Developing Telepathy

duendy said:
heh...well i dont agree with that. i have heard more than one case where the danger and/or even death of a loved one HAS telepathically communicated itself to another

as we know. danger and death involve extremely strong emotions
well how about that, me and duendy agree on something
and you are right, i have a video that proves it
(Q) said:
Happeh clearly dazed:

This is the problem with you guys. You refuse to acknowledge reality.

Didn't you ever watch Star Trek?

Oh no! You mean Captain James Kirk ISN'T William Shatner?

duendy said:
i understand that, but aren't you aware of many of the responses to people both here, and mentioned from other researches into extraordinary pheomena, have been called 'crackpot' 'woo woo', and mentally ill, nd liars, etc. this reaction is commensurate with te reactions of the mental health movement against pople who behave in ways deemed unacceptable by the tenets of the mental health regime

THEIR'evidence' is to call that behaviour, which will include confessions of 'paranormal experience' biological illness. This judgement is a result of the materialistic ideology which clims all is mater, and thus experiences which are subjectively significant are seen to be an illness

This assertion is very generic and I can think of many exceptions. If there is some assertion of mental illness that is thought to be incorrect then it might be a good topic for a seperate thread.

duendy said:
What then do you FEEl and think about people who report exceptional experiences, if not 'mentally ill'. what are they doing in your opinion?

It has to be taken on a case by case basis. I have seen a trend of people whom have natural hypnogogic hallucainations not being able to recognize them for what they are. The experience is typically quite exceptional and it's just as natural as dreaming (another form of hallcination consequently).
Crunchy Cat said:
There was more than one word in the group that contradicted the asserton. Tetsusiaga was just one of them. The point was that a claim was made and I showed evidence that contradicted the claim. You always had the option to remodel it and instead chose to express frustration. Bottom line is that people on this forum are going to hold you accountable to your message.

Bottom line is I like to talk. Not play guessing games trying to understand what someone is saying.
SkinWalker said:
They are frauds.

So skin. You are posting these studies and acting the superior white man bit.

Why do you believe that you are right, and the entire rest of the world is incorrect in believing that telepathy exists?

Is it because you are a superior white man and they are ignorant brown and yellow savages?

What is it that makes you think it is reasonable to throw out the claims of just about every other culture on earth besides USA culture? USA superiority?
Happeh said:
So skin. You are posting these studies and acting the superior white man bit.

Why do you believe that you are right, and the entire rest of the world is incorrect in believing that telepathy exists?

WOW!! The entire rest of the world?!?!??!!

Now you're being so stupid as claiming that every single citizen of England, France, Spain, Brazil, Iceland - (well you get the idea) ALL believe in telepathy??

So now the wheel comes full circle, dummy. Where is your proof of this - or is it something you just made up on the spot?????
First, I'm more Navajo than European (hence the screen name skinwalker). Second, I go with the evidence. The evidence is in the citations I gave. Those that live in the fantasy of nonsense like 'telepathy' or 'remote viewing' offer no viable evidence. They only say, "I believe, therefore its true."

Moreover, your basic assumptions about people have been demonstrated to me to be completely incorrect. Therefore, it follows that if your intuition about those with whom you interact here can be so completely wrong, then it is probable that you have limited ability to discern truth from fantasy to begin with. I base this observation on several assumptions you've made about me throughout this thread: that I drive an SUV; that I subscribe to right-wing politics; that I'm white; etc. In fact, I'm an anthropologist.

So the question is are you making these assumptions because you think yourself a bright person who is naturally intuitive of other people, or are you simply making feeble attempts at derision with pejorative comments, accusing your opponents of being "superior," "white," oppressive, and uncaring of the world in general? Do you really think it follows that refusing to accept the wild fantasy of 'telepathy,' a feat never demonstrated in the history of man, equates to being a fascist and an enemy of humanity?

Either position is pathetic.

Just to be clear, I've no belief that anything I post here will change your mind. I only refute a bit of nonsense here and there because sciforums is heavily googled and the manure of fantasy needs the shovel of reality from time to time.

If you cannot demonstrate in a controlled and reproducible experiment that 'telepathy' exists and can be 'developed,' and you claim it exists, then you are either a liar or deluded. Regardless of what the rest of the world believes. But while "rest of the world" is a hyperbole you will have no hope of demonstrating quantitatively, it is ironic that it is more probable that you can show this than 'telepathy' actually exists.
Happeh said:
Bottom line is I like to talk. Not play guessing games trying to understand what someone is saying.

Either assertion is irrelevant to the topic of 'telepathy' and 'spiritual energy'. I'll ask for the nth time again... EVIDENCE please?
some never learn, even when presented with overwhelming evidence.
the fact that unaided telepathy has never been duplicated in a lab is enough for me.

what would be of more intrest to me is "aided" or "synthetic" telepathy.
that is what this thread, in my opinion, is supposed to be about.

stryder mentioned something along those lines earlier
something about "non lethal weapons"

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light said:
Now you're being so stupid as claiming that every single citizen of England, France, Spain, Brazil, Iceland - (well you get the idea) ALL believe in telepathy??
remember your preposterous claim? the millions to one statistic, which where based on nothing more objective than your own feelings.

So now the wheel comes full circle, dummy. Where is your proof of this - or is it something you just made up on the spot?????
and what happened when i put this question to you? words to the affect of "i have years of experience of working with people so my beliefs dont need supporting evidence"
ellion said:
remember your preposterous claim? the millions to one statistic, which where based on nothing more objective than your own feelings.

and what happened when i put this question to you? words to the affect of "i have years of experience of working with people so my beliefs dont need supporting evidence"
My statement was simply a generalization. Yours, however was a gross generalization that no one could accept.
you try to pin other people to the wall and when someone else does it to you.
you come off with what you just said.
no, i answered one of your questions before and all you where concerned about was my grammar, totally ignoring the answer which was completely lucid.

light has also showed aversion to my questions more than once.
and i told you that you misunderstood.

the question was:
if you had a telepathic experience then why don't you believe in telepathy?
Crunchy Cat said:
This assertion is very generic and I can think of many exceptions. If there is some assertion of mental illness that is thought to be incorrect then it might be a good topic for a seperate thread.

me))))))))its already been happening CC. the thread is in human sciences.......forgot title fo now. but believe it. there is no scientific proof whatsoever that mental illness is organic illness...........When this sinks in. we are left wit BEHAVIOUR not deemed acceptable. wht is this behaviour reflecting. tio really answer these questions on a REAl level meanswe have to question the very mindset we are in, right? the paradigm. and tis will be very significant for the whole paranormal etc debate

It has to be taken on a case by case basis. I have seen a trend of people whom have natural hypnogogic hallucainations not being able to recognize them for what they are. The experience is typically quite exceptional and it's just as natural as dreaming (another form of hallcination consequently).

so what are you claiming? don't yo see that if it is seen the mental illness belief in being biological disease is a scam, then your idagnoses about someon's experience being 'not right' is wrong

admittedly this is complex. i am not trying to say that,example, a 'psychotic break' is THE same as an abduction experience. but BOTH experiences ARE significant

the bottom line is tis. mscience does NOT understand consciousness, yet obviously use it to pooo poo peoples claims of experiences it dos NOT understand. a farce