. Would you make fun of someone with MS or Parkinsons? You probably would.

Don't talk to him. He will refuse to take responsibility for his words. He will use every opportunity to attack you. He will take every post you make and use it to attack you.

This man went searching around the internet to find dirt on me. He is scum. Be careful.
I am neither manic nor psychotic at this time.

Then why the need for anti-psychotics and lithium?

The telepathy is still active.

No, the disorders are still active, perhaps the meds aren't working.

Just because you have no evidence of telepathy existing does not mean that it doesn't exist.

Correction. No one anywhere at anytime had evidence of telepathy existing.

Your response to telepathy is like an ostritch sticking his head in the ground to hide from a predator - You don't see it so it's not there.

In other words, if its not there, then its not there. Precisely.

So, do you want to discuss your disorders and how they are causing your telepathic delusions?
This man went searching around the internet to find dirt on me. He is scum. Be careful.

Please note that Happeh admits he has "dirt" on the internet. Be careful. hehe
I didn't even search for dirt on Happeh - I encountered him on another forum before he migrated here...
shroom, if you could ever meet in real life one of those people you said you spoke to telepathically, and they agreed on the experience - that would be strong evidence. Without that ... there could be other causes.

Would you say that Happeh has become more insane/paranoid/deluded since then?
Zephyr said:
shroom, if you could ever meet in real life one of those people you said you spoke to telepathically, and they agreed on the experience - that would be strong evidence. Without that ... there could be other causes.

I agree wholeheartedly Zephyr.
It's not dirt so much as similar theories to those posted here.

As to where - PMed you.